Getting shit on in unranked all night boys, we movin up in life
I don't understand the people shitting on Hammer Time. I thought it was fun. The 5v5 Hammer mirror match has outplay potential. Wrecking 5 Hammers at an Altar/Tunnel shorthanded is jokes too. You won't and don't have to like every Brawl.
but it's the length that kills this one.
i played like 50 of last week's brawl, and ducked out after 3 of this week's. i had no idea it was full games of towers. i figured it'd be some small arena or lower core health or something...
...reddit seems to be on this wavelength too.
funny thing is i have like 300 games with hammer. i love hammer. but it's the length that kills this one. last week's brawl was perfect for warming up or cooling down because of the round structure. this one is just.. yeah.
it'd be fun with friends but when basic lack of game knowledge like soak/rotations/pushing are required for a brawl, it defeats the purpose of a brawl. not saying this week's brawl has to be played like a hardcore ranked game, but the game's can snowball quickly when people play it as a yolo free for all and then what's the point at all.
You won't and don't have to like every Brawl.
Yes, people are choosing not to play it after they get their 1K dailies because it is shit.
People are then vocalizing that it is shit. This seems to be a strong majority opinion
What I don't understanding is you getting upset at people calling shit shit.
II. Expected Behavior
NeoGAF is a forum for holding civil, evidence-based discussion. Do not post disingenuously, or in an inflammatory manner for the sole purpose of upsetting others. Negative commentary and minority opinions are not frowned upon, but members are expected to be able to substantiate their positions.
You would sympathize with "reddit" who share your preconceived notions because the vocal redditors are similarly wood tier (i.e. 1691-2163 mmr).
What exactly are you trying to say here?
preconceived notion - an opinion formed beforehand without adequate evidence
is someone not following rule 2 of the neogaf handbook in here do i need to report this
That people in this thread spread their bias as facts with no backing and that they exhibit poor reading comprehension.
I provided examples of the two top reddit threads this week where there was no indication of this alleged majority opinion. All I get in return is a regurgitation that Hero Brawl/Hammer Time is - hmm, what's the one word out of the million in the English language that adequately describes everything perfectly...ah, yes - shit.
Then why bring up MMR?
The two top threads are about the following subjectsThat people in this thread spread their bias as "facts" and that they exhibit poor reading comprehension.
I provided examples of the two top reddit threads this week where there was no indication of this alleged majority opinion. All I get in return is a regurgitation that Hero Brawl/Hammer Time is - hmm, what's the one word out of the million in the English language that adequately describes everything perfectly...ah, yes - shit.
I played the last brawl, should I log in to play this one?
Z always being active.
Literally everything. Never before in HotS have I disliked every single moment and aspect of a match until now. To say what I dislike would merely be to describe each individual part of the experience and one-by-one say that I don't like them. It is amazingly, mindblowibgly terrible. It is, in a way, an amazing feat, how they managed to destroy everything good about their game in a mode like this. Had they attempted to do so on purpose, they would be confirmed geniuses of game design, knowing exactly how fun and the lack thereof is crafted.This thread is great. Who cares if people think it's shit or think it's fun? What I want to know is: why do think it's shit or why do you think it's fun.
Brawl's meant as a user acquisition/retention tool- having enough players to get games firing fast at all times is paramount.It is crazy how much gold you get from it. That part doesn't make sense to me. I would have made the reward 300g.
What the fuck is going on in here? It's just a brawl, if you don't like it it'll be different next week. Christ, what is the big deal
No, because it is a matter of enjoyment, a matter of preference for an experience or not. To explain what I don't like would merely be to explain what is happening in the game. It is not as though this or that is not tuned right or has gone awry, but what it is is what I don't like.Think about it as a thought exercise. Can you identify the things you don't like about it and explain why you don't like them without using the words "I don't like"?
Like Kirblar said the problem is that they've attached a pretty substantial gold reward to it if you do play it 3 times, I think that's whats miffing people who don't like it. You "have" (massive quotations here) to play it to get that nice 1000 gold.
EDIT: Just played one, it was okay, a lot of back and forth, and a lot of scumbag keep sniping. I have a feeling I will hate it if anyone figures out the most "efficient" way to play it.
Well your not knowing about this Brawl and setting your own expectations, like some on reddit, is on you. When Blizzard announced Brawl there were enough write-ups and videos showing this exact Brawl.
I disagree. The Punisher Arena brawl, although it was split into 2-3 rounds, took about 12-16 minutes to complete. Hammer Time takes about 14-20 minutes.
The players don't define the "purpose of a brawl", Blizzard does -- "Play on unique maps with surreal twists and with custom rulesets." Players are more than welcome to provide constructive criticism/feedback.
The point of Brawls is to have fun. If you don't find a particular Brawl fun, don't play it for a week. Like I said,
"But there's a reward so I have to play it!" is a response that indicates a problem with the player, not the game.
No, because it is a matter of enjoyment, a matter of preference for an experience or not. To explain what I don't like would merely be to explain what is happening in the game. It is not as though this or that is not tuned right or has gone awry, but what it is is what I don't like.
Not everything always comes down to objective qualities or faults where you can describe what is mechanically wrong with them. Sometimes you just think it sucks and other people think it is fun, like different flavors you think taste good or bad, or things you find sexy or a turn off.
I thought I was civil in my response to you since you took the time to explain your position. I think I quoted everyone that I replied to.
They are doing a thh from Blizzcon again.