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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Yep, cause you're also getting the extra EXP from friending.

I don't think anyone who is bothering to make some smurfs and playing against people at the 1700 level is too worried about improving at the game as most everyone they play will either also be smurfs of wildly varying MMRs or actually new. There's not much you can improve when you have a year of game experience playing absolutely green players.

If anything, in the case of folks like Milly who are far higher MMR, when they enter QM they are making everyone else's games worse by being a 3k + player in games made for people with half of that MMR.

Basically every game feels like you're playing AI mode, except with the added frustration of toxicity, player's general newness/cluelessness, and the all too frequent disconnects/quitting that occurs in the new player range. You can't ping 1600 MMR Thrall and Hammer + the two others to follow you to protect anything or to end the game. Well, you can ping for them to, but the results vary. In AI you can make them. Sure Milly can carry pretty well in HOTS at that skill level, but he has to contend with all the other shit too.

I'm not saying AI is for everyone, but it's definitely the path of least resistance to getting this done quickly. There's no BS and no queue times to contend with.

The grind is mindless either way you do it. The AI method just makes it truly automated so you don't have to deal with herding the cats.

It is several orders of magnitude more fun to style on pubs than it is to style on computers.


To each his own.

When those pubs are constantly shit talking everyone on the team while they have zero clue, feeding because they have zero clue, and disconnects are occurring in a lot of the games...that's not very fun to me.

I've smurfed a shitton in this game. New account level MMR is the best and worst thing in the world if you have any know how with the game. If I'm trying to straight line and level up quickly I'd rather do it by the path of least resistance with the method that will cause me the least amount of grief.


To each his own.

When those pubs are constantly shit talking everyone on the team while they have zero clue, feeding because they have zero clue, and disconnects are occurring in a lot of the games...that's not very fun to me.

I've smurfed a shitton in this game. New account level MMR is the best and worst thing in the world if you have any know how with the game. If I'm trying to straight line and level up quickly I'd rather do it by the path of least resistance with the method that will cause me the least amount of grief.

You're supposed to play in a five stack hth.


man u guys gonna hate this game if you grind a bunch of smurfs for that new mount. Yeah it looks cool but in the end its just a mount.

I feel sorry for all the new players that will get blown away by these smurf accounts. This whole refer-a-friend thing might harm the game in the long run :(

I pray im dead wrong and I have 0% clue what I'm talking bout tho


Neo Member
Yep, they don't seem to have even taken a question on it. I suspect there's a marketing reason behind this - in the same way there are people who always play the healer role in MMOs, I wonder if their data shows there's a part of the player base that enjoys playing the heal bot role, and doesn't want the pressure that a more active, play-maker support role would bring.

Some people love heroes like Medic and Lili, it might be that Blizzard judge the value of that a lot higher than we do.
The problem, I think, is less to do with how we're valuing that role and more to do with the game's mechanics revolving around it to the extent it does or at least seems to.

If they just wanted a lili or medic hero for the player who wanted to healbot that'd be one thing. But they've structured the game to hinge on healbots so much that a team either needs one to be competitive or feels like they do to such an extent that all hell breaks loose if someone doesn't choose one. So it's really altered the dynamic of what a support role can or does and not necessarily in a good way from my perspective.
To each his own.

When those pubs are constantly shit talking everyone on the team while they have zero clue, feeding because they have zero clue, and disconnects are occurring in a lot of the games...that's not very fun to me.

I've smurfed a shitton in this game. New account level MMR is the best and worst thing in the world if you have any know how with the game. If I'm trying to straight line and level up quickly I'd rather do it by the path of least resistance with the method that will cause me the least amount of grief.

my friend and I will probably just do vs AI even if its a tad slower
One of my favorite things to do in HOTS is run a comp stomp. The fastest win I've ever gotten was exactly 4 minutes (solo queue Versus AI). In general you can easily consistently sin within 6 minutes versus AI if you just go all five into one lane. I do this often to clear out quests.


man u guys gonna hate this game if you grind a bunch of smurfs for that new mount. Yeah it looks cool but in the end its just a mount.

