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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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the heavy hand they had w/ rehgar makes sense in the context of more smaller patches,

This is the best thing about the more frequent patching. They can have something broken like Rehgar's shields or Lili's W bug go in and people can enjoy it (or hate it) for a week and then they can tune it a bit and show real improvement of heroes.

IMO it's hard to get the numbers just-so. By realizing that (A) we wanted more frequent patches and (B) it could actually make their job easier, the game is so much better moving forward IMO.


I think in many cases it could just be that it was easier to rework rehgar than it is other characters such as gazlowe. They should really just scrap everything in gazlowe aside from his turrets and start over.


Feel like gazlowe would do a lot better with something replacing the laser

As a hero he'll probably suffer unless they give him some sort of immediate impact move, like if he continues as a purely set up/zoning character he probably wont really become that much more viable. Hes prob really difficult to change or balance, a complete overhaul does make sense but i hope they dont really put to much effort into it since, i mean it's gazlowe it's whatever. He seems easy to fuk up too since he already has one of the best ults in the game


I don't mind lazer as much as I did before Gundy showed me the light. I still think it should charge like 3x faster though.


Feel like gazlowe would do a lot better with something replacing the laser

As a hero he'll probably suffer unless they give him some sort of immediate impact move, like if he continues as a purely set up/zoning character he probably wont really become that much more viable. Hes prob really difficult to change or balance, a complete overhaul does make sense but i hope they dont really put to much effort into it since, i mean it's gazlowe it's whatever. He seems easy to fuk up too since he already has one of the best ults in the game

The shitty thing is that he even sucks at zoning.

Like it's the only thing he does, but he's still outclassed by pretty much any ranged assassin.

Like: "I'm gonna get there early and set up my turrets!.... oh nobody cared any way". At least hammer can do that right.

What if the turrets got stronger the longer they were up? and then when they got blowed up they stunned or slowed people. And then if TNT blowed up before the timer went off when someone walked into it. Like the longer the timer goes the more damage it does, but if anyone walks in it blows up and stuns (kind of like the plant terrors polymorph but stun instead). And then the laser shouldn't be a skill shot, just cast it on someone, and then it just do minimal damage (like it does now lol) but blinds people for 3/4 seconds or something... that way when they try to kill your turret you can blind them.


The scaling hosed those turrets hard. It was already bad before that too. RIP.

EDIT: Dunno if I'm thirstin' more for Xul or The Life of Pablo. Needless to say, real thirsty rite now eh


The last three posts may as well have been written in Latin for how much sense they made to me... ;-). Life of Pablo? Famous? Only one? Tlop?


i get added by aram ppl a bunch and it's awkward not accepting since it's pretty much the same ppl playing all the time

gg ts, goku had some sweet vps
Friiiiieeeend? - Brightwing

"Let us be friends. You don't want to be my enemy." -Brightwing

Especially if you pick li ming

but Li Ming is the best Li Ming counter, especially if you're the better Li Ming.

Oh man when lag literally loses you a game. Last couple weeks have been fine in those regards but today I had crazy lagspikes. Every now and then the game would just stop responding and carry out my last command for 1, 2 seconds, sadly that's all that's needed to throw a game you were pretty certain to win when your teammates follow the lagging person into a fight that's now 4v5

Had another game today where instead of ending because all but Li Ming were down people were chasing Li Ming until the rest of the team respawned. Stop chasing, we already had ~15 kills more than them. We can kill her at core.


Just started playing the game last week. It's my first MOBA and I have no idea what I'm doing half the time, but it's been fun. I expected to get slaughtered at first but I have an above 50% win rate so far, even had a 7 match win streak at one point. Been trying out a bunch of different characters and Sgt. Hammer is my favourite so far; I played one or two matches this week as her where I had the highest siege damage, highest hero damage and highest xp contribution in my entire team, so I guess I must be doing something right. All in all the game's been much more enjoyable than I expected, having never had much interest in competitive RTSs or MOBAs.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Just started playing the game last week. It's my first MOBA and I have no idea what I'm doing half the time, but it's been fun. I expected to get slaughtered at first but I have an above 50% win rate so far, even had a 7 match win streak at one point. Been trying out a bunch of different characters and Sgt. Hammer is my favourite so far; I played one or two matches this week as her where I had the highest siege damage, highest hero damage and highest xp contribution in my entire team, so I guess I must be doing something right. All in all the game's been much more enjoyable than I expected, having never had much interest in competitive RTSs or MOBAs.

This is my first moba too, but I'm a WoW pvp vet and it honestly feels like a lite version of that - which is why I enjoy it so much. I've been playing for a while but barely keep up with the scene/meta so now I'm trying to at least stay up to date. The one thing I'd recommend if you play casual like me, and I just found out myself honestly from reading reddit yesterday, is to use a site likes gamesdeal.com to buy a few characters individually for like ~$2 each, or the starter pack on the shop. I was f2p for ~9 months, but this gave me like 6 decent heroes at a price of ~1.50 each. (Raynor, Malf, Mura, Jaina, Zera, Sonya) All heroes I'd played before during their rotations, but good to have for eventual hero league.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Literally cancer

Had a game yesterday where within the first 30 seconds our Li Ming declared we won because he instantly knew the other Li Ming was trash from like 10 seconds of watching how he poked in the lane. He was right.


eu ppl can yall justify healing ward to me, I've seen it a lot in this esl tournament
seen is picked on rehgar, tass, and kharazim, right now it's tass and monk on the same team both w/ ward on sky temple


eu ppl can yall justify healing ward to me, I've seen it a lot in this esl tournament
seen is picked on rehgar, tass, and kharazim, right now it's tass and monk on the same team both w/ ward on sky temple

Think outside the box you American pleb


Everybody. Just not at your weird times with 1 or 2 games per time you play :p
or when you get high and nap when we are all supposed to log in :p I've also been playing OW when I've only had a little time instead of HOTS like I normally would since I just came back


You have high MMR by chance? I haven't noticed any queue time issues morning or night since December when they rolled out that first change. We had some really long queue times before that though.


well rexxar is still fun...

not so great in QM when you get 1 rexxar solo tank vs diablo, tyreal, johanna, li ming.
The return of the losing streak, of the last 6 games I lost 5. 5! Common denominator, me. But there's only one game where I can pinpoint, yeah my fault. Most of the other games I was making plays feeling like I was keeping us in the game. Li Ming winrate down to 57%

I'm gonna go cry in the corner over there.

Still hate Towers of Doom, somehow always find a way to lose on that map. Like last match we lost from cores being 20 - 7. My team would lose an already unnecessary fight they'd initiate at top while I was clearing bot, it's not like I ignored any pings I actually pinged I was defending there, opponents take boss and then I have to defend a triple altar phase all by myself, then we lose the next fight and it's over. Instead of being at the teamfight over a losing altar (dual phase) Nova would be capping the altar on our side. When their core was still at 7.

Edit: continues winning the next 3 games, including one I afk'd 4 minutes then reconnected on victory screen...

Interesting that Tal Rasha is the most popular talent for Li Ming at 20, the slow on disintegrate has been much more useful from my experience. Sure you're not as explosive but it doesn't matter whether you're the one to kill the opponent and a 60% slow over that range for 2.5 seconds secures a lot of kills.

I also don't understand picking illusionist at 13. It's not that great a talent. 15% AP is insane compared.
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