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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Data West

coaches in the WNBA

Add me people. I lost my usual group of people, and I've really been wanting to play more Heroes, but it's a game I refuse to play solo.
While HOTS has it's odd comp matchups at times in quick match does Overwatch at least try to match class roles evenly like HoTs?

For instance pairing teams against each other where neither have support or a tank.

Overwatch has this brilliant system that analyses team comp and it lets you know when you're lacking in certain classes or have too many of another...and people flat out ignore it. Basically it's what Quick Match would look like if people could play as dupe heroes on the same team.


June 2nd-14th 50% more xp

1st anniversary portrait if you log in during that time.

Shitty 1st anniversary bundle. You do get a 7 day stimpack for free if you purchase it.

Hell Billie available for free if you purchase anything starting June 2nd. Billie the Kid is also free with purchase until June 14th.


Fixed that for you. Because every complaint you could level against Heroes of the Storm and its player base, be it Quick Match or Hero League, you could against Overwatch. Or Dota. Or LoL. Or Left 4 Dead. Or Team Fortress 2. Or any multiplayer game ever. Competitive, cooperative, it doesn't matter.

can't agree with that, 1v1 games do not suffer those issues or Team based games where the host can filter out idiots. These games are rare but they exist

For instance, in Rainbow six siege team can vote idiots away


The new BG people suspected was in Chromie's trailer appears to be the Emerald Nightmare. (Assuming it's actually an upcoming BG.) Fits with Legion.


is Chormie 10k yet? I must admit I havent played HOTS in quite awhile due to Overwatch and Heartstone

edit- Emerald Nightmare sounds awesome!!!!


So, as promised, moaning about the latest THH.

BKB really reminds me of young players of WoW, or CCG gamers when I used to be involved in CCG design. He doesn't understand that sometimes you have to nerf things - you can't just buff everything to the same level, because you just end up buffing forever. Some things simply *aren't* fun, and the stuff Blizzard has nerfed tends to be the stuff that has no counterplay - Chen and his survival ult, Tychus and his second life ult, Stitches with gorge and sprint etc.

I absolutely agree with the overall conversation they were having - playmaking abilities are great, more heroes need them, *especially* supports. But the idea of just buffing everything to broken level just isn't viable in terms of game design.


at this point is that still what you're going with, that they onesidedly dropped fan to pick up a worse player?

At this point why do you still blindly defend a team you care nothing about? How many more L's can you handle on this subject?

You literally just said someone did something to him. Couple it with the sudden change and him being ecstatic at getting vengeance at Heroes Rising after his removal and yeah, I do think it's more he was kicked than he decided to leave. In general, people don't decide to leave the best team voluntarily, no?


also, it wouldn't be the first time someone got kicked from c9 so they could pick up better players. it's kind of their MO
At this point why do you still blindly defend a team you care nothing about? How many more L's can you handle on this subject?

You literally just said someone did something to him. Couple it with the sudden change and him being ecstatic at getting vengeance at Heroes Rising after his removal and yeah, I do think it's more he was kicked than he decided to leave. In general, people don't decide to leave the best team voluntarily, no?

I'm unaware of the constant barrage of L's I apparently took in regards to C9. Except insulting milly unfoundedly.
We're not smarter than these teams, when everyone here says Arth is worse than Fan and heck even reddit said so, do you think they didn't know it?
If you were slighted by a team member and were confident in your abilities why wouldn't you leave? Lockdown left the best team in the world of his own volition.

Official word on the parting was

Following the team's return from China, we spoke at length with Carry player Fan "Fan" Yang. During these talks, Fan shared concerns that his approach to the game was beginning to differ from that of the rest of the roster. In the end, a mutual decision was drawn and each party chose to go its separate way. We appreciate Fan's willingness to openly communicate his feelings and wish him the best wherever he chooses to go.

adrd was kicked, erho was kicked, we generally eventually get an idea if a player got booted. I'd argue we haven't on Fan.


I'd argue we have based on his reactions since. They also didn't explicitly say they kicked Arthelon, "he chose to step away" or whatever, but does anyone believe that they didn't say WTF man and threaten him with it otherwise?

And the L's you've been taking is you constantly saying they are fine and qualifiers mean nothing, meanwhile they keep losing and eventually grew concerned enough themselves to make a change. But yeah, those qualifier losses mean nothing you're right. Jlaw.gif

I simply do not understand your incessant need to argue with everyone else about a subject you've now said multiple times you do not care about. Stubborn as a goat my grandfather used to say.
A happens, B happens does not make A => B.

