I think most people would like them to change the model away from heal bots and into supports in the Dota / LoL style of character. However, I think the odds of that happening are extremely low - it would require a massive rework across a huge number of characters, including full scale kit redesign for heroes like Uther and Rehghar. With that in mind, I'd rather we pushed for a realistic goal (nerf the living **** out of them) than leave the game in its current state.
Tyrande is just...man. First pick material, all the time, every time. You can run her as solo healer, you can run her as pure damage with sustain, or anything in between. Her mark is *such* a game changer - it turns tanks into putty and punishes them in a unique and powerful way. Combine that Mark with the rest of her pretty amazing kit and it's a recipe for disaster.
It's looking less and less likely we get Lunara tomorrow.
Yeah, Dustin said there were no dates on them today.
idk I like the healbot aspect of it. I don't really think dota style supports fit hots because supports in dota aren't always healers/sustainability heroes but ones whose spells early game are stronger than other heroes early game spells because spells don't scale per hero level like they do in hots. Hots is too fast paces for dota style supports which kind of fit the assassin role as weird as that sounds. Supports have higher early game burst/stuns and go around getting kills and stunning/utility movement/giving vision in the mid-late game.
Anyone watch C9 vs estar gaming?
Apparently they keep picking Zeratul for some reason.
I didnt watch the games but i saw in the reddit thread that they were picking it into solo support tyrande which makes sense
Yah id like to hear what they were thinking, i just noticed that tyrande wasnt picked in the first zera game anyway so im pretty curious
Why do we exactly need a patch? We just had a huge one. I swear give it 4 days, maybe a week after a patch/hero release and people start clamoring for the next.
Here you go, Turd:
Considering there were balance changes in the last patch, wouldn't that put it at 6 weeks for the next one? I'll eat crow if we get new balance alongside Lunara, but I doubt it.
You're not wrong, in that we usually get the balance changes in the bigger patch (the 4 week one, rather than the 3 week one). But if I recall, we got those Morales buffs at a weird time, when we weren't expecting them, so I think that has changed some peoples' assumptions and expectations.
Because hes super thin skinned and cant laugh off trolling.I'm confused. Why is a caster casting something on a non-official stream off their own channel and interacting with chat a problem? That shit is like half the fun of those kinds of streams. In DotA Beyond The Summit basically built their casting studio off that kind of stuff where the casters would read stuff from chat, ask for chat spams, and ask chat for an opinion and read it. If Khaldor is just casting something on his channel what's wrong with him reading chat and making fun of the dumb shit people say? It's entertaining imo.
Because hes super thin skinned and cant laugh off trolling.
Reworks aside, it still happens every time we get a new patch. I for one am happy the rate at which things come. Coming from SWTOR where the updates were very few and far between. Not sure how other games handle it, but I guess it's just the world we live in now (we want more).
Fuck Blizzard for matching me (as Abathur) in a Quick Match solo queue with a Cho'Gall on the Cursed Hallow with the opposing team having 5 players (Rexxar, Tyrande, Brightwing, Kael, and Kerrigan). Our other heroes were Zeratul and Malfurion.
That was some bullshit.
I would never QM as Abathur, as much as I love him. It's suicide with the way quick match works nowadays.
I QM as Abathur all the time. I have a really high win-rate as him in solo queue QM.
Well don't complain about the matchmaker then! ;-)
Lunara will not be joining us tomorrow, but we have other surprises coming to the Nexus!
wait can you not gift skins?
My friend and I play hots together and we wanna buy eachother skins as presents
hopped into a Hero League match. Team rolls 3 warriors. Guess it was to troll enemy Nova more than anything. I didnt really think we'd have a chance. We were getting stomped at the beginning too but came back and won it
I give up. I have no idea how team comps really work in this game. But I do have a sense of how to counterpick a tiny bit
I'm confused. Why is a caster casting something on a non-official stream off their own channel and interacting with chat a problem? That shit is like half the fun of those kinds of streams. In DotA Beyond The Summit basically built their casting studio off that kind of stuff where the casters would read stuff from chat, ask for chat spams, and ask chat for an opinion and read it. If Khaldor is just casting something on his channel what's wrong with him reading chat and making fun of the dumb shit people say? It's entertaining imo.
Turdburger killed chat interaction forever for Khaldor. Turdburger streamer bully?
Would you say he's an EPIC clown?i'm sure this will last like 2 weeks and khaldor will be back to what he was doing before. He said a million times in SC2 that he was guna stop doing X and then a few weeks later he was back doing X
I have not really seen enough hots e-sports stuff to know what makes a good/bad caster. I think Khaldors more funny in a clowny unaware sort of way more than I think he's a good caster.