Simple formular for figuring out who will win a Brawl this week.
Count the number of players with ambush on each team.
The one with more will win.
That's State of the Nexus. Was clearly the best pro pod out ther, but they never figured out uploading it to iTunes and they stopped doing it because all three were constantly on the road for tournaments or scrimming. Hopefully at some point it comes back.
eSportsMatt said:We are aware of the roster volatility that occurred this year. One of the main points we're looking to hit for 2017 is consistency and the most direct way we can do that is by being more rigid with our roster locks. For the 2017 season there will only be one period, in the middle of the year, where teams are allowed to change their rosters.
Will there be rule changes concerning firstpick/ban or Map pick?
More bans inc. I'd expect two up front.
More bans inc. I'd expect two up front.
There's a bunch of them in the pipeline, there's just going to be a delay on them getting out to us because they didn't realize the issue for so long.Hopefully that means more supports announced at Blizzcon then.
KT skin is out
I know we as viewers hate the constant roster swapping because it's mostly rearranging deck furniture on the Titanic..but isn't a near-constant lock exactly what the Tempo Storm guys railed against when TS got roster locked into their toxic combo after Funyungate?
I distinctly remember Dread and Zoia discussing how they would have made changes if they could have and it hurt them that they couldn't, and also hurt whoever it was that was wanting to quit because they were basically forced to play.
As someone who watched the SilverHawks as a child, I am a big fan of this new skin. I just wish they gave him an option of flying instead of a mount.
I just had a 10/10/0 alarak game against a master league Samuro. I feel like a god right now. Feel free to ask questions boys, I'll be here all day.
Which do you think is more likely for a tgi fridays cross promotion, alarak of ribs or a samoreo sundae
Why does Samuro drink a bowl of piss on the main screen?I just had a 10/10/0 alarak game against a master league Samuro. I feel like a god right now. Feel free to ask questions boys, I'll be here all day.