also, those numbers seem way off... the average damage soaked by artanis is 117k?
and mine was 25% higher? so like 150k? that seems like a lot, i don't think I took that much damage that game.
Hahaha fuck my life, I thought I was working towards the Nexus challenge by grouping up with people, not realizing that I had to FRIEND the people I grouped with to get credit towards the challenge. Now I have to play more Heroes of the Storm.
That's awesome man, I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I do. It is very powerful against Samuro indeed.Scoobs, I tried that Auriel build you posted in some games last night ( and it was a nice take on using Auriel. Fighting against Samuro you can complete the quests in record time and you do a good deal of damage. Was a lot of fun (even if we lost the two games).
Also tried Alarak for the first time since he is free this week. He is a lot of fun. Telekinesis took a little getting used to, but once you figure it out you can pull some good offensive and defensive moves. I'll probably drop the gold for him.
A few questions:
- Can the enemy see the target for Johanna's falling sword (and similar abilities)? I think they can but I'm not sure.
- What determines respawn time? Level, elapsed time or both?
- Can I collect more than one nuke? I never tried.
- Are the brawls on a sort of rotation or there's always a new one every week?
A few questions:
- Can the enemy see the target for Johanna's falling sword (and similar abilities)? I think they can but I'm not sure.
- What determines respawn time? Level, elapsed time or both?
- Can I collect more than one nuke? I never tried.
- Are the brawls on a sort of rotation or there's always a new one every week?
A few questions:
- Can the enemy see the target for Johanna's falling sword (and similar abilities)? I think they can but I'm not sure.
- What determines respawn time? Level, elapsed time or both?
- Can I collect more than one nuke? I never tried.
- Are the brawls on a sort of rotation or there's always a new one every week?
Which is almost useless end-game because it becomes so huge she can be in FoW and the range indicator will be at the very edge of the opposite end of your screen so it looks like a fort boundary or something, not to mention stealth hiding it before you just start helplessly blowing up.including Sargent Hammers auto attack range indicator
team liquid are pretty bad, i wonder why they dropped cris
Sure is convenient Chromie hit me for 666 damage, isn't it? Satan confirmed.
Christ, took em long enough to figure THAT one out.Mc to denial
So Glau to barrel boyz? Wouldn't begrudge MC but he's probably fucking over his teammates 1 week before qualifiers.Mc to denial
Sure is convenient Chromie hit me for 666 damage, isn't it? Satan confirmed.
That's nothing new... I know 2 of these.Glau apologist
Glau with chu8, buds, yoda and justing
Protip: Pull your weight.
Not sure why so many insist on riding the struggle bus trying to lane normally on this map.
Zoia and Mc on the same team. Hard for me to root against that, even if I think the rest of the roster is mostly a mistake.
I didn't say she's bad and specifically referred to competitive.Sylvanas in an awful spot? Lol.
But it's not really a niche, it works for close to half the pool and it leads to lopsided games. There's a ton of games on BoE for instance where she's picked and the game is a stomp and just as many where they picked sylvanas and failed to secure a single immortal. Games like that aren't enjoyable to watch and far too common.I think sylvanas is fine. way better then we she was ALSO a top tier assassin along with filling her specific niche. and that niche exists on most maps anyway so I really don't see what the problem is. she makes a mid tier solo laner, enables push strats, and keeps teams honest in the draft on 90% of the maps. What is toxic about her? If she is toxic how is TLV... or other heroes with specific niches not toxic?
I would much rather see her fill this niche then have blizzard balance away from her trait and towards generic ranged assassin viability, that's for sure.
I want to start playing... Don't have friends, can I join someone?