I'm actually curious why people don't complain more she can be so obnoxious. I'm not a particularly good player mechanically yet I've been constantly making plays with her.
I think you pretty much explained it. She has to work more for it in most cases, and it's not a situation where your teammate blows up on you causing you to die while you were in the clear or anything like that. Like I was saying, the cause and effect is there. Big ass orb incoming = ouch. It's a lot less grating than hey the stick up his ass dude clicked W and now my team blew up and there was no way I could get out of the way because it's not a skillshot.
Um, I'd have to disagree there. Once you get Ess of Johan li-Ming can kill you in a way that feels totally unfair and makes old Nova look fun. Sniping from the other side of bushes or terrain is *really* obnoxious and a literally one-shot with her abilities and the glass cannon build.
You also said he was smurfing during that, though. And he's a pro. If it was an actual new smurf of course he was wrecking. If it wasn't noobs and was instead an equivalent level smurf to his main (like McIntyre's smurf, for example) then I dunno what to tell you other than anyone gullible enough to continually fall into that at an MMR above ours maybe should shut it down for the day.
In my own games here's what I see the majority of the time:
Li-Ming has a hero in range that she wants to target during laning phase...hits minions. Li-Ming has a hero she wants to target at the tribute...hits Zag's minions. Li-Ming attempting to stomp in ARAM...hits Anub's beetles. Li-Ming has a target that she wants to hit anytime ever...orb travels, people move, hits someone else. Sure, when those impediments are not there things are much easier for her, but I can't tell you the number of complaints I've seen in chat, had myself, or heard Milly say when I play with him about her spells being clipped by a different target or minions. It's way more common than people getting RKO'd out of nowhere by her combo in my experience which is what I feel makes her less obnoxious.
I've seen people attempt what you're saying but I've not seen it be too successful. The thing is still too easy to avoid unless you were literally on the other side of the bush and it only appears as it hits you (as you are describing, I guess) in which case IMO that's your fault. It's just like getting hooked in the same scenario. Maybe not the most fun gameplay, but I don't (personally) find it particularly obnoxious when I compare it to D+W+W and Arcane Barrier and Bolt.
And for whatever reason it seems the outcry against her is far less than what we've seen in the past. I personally think it's because you actually have to have some modicum of skill to do these things unlike her counterpart but you seem to disagree so, as I said, YMMV.
(no other ranged assassin, not even old nova, does as much damage in their combo as Li-Ming does when talented that way - it's more single target damage than I think any hero has been capable of putting out in under a second in the game to date).
Unverified, but
this dude claims she's behind KT with 1 GP stack by 100 damage and ahead of Jaina by 200 damage on the target dummy in training mode doing just the base combos, no ults. I dunno if he's right or wrong on that, but I feel like she's pretty in line with those two damage wise. She just has the long ass range.
As well as removing Ess, I think they need to make the orb visible over scenery. Not sure if the numbers need changing, it's the fact she can do these silly Nova like instant one shots without chance of escape thanks to the pull-in and the stealth orb over scenery.
I don't think that's a bad change. I dunno if they can implement it, though. Like I said, it's not unlike hook and you can't see that coming either.
The weird thing is that Ess of Johan doesn't really have any higher winrate than any of her other talents overall. Ess of Johan's w/r is basically the same as her overall winrate which seems counter-intuitive based on how useful the talent is.
This is what makes her op to me, she doesnt even have to go in, kts dont have to go in build still hinges around him not dying and a long cd and his general good build has him getting into range of everything. Her stuff is more difficult to land (i think?) but she never puts herself at risk and if someone looks at her sideways she just blinks
Living Bomb and Arcane Orb are both 10 seconds so unless you're talking about another long CD that KT's damage hinges around I don't quite understand? Regardless, KT's survivabililty is just as high as hers with Arcane Barrier (and then Bolt) IMO. I don't find one any harder or easier to kill than the other in my games...I simply find that I'd rather Li-Ming way back in the back of the fight getting her stuff clipped by minions and teammates instead of KT being up in my face blowing up my team. I do think she's stronger than KT now, but again, I'd rather play against her than him because I can see her shit coming and move.
Itd be a lot better if her free poke rotation didnt include an unmissable laser, if they make it uncancellable itd have an actual downside (but i wouldnt want that change tho)
This is true. I don't think the laser itself is bad. The range, like we've all discussed previously, perhaps. I haven't found the damage on it very egregious...it's damage is really just a tickle/final burst reminiscent of Feral Lunge or Kharazim's (E) from my experience. An excellent finisher, not so great otherwise...at least until the resets happen anyway or if someone takes that obnoxious 60% slow.
Another potential fix is to get rid of the lvl 1 mana talent
Maybe. I don't think she needs it anyway, though. The spell shield talent is what I've went when playing for even more survivability and it's not like Aether Walker is terrible, it's just redundant is all. It looks like she wins about the same rate regardless of which level 1 talent she takes so I'm not sure removing that talent is the fix...an increase in mana cost across the board, maybe?
Shes not even comparable to rehgar to me, rehgar is just a really good support tbh, who might have to have some numbers tweaked, his new design is pretty solid in my book
They probably shouldnt give him prot shield on a 5 sec cooldown though
She's comparable to him for me because I don't find either of them egregiously out of line in a typical game. Like I fucking hate playing against KT, or pre-nerf Nova, things like that...I find both Rehgar and wizard very strong but I don't feel like they are unfair or unbeatable with whatever shit comp I get in QM.
And you're probably right on prot shield.