This is my recommendation on who to play just based on who is the most fun (which is what I find to be most important for new people, don't worry about who is good for now):
Warrior: Zarya, Artanis, Dehaka, Diablo, ETC
Assassin: Kerrigan, Alarak, Gul'dan, Greymane, LI MING, Nova, Illidan, Tracer
Support: Auriel, Brightwing, Lili
Specialist: Nazeebo, Xul, Zagara
Unfortunately most of these heroes are the expensive ones, but some of them are cheaper and they will likely show up on the Free To Play list in the coming weeks so you can try them out then.
One thing you should try to do is get each hero available to you to level 5, this gives you 500g and is a really quick way to get enough gold to buy the heroes you want.