I feel sorry for all the new players that will get blown away by these smurf accounts. This whole refer-a-friend thing might harm the game in the long run :(

I pray im dead wrong and I have 0% clue what I'm talking bout tho

Speak for yourself I'm having a blast. Now that talent gating is gone this isn't too bad.
Li Li is one of the better supports in the game, don't know why it took me so long to come around on this hero, She's not top tier or anything, just one of the most solid supports to play as. Shake It Off is such an awesome talent, Li Li can basically shrug off a disable. Combined with Fast Feet, she can be a hard target to lock-down. Or force more heroes to commit more abilities to a single target if they're intent on deleting the support in a teamfight. Plus one of her later talents let's her heal cleanse the target of roots and stuns.

Dota has the perfect solution for dealing with disables. The Black King Bar. Magical immunity for 10 seconds, with a decaying amount after each use. Heroes of the Storm has some supports with some selectable talents. So rather than having an item that any hero could buy and use, Blizzard is left tweaking talents, nerfing stuns. They kind had something similar to a BKB with Cleanse being applicable before a fight to provide...a 3 second window for disable immunity? But then they nerfed it.


I feel sorry for all the new players that will get blown away by these smurf accounts. This whole refer-a-friend thing might harm the game in the long run :(

I pray im dead wrong and I have 0% clue what I'm talking bout tho

This was my initial reaction as well.

I can see it going one of two ways. It could go the way you describe...

...or having players with decent ability in some of their games might teach them things as well as make the games more bearable. Obviously they'd get rekt by a 3k player smurfing, but in theory they should have someone of similar skill on their team doing the same to the other side.

Right now the entry level MMR is a true cesspool (as it is in most games, I guess). This may help that, or it may make those who already misbehave and ruin that MMR bracket's experience even worse.
It's going to be awful in the lower brackets, smurfs or not. There's no barrier to entry, it's free to play. All it takes is making a battle.net account. Time (or money) invested is supposed to be a deterrent to shit behaviour but it isn't for some people.


I finally got round to watching the 3-0 stomping of C9 by E-star from earlier on in the week. Christ what an embaressing show for C9 - complete failure in multiple respects. I honestly don't know what was going through their heads during those games.

1) they threw game two by letting the enemy plant terror solo a fort, a keep and then the core - literally. Their shot calling in general was all over the place.

2) they kept drafting Zeratul, and Idream was running a build you expect to see in quick match. Not sure *why* they were drafting Zeratul, but the build was bad, the play was bad, and I don't think they used void prison as anything but a defensive escape tool at any point in any match. Just to say again - gods his build was bad.

3) although they drafted two ranged, they fell into the Zeratul trap where you don't do enough damage to allow him to execute people, so he can't do anything at all. This is because K1pro plays Jaina like Zeratul - constantly flanking looking for picks. So they basically had two players trying to flank, and at that point it's not flanking, it's splitting your team up for no apparent purpose. You can't run two heroes like Jaina and Zeratul and expect both to be flanking, because all that happens is the flankers get collapsed on rapidly.

4) k1Pro needs to start playing with ring of frost on jaina. His water elemental was usually completely wasted, and there's a number of fights where the ring would have secured kills whilst water elemental doesn't.

Watching the games, I was left wondering if C9 have able to get any practice in since Blizzcon at all. It felt like their drafts were for a meta that's changed, and on top of that their team fight strats weren't taking into account what happens when you try to run two fragile flanking characters.

Hopefully they will pick up soon!


First time playing the game. Third match, stuck on loading screen. What can I do?

Reopening the game did nothing.

Someone probably disconnected, give it a few more minutes. Happens to me about once a month (someone drops out and the game tries to re-connect them for ages).


Can anyone who has smurfed pre-vulture speak on what the environment was like at that mmr? (Chat toxicity, smurfs encountered, how long it took for your mmr to settle) Kinda interested in like a before/after picture of the referral program. League shut down their own referral program last october

If the state of the game at that range is booty, it should temper soon right. I assume the mount reward will exist in perpetuity and the influx of smurfs will settle after a while


I've talked about it ad nauseam here.

It's straight up hell compared to what I typically see at 3k MMR.

