I watched Grubby play Medivh on his stream yesterday. While he was a bit too aggressive, Medivh looks fun af. He's the first hero that I'm excited for since Tracer.
lol I don't care for/own Dehaka either but don't remember when he was released.
Anyone have a favorite duo to play together? I've been playing almost exclusively with my wife lately, so we can do some fun combos since communication isn't an issue. She vastly prefers support, and lately we've had great fun running Morales + Tychus. Stimmed minigun is a sight to behold.
Anyone have a favorite duo to play together? I've been playing almost exclusively with my wife lately, so we can do some fun combos since communication isn't an issue. She vastly prefers support, and lately we've had great fun running Morales + Tychus. Stimmed minigun is a sight to behold.
We've done Illidan Tass, but solo Tass can be pretty questionable in QM. Rehgar could work though.If you like playing illidan or sonya try tass with either, very fun
If you guys have a hard time figuring out solo tass supp try rehgar
It's telling that the only times the thread isn't dead is when we discuss how sad the esports scene is.
One thing that keeps me from playing this game is that qm matchmaking takes way too freaking long! I'm not waiting 5 minutes to get a game, rip.
Do people think that they have to like everything and every game? It sure seems like it.
Yea I still highly doubt overwatch is going to be big in esports, it's popular right now, but mostly because it's new
Ppl are probably predisposed to calling this game out in part due to not living up to the same standards of other mobas, but i dunno if that's related to success in a meaningful way, smite shipped smoothly and full of necessary features (and pretty good esports support and monetization models) but they are pretty neck and neck with heroes in viewership at least, dunno about profit (i think i read they are also in da money so there's that). But yeah an example of a company that "did it right" vs. one that "shipped incomplete" doesnt really net you much of a difference in success from my limited perspective.
Milly also had dat baby so he doesn't play shit
He also was a dick after he got let go and played the "y'all are babies card"
I don't even know what this means or refers to.
The other team fucked up bad w/ that draft. They drafted a low damage diving double frontline with no big gun DPS behind it- only Tychus (who has to get close) and Lunara (who has 0 burst.) There's also only the two tanks for CC. They let you just faceroll w/ Sonya. (Smart pickup.)anub, rexxar, lunara, tychus, and malfurion. More or less a normal team.
Milly also had dat baby so he doesn't play shit
He also was a dick after he got let go and played the "y'all are babies card"
ZPs made it clear he wasn't happening and was flipping to Overwatch months ago.I can't believe my son had a kid. I'm getting old. Why'd you have to make me old, Milly? Got that new dad smell. It smells like diapers.
I listened to Jake's THOW podcast the last two weeks and it was way better. More like old school THH. The one with ZPs was particularly good. Him leaving the scene is a bigger blow than Zoia, cause he was the face of HOTS until the last few months when he fell out of favor with Blizzard or whatever. Not sure what the real deal was. I prefer JHow at this point, but if he backed out and did only Overwatch or Overwatch plus production behind the scenes for HOTS I wouldn't be shocked.
Yea I still highly doubt overwatch is going to be big in esports, it's popular right now, but mostly because it's new
And honestly I don't think that blizzards esports treatment or twitch or the proscene for hots is going to change that much, it's probably not gonna grow to take any more of the market share, but I never expected it to. Even if current big named pros/personalities drop out more people will rise up to take their place. I think it'll always be on the level of any blizzard esport, that is to say similar to Starcraft or wow pvp... And that's fine, it doesn't have to be league or Dota to be successful and certainly doesn't make the game unfun.
The issue with hots that I feel like doesn't get talked about enough (even though it does get talked about) that actually has potential to hurt the future of the game are the design issues (i.e. QM team comp/hero classification/support meta shit) and the technical issues. Like micro stutter for example, it's the fucking worst, been there since alpha.... Like for people who love the game they can put up with it, but for a large portion of the player base these little things are the things that keep people from coming back after a new games come out...
And back to overwatch, it's super frustrating to me how silky smooth that game runs compared to heroes janky ass shit... Like why the fuck can't they fix it for hots? How is this unsolvable for blizzard in 2016? Like why does it take 2 years to get HL and oh by the way replays, observer UI, in game drafting, reconnects, unplayable heroes (because they're so old and bad), shitty ptr experience, supremely poor optimization, and general lack of progress in any of these areas. But I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and be like: making games is hard, and the core gameplay is super fun, they'll figure it out eventually, and then overwatch comes out and runs so incredibly well that it has me wondering if theyve even triedto fix the jankiness in heroes.
I don't know for sure, but I think a lot of even the most dedicated hots fans here can probably agree that the game absolutely should be in a better place then it is now, and that feeling makes me not even want to play it when there's other games that actually are living up to their potential.
Its draft only over there atm isn't it?
ETC, LiLi, Tyrande, Lunara, Sylvanas
Illidan, Tassadar, Rehgar, Abathur, Thrall
on Battlefield of Eternity
Guess the winner
I'd bet on the other. Stun, Blind, Stun, nothing, Silence vs a team that's all in on Illidan.yeesh. i guess them?