And yes I am "stur wie ne Ziege", which is just a regular proverb not reserved to grandparents here. Alternatively we use donkey in the goat's place or the male version buck.


state of the nexus is pretty good

one question that maybe was asked and I missed that id like to see is whether they think that the esports money that blizz has invested has seen enough return to justify another year of it, esp. since the consensus seems to be that the audience for hots is primarily unaware or doesnt care about the esports part of it. still prtty early in the year tho, blizzcon would probably be the thing to look at to get a better idea of it


BKB really reminds me of young players of WoW, or CCG gamers when I used to be involved in CCG design. He doesn't understand that sometimes you have to nerf things - you can't just buff everything to the same level, because you just end up buffing forever. Some things simply *aren't* fun, and the stuff Blizzard has nerfed tends to be the stuff that has no counterplay - Chen and his survival ult, Tychus and his second life ult, Stitches with gorge and sprint etc.

I absolutely agree with the overall conversation they were having - playmaking abilities are great, more heroes need them, *especially* supports. But the idea of just buffing everything to broken level just isn't viable in terms of game design.

I love bkb. I do. But dude is not a host. Dunktrain is one of my favorite players (despite his arrogance at times with his "we held back/outsmarted em shtick), but he's not a host either, really. I can honestly say that 8 episodes in I feel this is a completely failed experiment.

Bar a few shining moments with two pros with synergy, the show has never been as good as it was at it's base - Jake, Cooby, Schamtoo, Zoia. The personality it had is gone. The fun of listening to it is gone.

Jake hijacked the show to take it to the next level but he's not a leader nor does he have any kind of pulse on what people who listen to the show want.

The show is a complete mess. He's deadpan and repeats the same phrases over and over in response to his other hosts or guests points. Dunktrain seems to alternate between 3 modes: (A) the optimal mode and the rarest: refreshing analysis or insight (B) indifference mode which is more common, and (C) grumpy old man mode where he basically dislikes most heroes as well as any design initiative that doesn't increase the skillcap/playmaking potential of every hero, particularly supports. That's fine, but it'd be nice to hear at some point something he does like because at times he's approaching that Arthelon level of disgust for HOTS. bkb is meant to be the personality, but he gets to the point where he seems to feel awkward when he's talking and just starts repeating "I don't know" at the end of every second sentence when he's arguing with someone which for whatever reason bothers me. He also has the thing you mentioned, where he's just flat out against any change that isn't a positive one for a hero and that just can't work.

The two pros thing has been a largely miss initiative. Most of the pros in general they have brought do not particularly seem interested in contributing or being there. Cattlepillar is a great example of that. He was a buzzkill nearly every time he talked in this last episode. They really need to screen these guests for actual conversation and set up specific topics beforehand beyond the news of the day to discuss to make that work. It seems like they keep thinking everyone can be Glau, Dunk, Bakery, bkb etc. when they come on, but that's clearly not the case. He/they also assumed since Dunk and bkb were good guests they'd be good hosts but I don't really see it after having a few episodes to hear it in action. It just doesn't work like they hoped.

tl;dr - it wasn't perfect, but at least Jake/Coob/Scham/Zoia was entertaining. Right now, outside of the rare moment of insight into the actual tournaments, there are plenty of other HOTS podcasts/shows that give you the same information in a much more palatable fashion.


Thats really interest Alur, appreciate your thoughts on it. Before writing something more lengthy on what's wrong with THH, I did just want to highlight one thing that I feel really badly for doing - BKBs English is not good enough to host an English speaking podcast. I feel like a complete shite for saying it, but he struggles to express himself, and I think one of the reasons he ends up repeating himself so much is because he doesn't have the vocabulary to say what he means.

Naturally his English is far superior to my ability to speak ANY other language - but it's definitely an issue for me listening to the cast. I hate myself for it...
BKB could be, and at times is great, if A) it weren't for the language barrier and B) he were more determined. He's the closest to a proper host but he lets himself be drowned and his talking point diminished if not forgotten too often.

I have to start following Gilly and Anna's show caught parts of their last two and it was interesting also JHow did a great interview with the GFE guys as a team and then individually.
He also got some of them to do an in depth guide on heroes. Where they go over every tier their preferred choices and why. They are around 20 minutes in length each.

