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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Not...really because his Bone Prison is already top tier for that, and the frozen mage line is good for actually splitting the enemy team.

Like...Poison Nova I think will be a very niche pick. Very very niche. It's akin to Diablos Lightning Breath, as in you never go it unless you really wanna go it.

The game I picked Skeleton Mages might not have been the best example because we were getting destroyed but it felt so useless.


I wasn't impressed the game I used them in either. No one has been dodging poison yet and it hurts like a mother.

It may end up the pick in the end, people just gotta get the "MOAR DAMAGE" out of their system first.
if poison wave is like pyroblast/triple tap then maybe mages is like earthquake

Actually Poison Nova is Lease The Musical.

Xul is a solution to things that aren't necessarily a problem right now, melee assassins. Well, maybe Thrall? Warriors? I just don't see how Poison Nova is going to affect anything but lower level MMR. The further out from the epicenter, the easier it is to dodge the incoming damage. Ranged assassins like Jaina, Li-Ming and, to a lesser extent, Kael'thas, Raynor and Valla will be able to remain outside of the fray, easily dodge the nova projectiles and continue to rain down damage with the impunity they largely enjoy already.

Xul doesn't have fantastic speed, mobility or an initiation tool. If you see him trying to waddle into the middle of a fight...back away? Don't bunch up? If you have a dumpster tier Illidan, Butcher or Greymane on your team, they're going to feed more often because of Xul and Poison Nova but that's more of a lateral move than anything else.
Poison Nova is an anti-initiation tool.

This is what I have learned from this match. Used correctly, at the point where their people jump in, you pop it and turn the tide of the battle heavily.

If Frost Mages work as an initiation tool/cc tool, then poison nova is an anti-initiation tool/damage.

And it's great for doing that.


Poison Nova is an anti-initiation tool.

This is what I have learned from this match. Used correctly, at the point where their people jump in, you pop it and turn the tide of the battle heavily.

If Frost Mages work as an initiation tool/cc tool, then poison nova is an anti-initiation tool/damage.

And it's great for doing that.

Yeah, that has how I've been using it. It has been great.

I'm really digging Xul, with a healer he seems godly. He's no Li Ming but who is, really?
Wow, didn't think I would love Xul this much but what a great hero. This makes me really hope that Blizzard's next diablo expansion has the necromancer


he seems like he can crush solo lanes

Yeah, especially if it is vs melee.

Okay so, I've played like 5-6 matches at this point. I've had huge team fights where I initiate (because quick match gives the worst team compositions) where I'll die first but I get poison nova off that puts their entire team on low HP and my team cleans up.

I really like Poison Nova.


he seems like he can crush solo lanes

Actually not really I don't think. He needs a support. But he'll lose to thrall and zagara.

Better in a duo lane I think.
Probably super amazing on dshrine.
but even then, you clear and rotate, but when you rotate back your lane is all pushed up cuss the skeletons.


cant really think of anything that could handle him besides maybe sonya/thrall, I feel like he'd do aight against zagara hed probably trade well in that lane
like on a short one like cursed i feel like he's got it

but who knoows
probably gonna buy him after greymane? if i can get the $ in 2 weeks


cant really think of anything that could handle him besides maybe sonya/thrall, I feel like he'd do aight against zagara hed probably trade well in that lane
like on a short one like cursed i feel like he's got it

but who knoows
probably gonna buy him after greymane? if i can get the $ in 2 weeks

yea like he'd clear the lane, but she can just hydra and right click him and he'll half to tap after the first wave and then back after the second wave.

I mean he could survive in that lane, but he's not gonna be able to push it


cant he kill the hydra like immediately with spells

I had a game where I laned against a solo Zagara, if she used Hydralisk before I used spells it got killed almost instantly. I couldn't pressure her but I killed the wave way faster than she did.


do you need both q and w or is like q/auto enough

maybe ill skip greymane
xul seems like he'll be fun just based on trying to will his e to come out faster


Your W can clear it fast. Your Q + W makes it damn near instant.

Xul is ridiculously susceptible to hard CC. Like you're just a real bad Greymane some games if they have a Kerrigan or Muradin or something like that. It's worse in QM cause there's so many games sans tanks.

4-2 so far. Poison Nova the only ult that really seems to do much of anything. Been going for Q build mostly, taking the CD reduction at 16 to get more slows + damage in.


do you need both q and w or is like q/auto enough

maybe ill skip greymane
xul seems like he'll be fun just based on trying to will his e to come out faster

His W has such a huge radius that you can hit every creep in a wave, each time. The Q helps make it faster but it isn't needed.


We just won a game where the matchmaker tried to give us the D on Towers of Doom.


So much control to wreck me, short a body in some instances. Everybody was cool, though, no qq. Recognized the situation. We just tried to hang on til level 20 so I could Mortal Wound the shit out of them with the 16 Q cooldown reduction. We got down 20 to 8 at one point and they had one of our forts, but we secured a kill or two and took out one of their forts. Just out rotated them from there.

Every time they tried to engage they couldn't sustain and just got rekt by Poison Nova + Rising Storm + Cursed Strikes + Jaina. Was a pretty fun comeback. Won it 8-0 on a yolo third fort kill by me and the Abathur clone to get the auto-win cannons.


played my first ranked game in a month and won first one. I really think watching the championship really helped me figure out good team comps.

