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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Kind of crazy that with all the data they have on people fiending for new mounts and snatching them up or doing the promotions in other games...

...that they really thought everyone was gonna just have four extra friends hanging around to play HOTS. Of course there was going to be a shitton of smurfing.


Kind of crazy that with all the data they have on people fiending for new mounts and snatching them up or doing the promotions in other games...

...that they really thought everyone was gonna just have four extra friends hanging around to play HOTS. Of course there was going to be a shitton of smurfing.
Especially given they've done this same "invite 4 friends!" thing multiple times.
So i have always uploaded my games on hotslogs. Anyone has his MMR changed all of a sudden ? My MMR took a hit approx 100-150 i dont know why, as if my MMR was miscalculated all this time.


New leaderboards are out. I do find it interesting that in Euro land every single pro plays hero league it seems and is ranked in the top 100, whereas there's a lot of noticeable missing people stateside. Also no-one is playing team league seriously, at all.
That's been the case for the the last couple months.

Could also mean that EU teams just look at the ladder more when scouting but in general it feels like EU players just enjoy the game more or still at all.

Except Blackscorp.
I know Tempo explored a TON of options to fill the holes in their roster. They looked at NA free agents, other players from NA teams, league players, dota players, and even tried to recruit european players. I'm guessing that nothing Dreadnaught wanted to happen worked out so he left.

I think he's clearly a guy who doesn't want to deal with not being the best and I guess he missed home and stuff? There's not as much money in the HOTS scene if you're not winning a lot, either.

Still, its pretty unexpected

Maybe he'll take a break and be back?
The scene likely just isn't big enough right now for more years of taking school off to be worth it to him.

Yeah I'm guessing he saw the writing on the wall when they couldn't make any progress with their top choices.

Tempo will be decent still, Srey's Vox Nihili team was performing well and he's clearly a pretty good player and their other guys are good but man that sucks for them.
The whole impetus behind team-wide experience in Heroes of the Storm is so people don't fight over individual levels but it still happens. Just had an a teammate sit in the top lane on the new map, ignoring multiple objective fights, and their rationale for why this was a good choice, or why they were the superior player was they had contributed the most experience to the team maps end. Meanwhile our core was down to half health by the third missed objective fight.

The whole reason for shared experience is kind of moot, people still fight over it, just for different reasons. It's such a good but equally terrible statistic. It's good to know when you should get back to lane, it's terrible thing to justify shit, selfish play. I just don't know what a better solution would be.

Like I get passing on one objective if they have ten and you're behind, it's better to go soak in all three lanes to catch up but when your soaking exp is a detriment to the rest of the team, you're not helping. You're just not helping. How do you convey that as a negative? Other than the most overt way, the loss of the match.


That's why I'm a strong advocate for removing the exp earned figure. I get that it's useful for Abathur and TLV, but for every other character it's useless, and promotes bad play in new players. Particularly heroes like Hammer and Raynor - both of whom I've had multiple games where they played dreadfully but justified it because of the exp gained.


That one is so downright bizarre that I've never seen it actually used or mentioned by anyone. Even in newbie AI games it isn't talked about at all, whereas exp gained is.

I still want to know what drug they were taking when they thought that stat would be useful. It's so evidently utter garbage - but at least it doesn't encourage bad / poor gameplay.
Then you haven't seen the depths of idiocy in QM. People started thinking they did everything right because of it when they were feeding like crazy.

Speaking of feeding. Played with a murky a week or so ago that managed to die what felt like every 5 seconds. He'd respawn run into the frey die and repeat over and over. He ended at like 10(*4 ofc) deaths.


Ask him, and if hes not responsive just take the buildings in his lane. Dont fight map objectives at a disadvantage, like you can test out whether you can outplay them there but dont do it again if you get wiped the first time.

Basically ur goal is to not snowball a bad decision since you can control what you do and not what other ppl do


Speaking of feeding. Played with a murky a week or so ago that managed to die what felt like every 5 seconds. He'd respawn run into the frey die and repeat over and over. He ended at like 10(*4 ofc) deaths.

