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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Hilariously people are letting through Illidan because they can't deal with morales... #Scrublife.

This match it was a lunara ban and we still lost to illidan, despite me playing the shit out of muradin. I ended 5-7-1.


I get ending it Sunday but Saturday afternoon? I'm glad I went ham Friday night because I didn't get much time in yesterday. Already missing Overwatch and struggling just to play HotS for dailies.

Tell me about it! ROUGH LIFE feelsbad

it still lets me push play on the overwatch page, and it comes up but never connects... I've tried... too many times to be proud about.
out of the last 5 games I only lost 3 to illidan. Last pick illidan even, heck last match their comp was vikings, malf, tyrande, abathur, illidan.

Oh look fifth loss in a row, first pick hammer dies constantly. At this point I don't know if I'm playing to punish myself or out of some morbid sense of humour. Constantly getting last pick in addition.
The one thing I liked about Overwatch was at least being able to adjust team composition after the fact. The support I'm playing as isn't working out, change to another. I missed that from TF2. I've just been playing MOBA's for the last few years and you just get hardlocked into team composition.

Also, forget Tracer, I want Junkrat in HotS. That trap, remote mine and the exploding tire would be delicious.
My man Tyrael finally broke the curse,
we got the illidan...
Seriously though Tyrael is a lot of fun and this game I could really leverage the sanctification. Against double butcher it was the GOAT.


Junkrat is my favorite OW hero too (mainly cause my aim is shit).

I feel like he'd be a ton of fun in HOTS, but would likely be yet another specialist with a shitton of spread/AOE sustain damage. The implementation of his ult would be fascinating though.


Junkrat is my favorite OW hero too (mainly cause my aim is shit).

I feel like he'd be a ton of fun in HOTS, but would likely be yet another specialist with a shitton of spread/AOE sustain damage. The implementation of his ult would be fascinating though.

It'll be just like wailing arrow, unless they actually let you control the movement.


went to hotslogs for the first time in a while, what's going on here


also they said that my level is auto select?

also I think I prefer nether wind over lapse but I'm not sure yet



I kinda get the chart now, I just can't tell which team is which
also the avg ended up being about 6.6 not counting my lvl (9) so I guess auto select is some bug that means my lvl is 0


also I think I prefer nether wind over lapse but I'm not sure yet

do you mean Energy roil? Because Gravity Crush is at level 7, not 4. (Gravity Lapse is the name of the actual ability).

I messed around with it, and it does really help with mana, but my issue was that the spell is so slow now I couldn't make much use of the extra range unless someone was already heavily CCed. whereas the cooldown reduction means that if I land the stun in a team fight, I'll have another ready to go in a few seconds which to be honest feels slightly cheating, especially with the extra damage talent at 7.


yeah I can't remember his talent names for shit lol

I see why roil is good but I think nether wind fits me better and I tend to get more ppl in de with it, plus what you said about it's use as followup, the mana is whatever. if there's a lot of melee or no illidan I'd prob get roil

also you'd think master of flames would be decent in all these protracted turn in fights on bhb but nah it sucks unless they suck too


Master of Flames is useful against certain comps, but to be honest I think I need to start picking the phoenix talents. It's actually really good - 14 seconds is a LONG time for that spell, and being able to move it once is great around objectives.


I think all the aram confused hotslogs, I uploaded a shitload of aram and one qm lol

master of flames could be good w/ forcewall or something that just stops them from stepping two inches away from another hero. actually when it does pop off the value is pretty nice but it's so easily prevented, it's difficult enough to just get the first w to pop off


I think all the aram confused hotslogs, I uploaded a shitload of aram and one qm lol

master of flames could be good w/ forcewall or something that just stops them from stepping two inches away from another hero. actually when it does pop off the value is pretty nice but it's so easily prevented, it's difficult enough to just get the first w to pop off

That is one reason I like taking Energy Roil and empowering the stun - the flames are a lot easier to spread when they only have 1.5 second to get away from each other. In some respects it might be worth taking Backdraft at 13 so they are slowed after the explosion, but I love chaining spells with Pyromaniac too much to stop using it.


yeah I just get scared of illidan when I'm kael so I always take backdraft against him to discourage him from jumping me. I like backdraft a lot, it's a good way to get 100% value on w (they had tass so it pretty much did 0 dmg most of the time) like in a "I did my job now you guys take care of it" kind of way, but pyro is a great way to have w up all the time and keep them on their toes. I think nether + backdraft vs. roil + pyro/backdraft are pretty good ways to go

I don't think that hotslogs includes custom games.

it tracks them but there's no mmr and it's not publicly accessible to prevent scrim spying I imagine


Dustin Browder ‏@DustinBrowder 23s23 seconds ago

5 man is team league anyway (which is the real skill test). I think we are talking about unranked draft here.

