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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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My opinion on him has definitely changed after his THH appearances as well. He's one of the few they have on who actually engages and wants to give an opinion without caveats.
I was sold when he just bluntly asked asked Jake and Dunk why they discounted NVT.

Apparently there was some scrim drama between GFE and NVT, Kenma tweeted out "damn @Gfe_MikeUdall a little emo bitch" and NVT canceled their scrims.


On stream yesterday Udall said they preferred not to scrim NVT because they get so hot and bothered so often. He said they are just as apt to play 3 games and rage quit as they were to actually scrim the full time, so it was better for GFE to get quality time in with other teams.
He used to but after Liquid's downfall he got kicked together with FalcoN and Blackscorp, joined NaVi and hasn't had noteworthy results since.
He was the first to run Monk in a professional tournament IIRC @MSI were they lost to C9 and MVP.
Just got an email about guldan entering thr nexas. Man does he look cool. After watching warcraft, it would seem fun to play him.

Ahh.. I miss being the butcher and sneak in on ppeeps


I figured he might since I had never heard of the game he was going to.

I would like to know what led to him abruptly quitting THH. Was there a lot of criticism somewhere else or something? I mean it was only like an hour and a half or two of his time per week, even if he quit playing as a pro. Just always seemed odd.


I figured he might since I had never heard of the game he was going to.

I would like to know what led to him abruptly quitting THH. Was there a lot of criticism somewhere else or something? I mean it was only like an hour and a half or two of his time per week, even if he quit playing as a pro. Just always seemed odd.

I think at the time he was quitting HotS full stop, and so didn't want to be doing a podcast on a game he wasn't going to be playing. Which is fair - he was on the podcast as a pro, if he isn't even playing the game his opinions are going to be fairly useless.


I thought he or Solidjake said after he left that he may continue streaming or playing the game casually though, because his wasn't out yet? I can't remember exactly.

EDIT: Dread guest hosting on ITN said that he feels Wubby is the Fan of the EU scene in that wherever he goes, that team is always successful. Said he's not as good of a player, but has similar impact.


Don't think so. Dunno how popular his OW podcast is compared to the competition (it is better than THH to some degree), but there's already more established casters and even more personalities who just dip in than there ever were for HOTS.


I'm going to go against my usual rants and say that THH has been substantially better recently. It's gone back to being informative and useful, and in the absence of state of the nexus is my favourite Heroes podcast. For a number of reasons:

1) dunk train has taken over the driving of the show in many ways, and he focuses much more on specific drafts and plays unlike Jake.

2) BKb not being there means they've lost the fratboy atmosphere, which was always dumb, non-inclusive and dead time. BKb is an entertaining guy but utterly the wrong fit for a podcast like THH.

3) the guests have been interesting, and (combined with dunks questions) gone into more detail than usual about drafts and play styles.
I enjoyed the last couple THHs I just wonder what Jake's plan is. W/o Hots event casting it doesn't seem like he has a particularly steady income and since he's taken a step back JHow took his spot and 2 more players have entered the stage.


For me, the quality of THH is always contingent about the guest. If they are good, it's good. If they suck, nothing Dunktrain can do will help that particular episode.

I don't know what he's going to do either. It's kind of amazing how far he's fallen out of favor/the limelight considering it was less than a year ago that he was the "face" and was doing the events in Europe and Blizzcon here.

It was seriously like sometime after the clock ticked over to 2016 everyone was just like "fuck this guy" and RIP.


For me, the quality of THH is always contingent about the guest. If they are good, it's good. If they suck, nothing Dunktrain can do will help that particular episode.

I don't know what he's going to do either. It's kind of amazing how far he's fallen out of favor/the limelight considering it was less than a year ago that he was the "face" and was doing the events in Europe and Blizzcon here.

It was seriously like sometime after the clock ticked over to 2016 everyone was just like "fuck this guy" and RIP.
Jake repeatedly ditching co-hosts and having his foot halfway out the door- the pattern's a problem at this point.

(Cooby was the better commentator too, Jake/Gilly wasn't great, Gilly/Cooby was.)


Haha, I said that in McIntyre's chat while he was streaming the other night. He showed an old tourney video of Barrelboys and Jake and Cooby were casting. I was like "RIP Cooby, you were better than Jake".
The body blocking crap had me so pissed the other night, nothing worse than boxing someone in and having them just a wiggle out.

I even watched a bit of mewnfarez stream while he was playing Leoric and he entombed someone only to have them wiggle out it lol. Like it just makes a characters only decent ult completely useless and broken.

Its so infuriating.
Another thing I wanted to rant about is the Zagara changes, before the patch Zag used to be one of my favorite heroes and a go to in HL when the team needed a specialist. I could easily keep up damage with top dps classes. Normally topping out at around 67-70k hero dmg in 20 minute matches and now I average out around 40-50k.

