The way I see it though zuna is making the proverbial tower dive when it's not the right move... Like even if a tower dive is the wrong move zuna will go first. Like 1 out of 3 times he gets it right.
On the flip side if he played it safe, and still only got it right 1 out of three times, at least he wouldn't be feeding... And then maybe I'd agree with saying he's one of the best.
Basically right now I'd say he's glaurang tier except he gets to be team captain.
all I'm saying is that fan's narrative deflects criticism while zuna's narrative attracts (often unwarranted) criticism, I'm not really interested in designating either as worse or better and I'm fine w/ the narrative. it makes sense to target the dude who's negative contributions are associated w/ the explodey death sounds
there was one game fan played a couple of months ago that I was pretty impressed with, where he played off-tank illidan and mainly got cds and skirted along the edges w/ very low support priority
but otherwise I mean check out his play in this game:, look at how he plays tyrael/second tank. he's plays well, but he's following up, he's playing scared, his style is that he will go in to get the dregs or to get a completely free kill. not once does he suicide this game, on a character where you suicide. i really feel like his play in this game exemplifies how I see his style, which at many points is a good style, and at many points really really hurts his team.
here for ex. where he runs away after two on his team get popped (, like what the fuck you got bw coming up for the tele and their whole team is low beside uther who you dont want to kill first and there is a chest spawn bot, both zuna and tomster recognize this but fan just peaces out?
There's been a lengthy discussion among EU players on twitter about the strength of first pick.
Exactly this, we've seen MG be outmatched by pretty much every top team when it comes to raw skill it's their drafting and map knowledge that got them their wins. And I don't mean that derogatory they are vastly ahead of the rest of NA.
this is why giving a short amount of time for patch prep really makes this type of tourney not satisfying, mg deserve all the credit for being on top of the patch but that doesn't necessarily mean that the best teams are headed for blizzcon right now. well anyway I guess it doesn't really matter if the best teams in na go or not in the end lol. oh also I guess this kind of sounds like im saying mg is less mechanically skilled, which isnt true, they are on the same lvl mechanically imo w/ any other team in na, they just happen to play together and smarter/more patient too lol, best team in na atm def won.
first pick is definitely an advantage but I also think the players recognize that there are so many things going on besides that too. bakery's point about statistics is really on the nose and extend to things beyond fp w/r/t hots
kenma/nvt's complaints are pure salt, like the timing of the tweets aint a coincidence lol regardless of validity