Yeah, it's the baseline pick. Jugs is contextual. Vs a burst team it's useless.
Yeah, it's the baseline pick. Jugs is contextual. Vs a burst team it's useless.
Remember when teams banned all supports to put Dread on Lili but didn't pick proper interrupts? Dread demolished them and hated every minute of it.
Also remember when Lunara and Greymane were shit?
Greymane was never shit, it just took longer to figure him out than usual and NA was really slow to the party... ;-)
Team. League.I've had it with this game. I can't rank up because of idiot teammates. I win, then lose, repeat ad infinitum.
The more I play HotS, the more the lack of items seems like a negative aspect of its design. The talent system often isn't enough to compensate for your team composition and who you're matched up against. A non-healing support can't buy healing/support items to supplement their kit. You can't buy an item to mitigate magic damage or prevent yourself from being stunned. It's so limiting, it limits hero choices, it even limits hero design (every support has to have a heal or cleanse to be viable). They haven't been able to design talents well enough to compensate for the lack of items.
Overall the game hasn't been fun to play for a while. I mean I got into it because I thought a more casual game would be a more enjoyable experience but the more I play HotS, the more I want to install Dota 2 again.
I still cri evry tiem
He's a monster if you have some peel or if the other teams don't have dive. He isn't as bad as some other heroes in release, but he could use a couple tweaks maybe.I think I have only seen one ranked game with Gul'dan in it. I think he is such a fun character, but I guess he needs some tweaks to make him more feasible or desirable in team comps. I hope Blizz makes those changes sooner than later.
I think I have only seen one ranked game with Gul'dan in it. I think he is such a fun character, but I guess he needs some tweaks to make him more feasible or desirable in team comps. I hope Blizz makes those changes sooner than later.
Burst meta lyfe. It's like Dunk (or maybe Kaeyoh or Srey) said, he's basically like if they made Lunara be more tanky but do less damage. That just doesn't fly right now against what you regularly face.
Here is the real problem. They keep releasing worse versions of older, better heroes. We never need another mage, we have Kael'thas and Li Ming. The only way you could make a better mage is to make them hilariously overpowered.I don't think Nazeebo's sustain can be considered in comparison to any other sustain damage dealer. He has the ability to produce ridiculous burst, and at worst he can chip the same way as Lunara. He's in a bit of a different class from everyone provided you can land his skills and I think that's a big part of his winrate sustainability. He's not great at much of anything, but he's pretty good at several things.
IMO what we see with Chromie and Gul'dan is two mage-types who are severely outclassed in some form or fashion by their predecessors, hence lower pick rates and win rates. Chromie has burst but no stun or blink. Gul'dan has survivability but no burst til he ramps up at 16 (and that still requires even more ramping), and it's questionable if his survivability is really all that much better than Li-Ming's (and maybe even KT's once he completes his quest). No real reason to choose either if you can get Li-Ming or KT because while they are functionally sound, they still feel like shadow versions of heroes who came before them because those heroes' designs were fundamentally broken from the start.
Honestly if the game had gotten Jaina, Gul'dan, and Chromie to begin with instead of Jaina, Kael'thas, and Li-Ming first I think everything would be in a better state right now.
As for Gul'dan, on THH they were talking about the corruption talent at 16, but I still feel all of the corruption talents, sans possibly the one at level 1, are trap talents. The Q increase at 16 stacks so easy and provides so much more damage and you don't have to hope someone derps into it.
Completely agreed, this is how you fix him. If you get dove on as Gul'dan you are 100% dead unless your support is there to save you. There is no escape from any kind of dive comp, and his health is too low to survive any kind of burst damage. I assume they figured he could stay alive with his drain life spell, but every damn hero in the game has an interrupt at the ready so... he may as well not even have that spell.And yet Li-Ming has a below 50% win rate, and has dropped off the pro-scene quite a bit as well. Even at the higher levels there are numerous assassins who fare better than her overall.
I think the issue is that they have failed to make the new mages as strong in their respective areas as the original two. I think Chromie is just a fundamentally flawed character who, like Nova, can never allowed to be decent because she's so spectacularly unfun to play against. I think Gul'Dans issue is that he's supposed to be a sustained damage mage and yet he doesn't have a single point and click DOT and his most used spell is the definition of an AE burst spell - combine that with the ability of healers to just wipe out his dot damage and he's got issues.
Gul'dan should be tougher to kill than the other mages, and his damage should be boosted on his dot and sustain stuff. That's partly a flaw in the game though - sustained damage and dots need to be viable more than when the enemy team takes Uther as their healer.
Part of his problem is the current body blocking bug - any hero can "push" him when they get close, and that interrupts drain life. I wouldn't be surprised if that was hurting his win rate quite a bit, because none of the dive heroes should be able to interrupt him (Thrall, Greymane, Illidan, Sonya - none have interrupts capable of stopping it).
They're also not talking pleb level FWIW
She's viable in some situations, but the problem is that only 3 healers specifically deal with burst damage.Have a hard time seeing a 59% win rate support (master league) not being viable at all. I do not believe it.
Wait you can interrupt channeling by bumping them right now?
Also a disparity between winrate and actual effectiveness when used correctly isnt the most surprising thing w/r/t new heroes, but im sure wr would be affected for guldy if you could cancel his drain by touching him lol
Big part of greymane backlash was w/l stats. Conversely, ppl were relatively chill about medivh