Not just overwatch, HotS was dead long before.
Define "dead". Dead as in HOTS esports looks to be thrashing after taking a mortal wound these last few weeks? Yes.
But dead as a game long before? You do realize the rate they are hiring, right? Expanding, not contracting. They have no shortage of people giving them money or people regularly playing. It's just not the ones that people on GAF or reddit care about.
It's no Overwatch in terms of instant potatoes playerbase, but "dead" is some real hyperbole. It's not even dying. It has been a lean few weeks with the impending arrival of new systems killing the desire for most to play + Overwatch releasing, but you said "long before". I don't quite follow that.
But that doesn't mean they won't be able to make some money off the esport scene (craze), just that they'll be another "me too" that doesn't end up lasting.
Isn't it a little early to say they will be a "me too" as well, though? The only thing we know for sure are that the game is massively popular. We know that from sales, we know that Twitter, we know that from reddit, and we know that from Twitch. It's everywhere.
Where it goes from there is up in the air, but it's hard for me to see something occurring for it to be what we all (in this thread anyway) originally opined - only as successful or maybe less so than HOTS. They'll have to royally screw the pooch to not be better than HOTS at this point at the very least. They don't have to get to LCS/International/whatever the fuck they do in CSGO levels to be a successful esport that can sustain a top 8 in each region instead of just a top 2-4 like HOTS did.