"Oh Hi Li Ming! Where were you going?"So I had barely touched HotS over the last year and hadn't seen the change to Sylvanas' ultimate. Goddamn Mind Control is fun, I've always liked Sylvanas in the game but I was having a blast last night.
What the snipe AoE?
Tomorrow night scooby. I'll be on around 9cst till late.
More Warcraft. Jesus Christ.
Vol'jin is a shadow hunter right? Support incoming?
He was the only Tyrael a year ago and he was part of liquid for a couple weeks which sucks skill right out of you. Honestly though he's been juggled around teams and roles all year.
Remember how fan performed for GFE? Athero went through that 3 times or so this year. While he's definitely the weak link his hero pool and Jay back on tank has broadened their drafts considerably.
I was more surprised that they got out drafted by a strategy they helped popularise in game 1.I would agree, but they just went with a three warrior comp into auriel with Tychus as their only dps on infernal shrines. That was a bad draft in my eyes.
This is mostly due to Valla being overtuned, imo. At least in competitive.Well they also buffed Greymane after release and that is mostly what lead to his rise in popularity. You don't see Greymane fucking at all anymore, and his win rate is bottom 5 in the game.. Varian is better than release Greymane, but I'd mostly agree that he doesn't do anything particularly special aside from solo bosses, which is a gimmick
Well they also buffed Greymane after release and that is mostly what lead to his rise in popularity. You don't see Greymane fucking at all anymore, and his win rate is bottom 5 in the game.. Varian is better than release Greymane, but I'd mostly agree that he doesn't do anything particularly special aside from solo bosses, which is a gimmick
Yeah, the idea that he's disappeared from competitive is silly.Greymane was literally picked multiple times today in GCWC.
His kit is a nightmare in HL, but gets blown up easy in 5v5 because of the 0 escape thing.His kit, minus the tank spec, is very relevant. 6 second stun and tons of burst or tons of sustain is always going to be good. I cannot imagine a scenario where a comp match has a tank Varian in it.
Ya, you need a good front line w/ stuns to follow up on your charge to secure kills early in the fight or you're basically just dead.Yeah, the idea that he's disappeared from competitive is silly.
(You just need to ban Valla to have him appear!)
His kit is a nightmare in HL, but gets blown up easy in 5v5 because of the 0 escape thing.
I spent my night playing Tracer with my low mmr RL friends and holy shit I felt so bad for the guys we were playing. I could tell they were new and I just flattened them. Hope they don't hate the game now and quit.