The majority of the people there who aren't brand new are either (A) disenfranchised cause they are stuck there because they are either bad or got locked in and have to do extra work to make up for the trolls/dc's (AKA our repeated MMR hell discussions) or are (B) so clueless or toxic that they contribute to hurting the people in A plus the new players.

And the disconnects on average per game is way higher. I suspect this is simply due to the fact that you can't DC often and make it to a reasonable MMR, so it happens more here because these people have not had an opportunity to test their connection with the game.

It all adds up to a pretty shitty new player experience. kirblar has also spoke about this at length.
First time playing as Rexxar, any tips? Was on Cursed Hollow and found it a bit tricky to keep Rexxar zoned and doing damage, and keeping an eye on the bear during the team fights. I chose the Pigs heroic ability which didn't seem to do much but was difficult to tell in the chaos!


Did the new players seem to be having fun? In ai games ppl always seem pretty earnest amd happy when things go well even tho it's against bots

For rexxar think big think bear. Ur bear is pretty much your power. Press spacebar to center on rexxar if you get lost and time your stun to mess w/ the flow of fights rather than blowing it early on nothing.


I remember first playing AI with Milly79 and him just cracking up that people would say "Good job!" and "GG guys" at the end of bot games.

It is true though. Only once have I seen someone be toxic in AI and that time literally everyone else ganged up on him and then muted him and kept doing AI things. It's a strange place in the online gaming world. Behavior utopia.


Lots of gl at the beginning pf ai games. The mmr i was at in league (low plat?) was similar in it's basedness, ppl were chill and out to have fun


Lots of gl at the beginning pf ai games. The mmr i was at in league (low plat?) was similar in it's basedness, ppl were chill and out to have fun

In general it's pretty good at our MMR in HOTS too. I feel like that skews some of my thoughts on the game, though, cause I know it's much worse at the lower levels.

I would play League for real a lot more if I knew it would be as non-toxic as my HOTS games.

Yep. I guess the question really is - is there anyone who is currently smurfing like this and has successfully received the stimpak + Raynor ?

Milly and Proto referred themselves yesterday and had no issue.


I remember first playing AI with Milly79 and him just cracking up that people would say "Good job!" and "GG guys" at the end of bot games.

It is true though. Only once have I seen someone be toxic in AI and that time literally everyone else ganged up on him and then muted him and kept doing AI things. It's a strange place in the online gaming world. Behavior utopia.

I (almost) always say gg at the end of games even if it's against the AI. The positivity in that mode is why I enjoy doing AI games when I don't have the time or nerve for QM. I had one last week (with randoms) where we all ended up shooting the shit and doing dumb stuff, it was great. Now they're on my friendslist and we're doing QM together at times.


Living the moba dream

When i first started playing the looking for group thing was actually a thing, ppl would use it for the exp boost


Yeah when I was in Alpha early on, like month two or three of the game being playable and further on, people used Looking For Group and you regularly added teammates after the game.

I made a bunch of friends that way. It was pretty awesome. There was also very little toxicity or anything back then cause most people didn't know much of anything and were just enjoying it. Overwatch beta has been like that for me as well.


Dang i wanna get in the beta

There's a pretty good writeup on reddit for this guy who feels towers is unsatisfying right now




I would play League for real a lot more if I knew it would be as non-toxic as my HOTS games.

I haven't played the classic 3-lane League map in a while but my experience in ARAM lately has been mostly positive. There are lots of gjs and ggs from both sides, frequent BM (too ez, champion laughs and taunts), with the occasional you/your build suck.

It's similar to HotS in that the player interactions can be good/bad, obviously, but I find people in League talk more on average.

Their punishment/muting system seems effective; at least it rehabilitated two of my friends.

Milly and Proto referred themselves yesterday and had no issue.

Fanatic aren't great - it's just the euro scene has been in meltdown from Blizzcon. Longer term I don't see anyone rivalling the big three in Europe.

In USA it seems we only have the big One now as well which is worrying - next year will be great fun!