(response to 3 MAYBE, but keep 4 and 5 man OUT of Hero League., which was responding to "we know 3/4 mans need help.")


Yeah but later on he says they fear it will be a dead queue as most games unranked play doesn't have a decent following, and they are discussing it.

Maybe they should realise that the complete fucked up nonsense that is Quick Match will never be fixed and they should replace it with something that doesn't leave you raging against the game half the time?

I want unranked draft... ;-(


Yeah, QM is still bizarre sometimes.

Had a match last night that was just awful

Valla Liming KT Tychus Gazlowe


Valla Butcher Illidan Tychus Abathur

Gaz was our frontline (and he took robogoblin because lol) but according to matchmaking everything is fine cuz both teams had 4 assassins/1 specialist. We got smashed so hard.


Also a bloody ARAM queue, because I cannot take many more of these games where I get all the idiots. Calamity build Li-ming - against Kael, Jaina and Nazeepo. Zagara taking Nydus and Medusa blades. Tyrael taking the "use abilities pointlessly in death" and "exploding shields" talents.

I can only assume these players have never actually used the heroes before, which is just depressing. It's fun when you get a weird team comp in ARAM but make it work - it's bad when your team comp is okay but your team is probably hitting their head into brick walls in real life judging by their talent choices.

Oh, and Tychus remains utterly terrible. No idea what they hope to do with that character - I honestly don't see how he fits into the game now at all. If I want a tank killer, I'm going to pick a character who can kill tanks and do other things - Valla, Thrall, Falstad, Leoric. I'm not going to take some shitty ass ranged character who can't do anything BUT kill tanks. they have completely missed the mark with him, and the solution isn't more tank killing - it's making him worthwhile when the enemy team isn't Cho'Gall / Stitches / Azmodan / Diablo in one team.


Tychus used to be god tier in ARAM. Not sure how he is now.

Utterly, utterly terrible. Worse ranged assassin / specialist in the game by a long shot. He does *nothing* - he's a tank killer in a mode that is guaranteed to only have one tank, and often not even that if they have Leoric / tyrael / Anub'arak / Rexxar.

Easily one of the worse heroes to see on your team to be honest in my experience.


ITT on this page Maledict hates everything about the Nexus.

But he'll still log back in tomorrow

EDIT: Tracer dropping tomorrow is one of those rare heroes (that didn't hit PTR, anyway) that I kind of feel obligated to take into AI mode first. I still haven't seen clarification on if her auto attacks do need a reload to retarget, etc, and will have to get used to the length of the blinks and how long the recall time is. It's gonna be interesting to see her impact on the game.


I take every hero into AI mode, usually until at least level 4, just to get a feel for the mechanics. I'm incredibly old remember so it takes me longer.

And the reason I'm complaining is because I'm playing a lot more now than I did a month ago. With playtime comes passion!

(As the wow devs, said complaining have an interest in your game. It's people who go quiet and just stop playing you should worry about).

EDIT: Tychus sucks
EDIT 2: ARAM without matchmaking sucks
EDIT 3: Alur sucks.


You know what really grinds my gears?

mirror matchups in QM. Like I get that they're unavoidable part of QM, but it feels like everytime I want to test a new/different hero (abathur, murky, nova, rexxar, whatever..) which is what I think the mode is best for. It feels like there's always another one of those heroes on the other team and I hate it so much.


EDIT 3: Alur sucks.


You know what really grinds my gears?

mirror matchups in QM. Like I get that they're unavoidable part of QM, but it feels like everytime I want to test a new/different hero (abathur, murky, nova, rexxar, whatever..) which is what I think the mode is best for. It feels like there's always another one of those heroes on the other team and I hate it so much.

I'm the opposite, at least a little. When I'm not playing a wacky hero (Murky, Aba, whatever), I'm thankful as fuck the enemy team gets one too most of the time cause you can't ever count on the quality of one of those heroes from game to game. Like I don't want to get a random Murky on my team while the enemy ends up with Sylvanas or whatever.

When I play Murky, though, I hate facing another Murky. It's like it becomes a fish-off, and we must Murk to the death.


When I play Murky, though, I hate facing another Murky. It's like it becomes a fish-off, and we must Murk to the death.

yea this applies to a bunch of heroes though. Like when I'm abathur it sucks to play against another abathur, or greymane vs greymane is just stupid.... it makes me so mad. worst is when it's like 2-3 heroes the same on each side.

I want to play more HL but HL just turns out to be more toxic and I can't fuckin buy a win.