I've actually seen this go both ways. McIntyre has (at times) played a Murky build centered around the Slime talents where he would die a ton, but it was super effective. Basically he was trading .50-.75 Murky death for 1 full hero death on average because the Slime was gutting the squishies + his auto attacks.

It was against a squishy heavy group that he normally did this though IIRC.


Oh i was responding to jaundicejuse i started writing the post on my phone but got distracted w/ other stuff

Also the smurfing thing is quicker than i thought it would be, i got to level 7 in 3 games
Seems to be a new trend of people micromanaging Abathur.

Had a Sky Temple game where I litter the bottom temple with mines and then go top to get in soak position during the objective. I pop down there and Murky is like "Abathur late to everything" and ETC says "fucking get on me before I go in not after, seriously not helping at all". Of course we won 3 levels ahead.

Then I got a Spider Queen game. Everything's going fine, but then our team wipes on a bad engage. Our Li Li starts pinging gems even though I know their Nova is up and their Li Li is right there cleaning up minions. Sure, I could go across the map and collect the 20 gems you guys dropped because you wanted to attack Cho'gall intead of Li Li. Sure, I could then go pop over to the turnin with 20 gems on me at some point later in the game provided I knew where Nova was at the time. Except there's maybe a 30% chance Nova is not down there shadowing Li Li right now. Since my team died way down the lane, there would be a walk back for 10 seconds to the nearest gate. There would be a 70% chance that Li Li or Nova would see me, mount, and catch up to me in that stretch. There's about a 10% chance I could kill or magically distract either of them with locusts and escape since Tunnel would be on cooldown. Or I could go with the 100% chance of success in continuing soaking top for the next 20 seconds until you guys are back up and keep us a level ahead. "Oh Abathur is afk for real I guess" "Oh well, good effort tho bro". Of course we win that one too.

Couple this with infighting even while we're obviously winning, and it was really obnoxious.


Dam nothing to be sorry about

Playing w/, as, or against abathur will always be an uphill battle it seems since hes such a good target for whatever sorrow a player has
Ask him, and if hes not responsive just take the buildings in his lane. Dont fight map objectives at a disadvantage, like you can test out whether you can outplay them there but dont do it again if you get wiped the first time.

Basically ur goal is to not snowball a bad decision since you can control what you do and not what other ppl do

I did, politely at that. "Could you please help us at the next objective fight" Got some snarky response about the rest of the teams experience contribution and they continued dry humping top lane. Sort of showed up for two objective fights but at that point the game was lost. Used pings, used chat, they didn't help.

I understand passing on one objective fight to get 10, or passing on a fight because you're down one player but this isn't Sky Temple, you're not just losing a tower or a fort, you're losing your cores health with each round. You can't pass on multiple objective fights. I understand on the new map the value of taking all of the forts, but they didn't even take one. Nothing was accomplished.

That scoreboard statistic of experience contributed engendered this shitty behaviour. "I am doing good because I have this high number" Now if that wasn't done at the cost of virtually every objective fight and the match, I would have agreed.


These tributes from pro players in the RIP Dreadnaught reddit thread.

KingCaff calling him the best shotcaller. Bakery and Dunk giving him kudos.

He really could be the first breakout streamer of HOTS if he'd just dedicate the time (and he'd make some decent cash), but I don't think he's all that interested in doing it full time.


Jesus Christ shotcalling in this game has gone to *shit* over the last few weeks. Just watching Murlocs throw against BRFC for no reason on Sky Temple - when will people learn that the temples are really freaking good at taking down cores fast? Combine that with C9 letting a single plant terror kill a fort, a keep and then the core undefended and you are left hoping the scene picks itself up off the ground next year when things get serious again.


Seems to be a new trend of people micromanaging Abathur.

Had a Sky Temple game where I litter the bottom temple with mines and then go top to get in soak position during the objective. I pop down there and Murky is like "Abathur late to everything" and ETC says "fucking get on me before I go in not after, seriously not helping at all". Of course we won 3 levels ahead.

