I was hopeful based on this soft reset, doing pretty dang well in placement matches that I could MAYBE eek out a Gold 4 or 5 placement. That way, I would be playing with people that took the game seriously, knew how to build an actual team comp in drafting, etc
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but until you hit Platinum it's unlikely you're gonna see anything very much better than what you are currently. There's a shift around ~2400 MMR (going off the old MMR standards in preseason via hotslogs) where the games get better...or at least less toxic and stupid. There's plenty of stupid at every level, but it's different stupidity as you go up.
The only other suggestion I can give other than grinding it out is to consider creating a smurf account. If you really think you're better than that, it's the quickest way to know and to start getting in better games quickly. Mainly depends on how much you've already invested, though.
If you're good enough, you will get out of silver almost immediately. Good players can carry lower ranks with ease.
I agree with this, but it's not quite that simple. "With ease" is a bit of a stretch unless you're some master league player stomping on silvers and golds.
As someone who has done this before (climbed from 1800 mmr to 3k mmr in HL after throwing my first ~80ish games in HL away goofing around despite being a 3k MMR player in QM and HL on my other accounts) it's not quite so easy as "just carry your way out of it if you're good enough". It took me til game ~210ish to get rank 1 (I was like rank 24 or something in MMR hell on that account) and 2900 MMR. So roughly 130 games to climb ~1000 MMR. I have no clue what my winrate in those 130 games was, but I have a 60.4% winrate in Hero League across 222 games now. You will eventually get there, yes, but the amount of time and games required is ridiculous unless you massively outclass your opponents.
The issues with lower MMR games go much further than stupid bans or picks. There's frequently far more toxicity. Regular disconnects which leave you in the lurch. And a preponderance of "Laynor" and "I'll only push this one lane" specialists that you rarely encounter once you get to Platinum and above. Even when shit goes well in the draft, any of the above 3 can quickly derail the game for you and you just lose automatically.
Like I've said before, I wouldn't wish being stuck there on anyone who does actually know how to play the game. It's a god damn cesspool and other than the monetary barrier to entry, has to be the biggest thing preventing people from sticking with the game. To be fair, there's a difference between knowing how to read the game and actually being able to mechanically do what is needed. Some people are just good at knowing what to do, but not good at doing (see MonteCristo from League of Legends, for example). There's also the people are who decent at playing and can't read it/explain how they do it for shit. But if you have become skilled enough to get out and have wasted your "bonus" MMR, I feel for those people. It's a long grind and I suspect most give up out of frustration, or just create a smurf like I did.