All random all mid.
Which does not work in this game given how it is balanced. At all. It creates the same wildly un-fun environments we had in quick match before they introduced the warrior rule.
All random all mid.
If you don't like the weekly brawl just don't play it.
Bingo. My point was supposed to be... relax, you don't HAVE to play it so just don't or suck it up and deal with the shit balance. They don't need to, nor should they be balancing a Brawl for completely fair teams and hero choices. It's random, deal with it.I think your complaint is unreasonable here though, it is all random all mid it's not supposed to be balanced. Punisher brawl was hardly balanced and everyone loved it.
It's not a serious mode
I think your complaint is unreasonable here though, it is all random all mid it's not supposed to be balanced. Punisher brawl was hardly balanced and everyone loved it.
It's not a serious mode
I can agree on the length but not all assassins are equal and with punisher brawls many duplicates made for rather unfair matches. It was the Bo3 format that balanced it.Punisher mode gave you the three options mode, and always balanced the classes. You always had the same number of warriors / supports. This mode doesn't do that, which can result in the games I had this morning.
We don't have the option of modifying our characters with items in HotS, team balance is much more important, and going into a game where one team gets a tank and the other doesn't is horribly unfun - which is why they removed it from quick match a year ago. Its why hero select for custom games also balances the tanks out (and also doesn't create all melee dps teams).
Again, part of the issue is the length of game - 5 minute unbalanced games are fun, 10 to 15 minute unbalanced games are not. same as Hammertime - it would be much more tolerable if it were over much faster.
Is it really ARAM? Or is it exactly like custom where you always get an actual comp, regardless of how shit it is?
Havent tried it yet but it looks like a slightly improved version of the custom game one
Arthelon back to streaming league of legends I see... ;-)
Its exactly the same but there's no balancing beyond equalising the number o supports. You get the 1000 gold for it, which is nice, but otherwise it's actually a worse experience.
Okay rant time.
I've been looking forward to playing ARAM in brawl mode for ages - since they announced it. Was really excited when it came up as this weeks brawl.
There is no fucking class balance in the brawl, making it flat out worse than a standard custom game. Seriously, do blizzard even PLAY their own game? One team with ENTIRELY melee and no tanks versus a team with Chromie, Azmodan, Stitches and two healers?
In all honestly, I walk away yet again astonished at how fucking awful their brawl system is. Aren't they playing their own game?
Hmm, no hero reveal leak so far. Last year I believe we had the leak of Cho'Gall, Greymane, and Lunara by this time in the morning. Hilariously enough, I remember tons of people (on reddit anyway) didn't believe it because Lunara didn't sound like a real character.
I got the virtual ticket, but it just feels like an eternity waiting to 5 PM Eastern.
ARAM brawl can't be worse than Hammer Time was. That's my take.
So the opening ceremony is 3 PM EST? Aight den.
So the opening ceremony is 3 PM EST? Aight den.
Opening ceremony is 2 PM Eastern, actually.
I wonder how it would work if they just had all-warrior ARAM or all-assassin ARAM. The latter having the benefit of being able to be called ASSRAM. I'd imagine an all-warrior one might be kind of like a rugby scrum; since everyone is so beefy but their damage isn't as high you'd have this push-n-pull as the line of conflict moves back and forth in the neutral zone. Versus all-assassins which becomes a ballet dance of positioning where a wrong move gets you burst down immediately, and becomes a game of trying to bait people to use their skills incorrectly.