Then I got a Spider Queen game. Everything's going fine, but then our team wipes on a bad engage. Our Li Li starts pinging gems even though I know their Nova is up and their Li Li is right there cleaning up minions. Sure, I could go across the map and collect the 20 gems you guys dropped because you wanted to attack Cho'gall intead of Li Li. Sure, I could then go pop over to the turnin with 20 gems on me at some point later in the game provided I knew where Nova was at the time. Except there's maybe a 30% chance Nova is not down there shadowing Li Li right now. Since my team died way down the lane, there would be a walk back for 10 seconds to the nearest gate. There would be a 70% chance that Li Li or Nova would see me, mount, and catch up to me in that stretch. There's about a 10% chance I could kill or magically distract either of them with locusts and escape since Tunnel would be on cooldown. Or I could go with the 100% chance of success in continuing soaking top for the next 20 seconds until you guys are back up and keep us a level ahead. "Oh Abathur is afk for real I guess" "Oh well, good effort tho bro". Of course we win that one too.

Couple this with infighting even while we're obviously winning, and it was really obnoxious.

Do you even Aba breh? But seriously this is why I don't shittalk characters I don't know how to play as (I tend to avoid shittalking in general but especially in cases like this). I mean maybe they are playing poorly but unless it isn't super obvious there's kind of no point in bitching because I don't know any better.

http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WFoC3TR5rzI vibes from the math part of that post

Holy shit! Now that's a fucking promo.


Time for some controversy. Most Falstad players should not be picking gust - and that includes the pro level streamers in hero league games. I've watched numerous games over the last couple of weeks where really good players pick gust, and do absolutely nothing with it other than disengage bad team fights (which they might have won with blast).

Gust is amazing in co-ordinated team fights and comms, but in random games unless you have a really specific plan with it (gust an ETC dance!) even the best players are better off just going for more damage.
Stuns and position change are the flavour of the month it seems. You don't even necessarily need a wombo to combo into with Gust. Sometimes an aggressive use of his flight and then gust on a hero that relies on positioning into your team is enough.


Please someone explain to me why is that in this fucking game 2 out of 3 matches someone quits or gets disconnected.

I have been enduring this crap in QM thinking in ranked things will be better and just got a bad first impression.

First hero league game I take my boy Tychus, because I have no idea how counters work still and just wanted to play a champ I am comfortable with.

Before the first team battle even happens the guy leaves. Our tank. So the next 20 minutes are already a complete waiste of time.

Still tried my best with 80k damage and 18k exp 13-1 sucks though


Haven't seen a d/c in a long time. My elo is really low I think? I'm only Rank 36. But my overall win rate in past few weeks is probably way over 50% so not sure if that's a factor.

Doesn't AI takeover for the guy that left? sometimes the bot is sadly much better than a horrible player with bad ping. At least the bot will follow pings. But yeah in vast majority of cases this will screw u hard in Hero League I agree

Just trying to say it should get much better. You're probably in the "promotions" where they're deciding where to place you. Promos require 20 games


Time for some controversy. Most Falstad players should not be picking gust - and that includes the pro level streamers in hero league games. I've watched numerous games over the last couple of weeks where really good players pick gust, and do absolutely nothing with it other than disengage bad team fights (which they might have won with blast).

Gust is amazing in co-ordinated team fights and comms, but in random games unless you have a really specific plan with it (gust an ETC dance!) even the best players are better off just going for more damage.

Hmm... Well, you're right that Gust just gets better and better as you have a more coordinated team. And you're also right that it sucks to take it and then never use it for much. But I also feel like if you're decent with positioning it's easy to find at least a couple of team fights where you can put it to good use (splitting up their team, isolating a support or squishy, etc).

Also, I feel like it's always useful on Dragonshire and Sky Temple for blowing enemies off the objectives. But then again, I also have always liked Hinterlands Blast.


It's probably easier to get value off of gust since it's easier to hit tho some ppl still have the habit of tryingto hit as many ppl as they can with it. The cd is ridikulouzs
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