I don't mind the mirrors on the regular heroes, though. Just the more specialized ones.

EDIT: I don't think I'd want to play mirror Tracer, though, FWIW. But we're gonna see a lot of it.


It can be fun to have a mirror match. There's nothing like playing a character and *knowing* you are better than the enemy equivalent. I've been forcing quick match to relearn Kael at the moment, and most other Kael players out there haven't memorised the really fast combo you need to do to make him work now, and you can *feel* their frustration when they lose 1 on 1.

Its glorious! ;-)


Utterly, utterly terrible. Worse ranged assassin / specialist in the game by a long shot. He does *nothing* - he's a tank killer in a mode that is guaranteed to only have one tank, and often not even that if they have Leoric / tyrael / Anub'arak / Rexxar.

Easily one of the worse heroes to see on your team to be honest in my experience.

Maybe. I haven't had a chance. He's seemed fine in the ARAMs that have had him recently. I used to just go all the range talents I could on Q/W. More often than not I'd lead damage and kills. He really was a monster.

I take every hero into AI mode, usually until at least level 4, just to get a feel for the mechanics. I'm incredibly old remember so it takes me longer.

And the reason I'm complaining is because I'm playing a lot more now than I did a month ago. With playtime comes passion!

(As the wow devs, said complaining have an interest in your game. It's people who go quiet and just stop playing you should worry about).

EDIT: Tychus sucks
EDIT 2: ARAM without matchmaking sucks
EDIT 3: Alur sucks.

Eh, I mean I see where Alur is coming from. It's something new every day. If it's not qualifier scheduling, it's a hero. If it's not a hero, it's ARAM (God only knows why you'd complain about a mode that's really not supported aside from a map complementing it). If it's not ARAM, it's QM. Like I completely understand where the devs are coming from too, but it legit sounds like you hate the game.

You know what really grinds my gears?

mirror matchups in QM. Like I get that they're unavoidable part of QM, but it feels like everytime I want to test a new/different hero (abathur, murky, nova, rexxar, whatever..) which is what I think the mode is best for. It feels like there's always another one of those heroes on the other team and I hate it so much.

Agreed. I hate it as well. We had one yesterday where it was 3 or maybe even 4 of the same on each side. It's really boring. I know I can go to HL if I wanted diversity, but I don't think it would be that hard to limit how many mirrors you're seeing.


i dont think u hate the game male
aram's alright w/o matchmaking, in na at least ppl have been mostly chill since the new map, before there were occasional ppls who took it way seriously which I have a bit of trouble understanding
like I'm basically zoning out when I play it, it's nice
the best is when no one talks in all chat


Eh, I mean I see where Alur is coming from. It's something new every day. If it's not qualifier scheduling, it's a hero. If it's not a hero, it's ARAM (God only knows why you'd complain about a mode that's really not supported aside from a map complementing it). If it's not ARAM, it's QM. Like I completely understand where the devs are coming from too, but it legit sounds like you hate the game.

Seriously, what is up with you and your aggressive thread tone monitoring?

The majority of my posts are positive. I post a huge amount in the thread, and sometimes its negative. Sometimes I rant. Like everyone else. And sometimes it's all at once. But for some reason you seem to have an obsession to take pot shots, and to be honest it sucks. I'd really appreciate it if you didn't do it, because it's unnecessary, its offensive and to be frank you only seem to do it to some people and not others. It's not your thread.

I'll happily bow out if people think I'm too negative, and I'm sorry if that's the case. But it really sucks to have you occasionally just decide you want to have a go at someone.

I love the game. I wouldn't post about it, watch every match, and play so much if I didn't,. It's because I love the game I sometimes complain - because it can be so much more. It has the potential, and should be, the best MOBA on the market, and I want Blizzard to continue pushing it and backing it and improving on it like they are doing.

EDIT: And I was joking with Alur, I assumed he was too in his original post. That was the point of the joke. If he wasn't, then I apologise to him - I was! ;-)


Agree to disagree, then. I don't mind you. In fact, you're pretty cool. It's just negativity after negativity and to be quite frank, it gets old. If I only wanted to read that, I'd go to Reddit.


Agree to disagree, then. I don't mind you. In fact, you're pretty cool. It's just negativity after negativity and to be quite frank, it gets old. If I only wanted to read that, I'd go to Reddit.

Reddit is more full of people posting links to Tyrande owl sniping 5 people at once. Which to be fair, remains hilarious no matter how often it happens.

I find Reddit pretty positive TBh - it's the blizzard forums I despair at. But that's been the case there for all of 10000 years of hatred. Reddit's more confused than anything else, but I guess that's down to how it works.

(I don't really understand Reddit either. Again - old).
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