Plus I got lucky. Teammate was trying to lock malf. Luckily other team grabbed it and I was able to grab Morales and just sit back, chill, and heal

Very hard to heal illidan tho. He jumps all over the place and I don't risk my neck to heal. Maybe I should take more risk and pursue rogue teammates? He played good tho and had the good sense to come back too me for heals. Plus I kept him Clensed


Just gotta be smart when to follow them or not. If you have vision on everyone around them and you're not outnumbered, follow 'em. If not, cut your losses.


Wow, didn't think I would love Xul this much but what a great hero. This makes me really hope that Blizzard's next diablo expansion has the necromancer
I would put money on it.

Though it's not an expansion, it's Diablo 4. I suspect he was planned for a cancelled D3 X-pack.


Any heroes in particular shut down Xul? Just curious if anyone sticks out that I should play more while he's in every game. I'll buy him at 10k, so I won't be super familiar with how he works until then.


Any heroes in particular shut down Xul? Just curious if anyone sticks out that I should play more while he's in every game. I'll buy him at 10k, so I won't be super familiar with how he works until then.

Any ranged hero that has lane presence. He does a ton of siege damage but has no real defense in lane.


You'll probably get bitched at a few times for them diving, but oh well.

80% of Illidan players dive when they shouldn't and then proceed to bitch at their team, specifically the healer. Accept this as fact, and just try to ignore the idiots. Best advice I can give anyone with one of these guys on their team.


Any heroes in particular shut down Xul? Just curious if anyone sticks out that I should play more while he's in every game. I'll buy him at 10k, so I won't be super familiar with how he works until then.

Ranged assassins with CC. Xul has no escapes, so when he's committing to a fight you can focus him down fairly easily as Jaina, Li-Ming, KT, Falstad, etc.
Rehgar now feels like he has no reason to be in the middle of a fight again. Even though now the only reason to play him is to have another person in the middle of a fight.

Going to try totem and wolf build I guess and play with things.

Xul + Li Ming is completely broken btw.


you know what they really do an amazing job with in this game? the mother fuckin sound effects are SO good.

From Kaelthas's: Shamanamayama LORAY!, and Tyrande's lunar flair bombs away sound effect and now the sytches on Xul, shhhhhhnk shhhhhhnk shhhhhnk. So good!
I would put money on it.

Though it's not an expansion, it's Diablo 4. I suspect he was planned for a cancelled D3 X-pack.

Just saw that post on Reddit where they are looking for Diablo artists so what you're saying is probably true. I just hope it doesn't take another decade.

Any heroes in particular shut down Xul? Just curious if anyone sticks out that I should play more while he's in every game. I'll buy him at 10k, so I won't be super familiar with how he works until then.

Played in a match against a lunara and I was just bullied by her most of the match. If you don't have your mage ult up you're pretty much toast
Xul seems to be better playing passive. He can wipe a creep wave out and eliminate safety of a push in a crowd and lock down a single target. Waiting for a team to initiate and countering with nova once they're all in.


Rehgar now feels like he has no reason to be in the middle of a fight again. Even though now the only reason to play him is to have another person in the middle of a fight.

Going to try totem and wolf build I guess and play with things.

That was my fear when they put him out OP as hell a month ago.

Typically I do support, but Milly was my healbot today and he played Rehgar. He did a little of out of the fight and in the fight...definitely seemed less useful in the fight, but the shields were still doing pretty good work.


Agreed. Sytche build poke with mortal strike is really strong. 1v1'd a rehgar who ancestraled himself for like 1/4 of his hp and then proceeded to die.


I tried to play as passive as possible sans when I needed to use Poison Nova. Damage seems to be pretty good. I still maintain he's a poor man's Greymane played that way (especially til you get the later Q talents), but I've been enjoying him and seems decently tuned.
Yeah this is going to take a complete rethinking of what Rehgar's main focus should be and what he has available to him now. I think he's viable enough because his base heal is good now, but there's just no way to play him as active as he seems to be meant to be and be a real benefit to your team. The real hit isn't the range or damage nerfs on shield, it's the removal of the 2nd talent giving the duration increase. The whole flow is gone.

Seems like being boring might be viable, but it's not fun, and why bother when you could have a better specialized healer. Real bummer. I'm guessing totem + chain heal build is about it now because wolf build feels like junk also since they nerfed lunge last patch.

Xul basically seems like he can skip the first objective and push an entire lane in to the last gate before a Keep, and have your whole team up 10 to 8 before the 2nd objective pops. Add this to the fact that every game also still has a Li Ming in it, and QM solo queue just became unbearable again for the short term.


I can't remember what Milly said he was taking besides totem at 1 and farsight at 7 (plague of Nova's is a thing again).

If he goes back to heal/buff bot I guess I can live with it. I've probably played 300-400 games total on him in the last ~2 years, I can do without for a while again.


Yea I just went to HL with xul

Shorter ques. Better games

I've been going Mage wall because people try to counter pick with ranged heroes. So just drop the wall between them and their front line and they're boned. ... . . .



I haven't played much in the last few months and started playing again this week. Holy crap, I keep getting put with people don't seem to be very good at this game. Lost 8 of my last 10 games. I just got finished with one where we were 5-6 levels down for most of the game. First time I've seen a team be down by 6 levels. Final levels were 14 - 20. The team kills were 1 - 38. Sometimes I with there was a forfeit option. On a more positive note, I'm really liking Xul.
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