So I've played through my 30 games, well after the 15 I needed for the Genji skin. I do enjoy the game on some level but I am obviously really bad at it still.
What should I do beyond more play vs AI? Finding matches seems to take a while for me, and I still don't know half the heroes.
Yeah, I'd echo whoever said "level every hero you have to 5 to get some gold and to get familiar with what they do." It's important to know not just what your character is capable of, but you need to be able to predict what your team-mates and opponents are going to do as well. Don't worry too much about the "meta", or which characters are 'better' at top-tier levels of play. Find a few characters that fit with your general playstyle that you can get comfortable with (for example, I found that Zagara fits my playstyle incredibly well, as does Xul, so you'd think I really like lane-focused specialists, but then I also fell in love with Kerrigan and Butcher, who are the opposite).
AI is fine for learning characters, but Quick Match is the way to go to learn the game once you are comfortable with some heroes as well as how all the maps work. I'd also recommend staying off the squishiest characters when you are still learning; over-extending is way more common of a problem than not pushing hard enough when you are new (in general), if you over-extend as a squishy you are going to die hard and fast. (Connected to this is if you are playing a hero with an escape power and you are new, use the escape power to *escape*, not to initiate).
Also, this gets said over and over in here, but especially after level 10 you should probably go along with what your team is doing, even if what they are doing is dumb. Lone-wolfing it doesn't work in this game at all unless you are one of a small set of heroes designed to "lane" for most of the game. So even if you think your team are being a bunch of idiots, go along with what they are doing. Connected to that is realizing when your team has lost an objective, and it's time to disengage, or at the very least don't go running back to the objective solo just to get killed in some X-on-1 bad scene. If your team can't really contest the objective, let it go. Don't give them a bunch of free XP on top of it.