All Chromie players should be ashamed of themselves.
People don't realize you need someone to enable her since she can't as easily one shot someone anymore. Jaina always excelled at blowing someone up by herself and Guldan has the waveclear of a god. Kael I can't explain, do people still spread bombs like they are free candy?
Li Ming still isn't a difficult character just throw out your skillshots until someone's low enough to blow them up. Alternatively play with ETC and just land a combo on whomever he powerslides.
All Chromie players should be ashamed of themselves.
Kael has the best zone control kit in the game, and the best stun in the game. I've started playing him again because on maps where you fight over a zone he is actually really, really powerful. Braxis, Shrines, Cursed Hollow and Sky Temple are all maps where his combination of flame strike + living bomb + Phoenix is really, really strong. Plus as said, empowered gravity lapse is the single best non-heroic stun in the game.
There is a real, noticeable difference though in his skill levels I've found - he lacks the raw power of before, but in the hands of a player who can land the stun, and combo his abilities, he is still a completely valid pick. And doesn't rely on spreading living bombs... ;-)
It's been too long since I've played Chromie.
For those who did the nexus challenge already did you get gold rewards for those you owned already? I don't really care for the mount and I own all the heroes.
Yeah I'd be annoyed right now if I didn't get the bundle for free.I had Li-Ming, I got nothing for it.
What's really bad is Zarya actually. she's quite new right, like it came out like a month ago, and she's free now. That's quite soon. if someone paid real money for it, they have the right to be pissed.
Taunt needs to last like twice as long as it does. 1.25 seconds on one target is a complete fucking joke. Axe Call in DOTA lasts 3.2 seconds maxed and taunts everything in an AoE around Axe. Not that the two games are comparable in any way, but what a terrible Heroic ability.
Yeah, i don't see the point of the Dora comparison tbh. CC is FAR stronger in Dota than in hots, because dota also has black kings bar and other items to negate cc.
I mean, I do absolutely agree with you that it should be stronger, but the dota comparison doesn't really make sense.
this game doesnt really need multi-spec heroes
something that could work is the dissemination of types of power spikes at different parts of the game. it's hypothetically a lot more interesting to have varian choose between an aggressive early gank spec vs an early solo lane spec, this way you avoid the goofy "is it a jungler or a top laner" stuff that's relevant in other games but not here and you create strategic choice and reaction on both sides. whereas picking varian now, even w/ an improved tank build, will result in this type of thinking: is varian a better tank/melee than x? I should probably pick up x if he isn't and I should probably pick up varian if he is
Thanks, I just waited.Nope, it's separate but if you finish it on US, you get the loot in Overwatch no matter which server you play on.
I'm going for 30 too.Are there any groups or people going for the Nexus challenge? I wanna round out the 30 games cause I might as well.
i agree, this is honestly what i miss most from League and DOTA
HOTS had it a bit perviously with Kaelthas and Azmodan and it created a really cool dynamic where the other team felt like they had to be really aggressive in the early and midgame
Are there any groups or people going for the Nexus challenge? I wanna round out the 30 games cause I might as well.
I'm going for 30 too.
Zagaras kit is alot better now. Alot, alot better. She got nerfed from her initial rework, but she's still great.
How'd they kill it exactly? She's much more fun now than before the rework IMO. Banelings are a blast.
Type /join nexuschallenge in chat. Join one of the many groups. Add one of them as a friend. Steamroll bots.
So, spotted this in the new "Welcome to Heroes of the Storm" video. As I don't give them enough money already![]()
Let's not jump to conclusions just yet. It could have to do with the new progression system. They talked about wanting to give much more in the way of rewards for levels in the new system, including skins and other cosmetics.