What is the big three? I see one good team and like 5 teams a tier under them. Fnatic just had a bad day

NA is a fucking mess - there will be two really good teams and possibly a third if tempo storm gets ballsy with their new acquisitions (which from what I understand they haven't been willing to go to extreme lengths YET)


In the long run it will be Team Liquid, Dignitas and Navi in Europe, with maybe Fnatic depending how it plays out. Right now it's a complete mess and I wouldn't bet on any team winning a competition, but in the long run they have the best rosters

I also agree with Glaurong that until Bob Ross loses a few matches it's hard to see how they will perform long term.


Arthelon on the ground, blood dribbling out of his mouth as mcintyre looms above him. "Why...", arth whispers. Mcintyre shrugs, "needed money for guacamole"

Kenma's like "but i made guac yesterday", but mcintyre wasnt able to say anything because any negative or disrespectful comments are immediately deleted

Leaderboards were released, lol at umadibet being on there
First time playing as Rexxar, any tips? Was on Cursed Hollow and found it a bit tricky to keep Rexxar zoned and doing damage, and keeping an eye on the bear during the team fights. I chose the Pigs heroic ability which didn't seem to do much but was difficult to tell in the chaos!

I find boars, at 10, are great if you're ganking a target in a horrible position or winning teamfights because they help you with the run downs when people try to escape. They're also good for revealing invisible heroes. But I find their real payoff is at 20 when they can get a root at the second talent tier, then they feel like a proper initiation tool. I usually only go boars if there's double invis for the reveal and track and the game looks like it could go long and you might be at 20 for a bit. Otherwise I always go with the Misha ult. Rexxar's ability to clear camps is just as good as, if not better than Gazlowe--especially with the bird talent at 7--and you're still viable in teamfights.

Win teamfight, win objective, go merc. He can reliably solo boss, or help melt it in a group. He can solo a Garden Terror if your team needs to be elsewhere, he was great against Grave Golem (rip Haunted Mines). He can clear multiple camps in short order. I like to take lanes that are close to siege giant camps because by 7, with the bird and bear siege damage talents, you can melt these camps and avoid being out of lane for a prolonged amount of time. Just don't fall into the trap that a Gazlowe might and always be merc'ing. If the enemy team is all up, can't see you on the map but there's one available merc camp, they know where you are. You don't want to feed and give up a free merc camp.

Make liberal use of being able to micro Misha because you can now. Send her scouting into tall grass or Fog of War. Have her focus on a hero to zone them out of the lane. You can be fairly aggressive with Misha because her heal is powerful and has a low cooldown. Just don't over-commit and feed the bear. Without Misha, Rexxar is basically a ranged minion that can periodically shoot a bird.

You have to be worried about positioning with Rexxar more than other tanks, because Rexxar isn't the tank, Misha is. Rexxar has a lot of the same problems that Kael'thas or Jaina do with dive and invis heroes. Feign Death is a great talent for dodging a lot ults and damage that might otherwise kill Rexxar. It can also get you in a lot of trouble.
In the long run it will be Team Liquid, Dignitas and Navi in Europe, with maybe Fnatic depending how it plays out. Right now it's a complete mess and I wouldn't bet on any team winning a competition, but in the long run they have the best rosters

I also agree with Glaurong that until Bob Ross loses a few matches it's hard to see how they will perform long term.

maybe navis new lineup can compete with dig long term but liquids just isn't there in my eyes. Fnatic beat liquid a bunch in the last three weeks but has a bad day against navi and now they're below them? Not quite sure I get that -- I think liquids dream hack performance was based off of some luck and better patch understanding rather than good play. Fnatic may be in the same boat re: dream hack but their roster has some very good and underrated talent that people just don't know of yet. Quacknixx is probably the most underrated EU player. Lowell and gerdamherd .... Bleh


I hope whatever ends up happening ts comes out as heel

For ppl that followed na league circa season 2/3 im feeling tsm->bross, clg->c9, ? unknown heel challenger->ts, the whole repeating history of clg going to korea and not doing great while tsm stays in na and smashes is excellent, as is bross not showing up for some tourneys a la tsm
Liquid can make top 3, sure Fnatic beat them the last couple times but it's not like the new Liquid never beat them.

I'm not the biggest fan of Gerd but Lowell and Cris have given the team a pretty damn big range of playable characters and it has shown in their strats. Dignitas is less certain to me at the moment since they really haven't been together for long and adrd was a big part of the team's initial success.
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