SEL league streaming on Dreadnaught's stream again.
Also on Arthelon's stream and Blinks (Complexity).
Also on Arthelon's stream and Blinks (Complexity).
Let the studies begin!
Sonya apparently just got banned out in the Enter the Storm tournament in the NaVi vs ATN match.
Last night I did 3 solo games. 2 were stompy-ish on my side vs teams that were either bad or just didn't understand how to deal with Hammer on BoE, and 1 was a stomp on us because we had a Kael'Thas that died about 5s into any engagement because he'd just run in there.
Ok now the avatars are getting to me.Let the studies begin!
the coms are SO good in this dread stream of SEL.
Like communicating that the heal is coming and you should stay and fight even though inside you know your dead. but then the heal comes like he said and you win and they die. so good.
and then he mutes his skype and tells the stream why it was good or why it was bad.
what jake and ESL and all them need to do is a get a pro player to do some co casting as an analyst to explain the whys in the down time.
Yeah absolutely, i think they do a good job w/ their knowledge pool and experience but an insider who had a bit of charisma (maybe someone who doesnt make it to the big tourney) would really elevate things
I've liked them on OGN, even if they're not the most knowledgable, and I definitely prefer them to some of the alternatives.Instead we are getting Tastosis again. More hype, but even less knowledge than what we already have.
that one eu guy that i caught casting once wasnt bad i think his name was like breazy or something
i might be doing something fucked up where I thought the guy had some vague eu accent so I assumed he was european
fuck my bad he's from singapore his name is babael
very ashamed
Ah racist comments, screw those guys if I made the mistake of talking in spanish with a friend in a match
59 stacks, focused attacks, giant killer and executioner? What tanks?
I just bought the Dire Wolf and the Butcher Mount...
I'm a complete fucking moron.
Edit: on a positive note, I (finally) have all the mounts in the game. Sheesh.
Edit 2: fuck it, bought some random bundle, and Rehgar and his stupid skin.
GJ Yoshi
Edit 2: fuck it, bought some random bundle, and Rehgar and his stupid skin.
Yep, got it! It's so unbelievably good with some characters!You got the Nexus Charger from last Blizzcon too? Welcome to the elite fleet club. We sit in the back by ourselves in shame.
But at that point, the character is level 10What's the point when his master skin is the definite version?
You got the Nexus Charger from last Blizzcon too? Welcome to the elite fleet club. We sit in the back by ourselves in shame.
You got the Nexus Charger from last Blizzcon too? Welcome to the elite fleet club. We sit in the back by ourselves in shame.
Is that the digital looking horse? If so...I'm jelly
You got the Nexus Charger from last Blizzcon too? Welcome to the elite fleet club. We sit in the back by ourselves in shame.
Yup, and it could be yours too! For the low, low price of $569.97 CAD.
Ketch said:Yea he's definitely not a tank. More bruiser or specialist.
Positioning is definetly the hardest part of playing Rexar. You want your bear to be hitting stuff but you need to be out of range.
I've been shit on by zeras and I've also shit on zeras. Positioning is important but You can also deal with him by keeping misha in follow mode until he jumps you and then stunning him or of course hitting him with flare. But if he's good your kinda screwed. Feign death and hardened shield are also good vs zeratul.
How have people not sold that en masse?
Yeah it's cool but not I could buy every single hero if I sold this and still have surplus cash.
I just feel like I'm playing Kael'thas, sweating my position and worrying where Zeratul is (or isn't), only without any of the awesome damage as payoff.
Yup, and it could be yours too! For the low, low price of $569.97 CAD.
Yea. Totally agree. But I think the bear stun and even damage in the late game is pretty good tho.
I really really like this hero. I like that there's this learning curve to him... It just kind of sucks that the depth is only there because the control system is so wonky.
Bowder confirmed medic comes next
Bowder confirmed medic comes next