Edit: Hah beaten even in a dead OT


All jokes aside, this OT really is dead since OW came out. I expect it to remain so til ranked + Medivh come out. Too much crossover in playerbase and nothing exciting going on. No real point to play when the system is about to change dramatically to the one we all have clamored for for ages.

Regarding bkb, I actually love his voice/accent. It's part of why I like him so much. I agree that repeating "I don't know" is likely a language barrier thing, though. He does a good job all things considered, but I'd rather see him as a regular recurring guest than one of the three main hosts.

More than anything that resulted from the Jake = Cooby meme and Cooby withdrawing from the scene, it's become clear that Cooby's real purpose on the show was simply overlooked. He was the one dude who kept Jake in line and on track in a real way. Not Zoia shots fired I made a joke about you way. Though their personalities and voices were mostly similar, he also had differing opinions than most of them (as did Schamtoo).

I honestly believe Jake is rudderless. I feel like he either has no grasp that the show has failed to do what he intended with the first changes and is charging on blindly, or that he realizes that it has failed and is showing no growth and is now just kind of going through the motions because it was so successful early on and now it's part of his income stream. I lean more toward the second option, myself.


I'll still listen to it, but it really went downhill after Scham left (said this all too often).

Core is ok, but they're borderline idiots at time and it kills me how they forget so much basic stuff (name wise).

ITN is probably the best. They both have great voices for a show and they're decent players to boot.

Stormcast is growing on me rapidly. Reminds me a lot of ITN.

Never listened to anything else, so can't comment there. Sometimes I wish the podcasts were longer. THH is the one that typically runs the longest and goes over 2h fairly often. Don't think I've seen that with any of the other ones I've listened to.

Regardless, I hope the new ranked really breathes some fresh air into the game. I have had zero desire to play lately.


Live footage of you in about 2 months time:

Realistically, do we have any recent word from Blizzard about how HOTS is doing? It will never be as big as HS or Overwatch, but does it seem to be pulling in enough money to make it worth their continued investment?


Realistically, do we have any recent word from Blizzard about how HOTS is doing? It will never be as big as HS or Overwatch, but does it seem to be pulling in enough money to make it worth their continued investment?

Yes, it's doing very well apparently. Dustin tweeted recently that sings millions of players, is continuing to grow and has a development staff of over 150. It seems to have tapped into a market that doesn't watch twitch much it seems.


Yes, it's doing very well apparently. Dustin tweeted recently that sings millions of players, is continuing to grow and has a development staff of over 150. It seems to have tapped into a market that doesn't watch twitch much it seems.
When the games are only 20 minutes, people can play rather than watch.


I'm fairly positive that it's making money hand over fist. The Twitch thing is a sad for folks like us, but ultimately most games don't succeed on Twitch I guess.

It does alright there, so it's not a lost cause competitive but...as kirblar or Maledict suggested, I do wonder if the prize pools will continue to be this big next year if things don't improve numbers-wise in viewership? It's hard to tell. The money coming in will likely increase so it's feasible, and new revamped ranked may create new interest on Twitch/competitively, but that remains to be seen I suppose.


Realistically, do we have any recent word from Blizzard about how HOTS is doing? It will never be as big as HS or Overwatch, but does it seem to be pulling in enough money to make it worth their continued investment?

Blizzard Careers page

There is currently bout 11 job openings on the site. So at least this indicates they are investing more money into staff so I'd assume HoTS is at least doing well enough to justify expanding the team. Normally, when a game is doing bad you read bout layoffs rather than see the team being expanded

It's a good sign too me but the other guy that responded wrote a better post

When the games are only 20 minutes, people can play rather than watch.

LOL! I love how Blizzard caters to people like me with busy schedules
Yes, it's doing very well apparently. Dustin tweeted recently that sings millions of players, is continuing to grow and has a development staff of over 150. It seems to have tapped into a market that doesn't watch twitch much it seems.

Blizzard Careers page

There is currently bout 11 job openings on the site. So at least this indicates they are investing more money into staff so I'd assume HoTS is at least doing well enough to justify expanding the team. Normally, when a game is doing bad you read bout layoffs rather than see the team being expanded

It's a good sign too me but the other guy that responded wrote a better post

Great, thanks for the replies. Seems solid!


Quick Match is a suck a joke. Ranked is almost no better, I just can't believe how many bad players or people who don't give a fuck play this game :/

I mean

Coming from a new player to the game/genre (after OW beta ended*)

not all of us can be top pro players like you

And it's QM? I thought HL was where complaints like these were legitimized
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