While she's still good at solo lane bullying I feel like I'm completely useless almost in team fights whenever I pick her in HL. The envenomed spikes changes make it to where I put myself in harms way if I have to auto attack anywhere if I haven't laid down creep before hand. So if it's a map like towers of doom or cursed hollow where I have to help on the objective, I just don't have the time to lay down the tumors for that 20% range for a cushion if I've been doing solo lane work.

Hunter Killer has been nerfed into oblivion practically, while it used to feel like a somewhat useful skill. I used to go muta with 2x charges, it now comes to little to late with muta being pushed back as a lvl 16 talent. The new emphasis on drop pod, her (E) being her new dps priority is a mistake. Drop pod's radius is so frigging tiny that your extremely lucky to hit when you take the quest talent for it. While it does hit hard if you complete the quest, the radius is just too tiny to make a difference.

Her ults are now almost completely useless, especially comparative to other specialists like Xul or even arguably Naz.
Maw is really only good now for displacement and nothing else since the damage is so weak. Nydus does nothing for team fights.

Her lvl 20 talents are garbage with zero versatility, your literally left with only two options dependent on the ult you chose. Either you pick a upgraded ult or some crappy minion buff. They removed her bolt of the storm for escape.

Zagara used to feel like a relatively safe specialist pick on any map to me and now she feels like she's bottom tier.


Have to wsay I disagree completely.

Zagara before the patch wasn't a specialist. She was an assassin who also happened to have unbelievable pushing power, due to her ridiculous lane bully ability. She was one of the highest damage characters in the game - ahead of most assassins.

Now she's a proper specialist. She's better at split pushing but still comes with high damage and lane bullying capacity - but she's no longer guaranteed to fit into every team all the time (which she did previously). She's still a real threat damage wise but no longer so high she beats most assassins, and at the same time she brings even better utility with creep spreading and nydus.

Given that even at the highest levels of play shes one of the top 5 heroes in terms of win rate I'd say her new talent tree works just fine - but it does require relearning the hero.
On stream yesterday Udall said they preferred not to scrim NVT because they get so hot and bothered so often. He said they are just as apt to play 3 games and rage quit as they were to actually scrim the full time, so it was better for GFE to get quality time in with other teams.

i really don't understand how Fan is ok with that

he seems like such a chilled out, under control player who wants to be the best. if the fat bros get ragey and quit scrims you'd think that would tick him off or something
zagara isn't about teamfights

you can build her like that

but the nydus network isn't supposed to be for teamfights, it's supposed to be for wrecking their base


i really don't understand how Fan is ok with that

he seems like such a chilled out, under control player who wants to be the best. if the fat bros get ragey and quit scrims you'd think that would tick him off or something

Beats me. Like Familie said, they get higher salaries than anyone in NA IIRC. And they are still always top 1 or 2, though to be fair wherever he's been has ended up that way. I'd peace if I was him.


Seriously, do you have to fucking do that to every thing everyone says? Fucking christ man.

We all know he wasn't 1st or 2nd with C9V, but we also know they were hot and heavy on C9M's heels until they repeatedly poached half of the team. C9M/C9 was literally 3/5's of former C9V players, he never had a chance to win with that. When he has been on a team that wasn't a feeder team, though, they win. Same with Zuna.
They usually were the first to figure out a patch but I don't remember them ever being close on their heels.
I'm a fanfanboy as much as everyone here but it's not like he solely carries teams. A team he'd join would be top 1/2 because that's the only kind of team he'd join, one that could already contend with the top.


C9V was consistently 3rd behind Tempo/SMG and C9M until they were repeatedly gutted by Dunktrain. They were pretty good and never got a chance to develop anything because as soon as they showed success someone else would be out the door to the A team.

You don't think if we swap Glaurung for Fan on the recent "almost" Brain Power teams that they wouldn't be top 1 or 2? You don't think Fan on Crescendo would be better than Glaurung? How far does Naventic go now if they didn't have Fan? How good would GFE be if it was Fan instead of MichaelUdall? All of those answers favor Fan in my book.

Doesn't carry, sure, but, no one really "carries" from game to game in HOTS. Some games you can, but there's no real consistent carrying with the ban system as is. Some players make a much longer impact than others, though, which is why the roster carousel is ultimately useless because the vast majority are interchangeable.

He's the best player in this region. By a decent margin, depending on how you feel about Zuna.

And he wouldn't join a team that's not top 1 or 2 as an excuse? I mean who the fuck would when you're the best player? Of course you want to play with other good players.
C9V was consistently considerably behind Tempo and Maelstrom. It was always a fight for 3rd place.

You're arguing in contradictions a bit. I agree fan is the best player in the region but if he left Naventic they'd still have Zuna who's second as to your estimation, which I personally don't agree with also not necessarily the margin by which Fan is better. Fan is definitely better than Glaurung, I'm not even sure I'd place Glau above Udall at this point.
I'm not saying Fan wouldn't elevate any current standing roster but I believe he wouldn't switch for anything else.
GFE might even end up worse considering Udall is their shotcaller.


I don't even know why I bother.

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