I never really ever saw Mac using homophobic language regularly, though there have been a couple of times in the past he would refer to things as "gay". He did have the boob gif he looped on his green shirt, but that was about as racy as I saw. I have seen him insult other players with some cursing and the like occasionally when they get hot in game/chat, but your tolerance for that is less than mine I guess. Milly talks like that to me every day. He's definitely not on the level of Erho or mewn saltiness, at any rate.
On the subject of Cris though, how can someone regularly being very negative reassure you? Reassure you that he's not an asshole, or reassure you that you're watching the right stream, or reassure you that you agree with most of his complaints? What part of you is reassured?
On the subject of Cris though, how can someone regularly being very negative reassure you? Reassure you that he's not an asshole, or reassure you that you're watching the right stream, or reassure you that you agree with most of his complaints? What part of you is reassured?