I definitely think he should be classified as one.I'm really sick of getting an Abathur in the game when we've already got two supports (QM). No ability to lane and it all goes downhill from there.
I definitely think he should be classified as one.I'm really sick of getting an Abathur in the game when we've already got two supports (QM). No ability to lane and it all goes downhill from there.
y u no login 2 ply wif me Miley
oh and wow, Nick is in the SEL league. But you guise sed he wuz turrible!!1one!
EDIT: Watching this SEL with Dreadnaught shotcalling is entertaining as shit.
Wait is he playing against his teammate?
y u no login 2 ply wif me Miley
oh and wow, Nick is in the SEL league. But you guise sed he wuz turrible!!1one!
EDIT: Watching this SEL with Dreadnaught shotcalling is entertaining as shit.
no avatar buddies!
*high fives milly*
SEL probably just saved HOTS streaming. Low-stress quasi-scrims are great.
Finally the rank one has come back to my smurf account. Not without a weird bug doe:
It said I had 0 points to next rank. I was freaking out, but...
Feels good man. I had bonus all the way up to rank 1 this time which made it a little easier than last. My MMR had also climbed as well though.
EDIT: Double postarino. I ain't apologizin'!
Da real fuq is your most HL wins are with Zera? I have literally never seen you play him. Congratumalations!
How's the new HL for you?
Proto deserved to be BM'd after that horrific showing. Stop playing Rehgar, lol.
We only played 4 or 5 games today...KingCaff's buddy BM'd Proto in tells after the game ROFL. Seemed like swell guys /s
Well, it's official. I'm a rank 10 scrub...for now.
are they even the actual guys tho?
damn straight fucking pros. What does that even mean? if they were good they'd play dota.
why is it when i only got taime for 2 games they both have to be haunted mines. WHY is that garbage map still in the game? ffs
TS NickHOTS >>>> TS Dreadnaught, apparently.
Can TS ZPs claim the title?
who of all characters in heroes requires you to last hit minions?
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Well, it's official. I'm a rank 10 scrub...for now.
Is there a noticeable difference in match quality now? I basically only ever solo Q'd HL so I don't expect to notice a difference.
I still haven't done placement matches.
Is there a noticeable difference in match quality now? I basically only ever solo Q'd HL so I don't expect to notice a difference.
I still haven't done placement matches.
Is there a noticeable difference in match quality now? I basically only ever solo Q'd HL so I don't expect to notice a difference.
Man quas would demolish in hots
You'll be fine, I got placed at 9 after the 20 matches and managed to get back to Rank 1 last night.
The most noticeable difference since the HL queueing change in the Rexxar patch is that most of the Rank 1 people on my friends list have moved to Team League or Quick Match instead of HL. This might explain why there are now so many new people in ~3k mmr hero league games in the last week![]()
My placement matches were a mixed bag but the overall feel I got was that the matchmaker really didn't do a good job ensuring close games. They were stomp or be stomped :|
Isnt it still the preseason right now?