lol not only equinox is breaching contract but also Psalm from panda global. They allowed him to scrim with other teams but not to announce he's joining a new team.
mYi signed an all-female team.
It's now a game for girls, Ketch.
Oh shit
K1Pro, KingCaffeine, GLAURUNG, aPm, Prismaticism
Going by Crescendo for now.
Khaldor's META Madness is going on right now again. 5 heroes banned for the event and Bo3s this time.
Flastad, KT, Tassadar, Muradin, Rehgar
Why are you trying to make it sound like BP split for good bro
I'm not current on the state of the game - is the player base low enough that quick match is depopulated on the weekends? Been having trouble finding any games today.
Now the game has unranked draft, quick match times have gone up. Also, when you select a hero it should give you an indicator of how long the queue time will be.
Srey said:Thoughts on Brain Power
My experience with Brain Power has been my favorite of any team that I've played with. Not only do I think it was the best team, but the team atmosphere was extremely healthy and fun, and I am extremely grateful to the team for picking me up on such short notice for the previous Regionals. No one took criticism personally, the drafting and shotcalling were great, and we were all on the same page as a team. That is what makes the dissolution of Brain Power all the more saddening.
These last few weeks we have been looking stronger than ever, having extremely positive scrim results vs every team. I don't have any hesitation in saying that I think that we would have been very strong contestants for 1st or 2nd in the next Regionals. Even so, we still dissolved. One player leaving isn't enough cause for us to disband, but it was actually two players that decided to leave. We felt that looking for new opportunities as individuals would be the better option for us rather than trying to salvage the team, even though we were going to receive contracts for a sponsorship this week.
In regards to the future of the remaining players, nothing is set in stone. We're each looking for new opportunities, although this may (hopefully) lead us to crossing paths on new teams. I am extremely grateful to have played with each and every player on the team and I wish them all nothing but the best in the future. Rosters need to be locked in by July 7th, so there is a lot of work to do with very little time, but I've never been more motivated. Lastly, a big thank you to all the fans that stuck by me and Brain Power throughout our journey, you're support means the world.
I thought they were legend-ruling in competitive?So from everything I'm reading Overwatch competitive mode has turned out to be absolutely terrible. At the same time, pro-teams are starting to use bizarre strats like 5*Tracer in games which makes for terrible viewing. It's interesting because going into Overwatch it felt like that had learnt a lot from HotS in making their game, but now HotS has a really good ranked system and everyone hates Overwatch.
Where's the teaser at
It's done. It's also 2486 words and 14K characters. Not gonna work as a direct Reddit post. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vVoUQ9S-ZHEhIaqsVOEpGVcg6NquV7eOfGxv_CLr0_8/edit?usp=sharing
You don't have to put them all the way back, but you need to retune them if they leave the support category due to QM.Almost done reading and so far great read. Gotta disagree on changing tass an ty back though. Tass is imo so much more fun post rework, a general nerf is probably in order though.
It's done. It's also 2486 words and 14K characters. Not gonna work as a direct Reddit post. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vVoUQ9S-ZHEhIaqsVOEpGVcg6NquV7eOfGxv_CLr0_8/edit?usp=sharing
Any sick plays / top hero damage of note?
I want to try Medivh+Butcher
Figure out the best way to get it posted up where people who matter can see it.