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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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The biggest issue now is the duration reduction on Rehgar's shield really makes it less viable to stick around in a fight the way he used to be able to. It feels totally counter to how they reworked him. I'll admit I got used to his rework when he was drastically overtuned, but since they purposefully want to eliminate the synergy with shield talents (and said as much), it means some readjustment is in order. Totem build is basically the only post-rework build that hasn't been effectively nerfed is all.

He's in a better place than he was before the rework, but the flow is just flat out not as satisfying now. I'm fine with the range and damage reductions, but he just feels too much less active to me now, and I really don't see why you'd pick him over another healer when he's going to be spending just as much time on the perimeter now as the rest of them without bringing much special to the table really but Ancestral Healing, which just got a major counter this patch.


dang what did the french ever do to you

really into the description he gives of erho not shaking glaurung's hand
The forbidden move becomes dirty only when it destroys a quantitative equilibrium and disturbs the rigorous reckoning of compensations; what is condemned by the audience is not at all the transgression of insipid official rules, it is the lack of revenge, the absence of a punishment. So that there is nothing more exciting for a crowd than the grandiloquent kick given to a vanquished 'bastard'; the joy of punishing is at its climax when it is supported by a mathematical justification; contempt is then unrestrained. One is no longer dealing with a salaud but with a salope--the verbal gesture of the ultimate degradation.

If it were a less pretentiously written piece going into actual detail on what it does to the audience while referring to some accompanying studies into the subject.
Now that'd be interesting.

The french did nothing to me, I love that country and studied their language for 6 years in school.


do you think the daft punk song spurred him on to report
how many ppl do you guys think hit the report button and think "i did something good today...no more ppl need to suffer...dont thank me you would have done the same for me"


"look...no one likes reporting ppl but someone needs to oil this match making machine, and you know, it might as well be this guy (solidjake)"
"I made caesar salad out of that guy lol" - solid jake


Watch Connor McGregor's promo stuff on youtube. It's a classic hype thing.

Fuck Connor. Cannot wait for the day he gets his ass kicked. I'm sure after all the hype he gets and how big he talks himself up he'll fall into the Rousey "I thought about committing suicide" too.
I've been playing MOBAs for years, report systems do fuck all. The overall behaviour remains the same because of the nature of the game's online setup, matchmaking with random people = shit behaviour. There's no consequence for being an asshole to a random person that you'll likely never play with again. None. It never changes, it never gets better.


tbh really enjoyed zuna's explanation for getting caught out on illidan that one game

"i was carrying really hard, but then my team started throwing, so I was like well I guess I have to carry harder, and we lost"


Still not exactly sure why it's zuna illi and not McIntyre.

Mac says it's because he plays a good zagara, but surely zuna can play zag just aswell, and I thought it was a give in that Mac is much better on those high impact heroes then zuna ever was.


I don't know if he was or not. Zuna, Fan, McIntyre, and Glaurung all filled a similar niche in NA HOTS last year for a good while. Zuna was the only one who was successful in it (ie: his team won often), and Fan didn't see success til iDream took that slot and he moved to flex. We all know how things went for Mac and Glau. Doesn't mean Zuna was better, necessarily, but he was the only one winning against good competition while playing that way. He also did a good bit of Sylvanas too though IIRC.

Mac diversifying is a big part of why they are so good. I think there are certain melee heroes or comps where he would play melee and Zuna something else, but I've never really seen Zuna play Zag. Mac was playing her and Tass on stream pretty regularly during his downtime.

In other news, Panda Global lost bigempct or however you spell it. Mac was just on stream last night saying he thought he was one of the best players in NA that wasn't on his team/C9. Michael Udall thinks he might be heading to Team Blaze, but I dunno. All this was said by Udall on stream. He also said he doesn't know what will happen with PG going forward and who will stay or go.


Anyone get terrible losing streaks and lose hope? In just the last couple days, of the 13 games I played, I've won 2 of them. I enjoy the game a lot, but getting these matches we never win is really discouraging and ruining the game for me. Mostly QM. I tried HL, won the first game, lost the next 3. :(
Wasn't too impressed by Mcs Zag the past weekend. Glau needs more heroes that can do both ranged and melee, if he moves in on Gmayne they'll just target ban him time and again or force them to pick him early giving themselves an advantage in draft.
Did Zuna play much melee at Tempo? They were known for their triple range comps.

Losing streaks happen, murky is the answer.


Anyone get terrible losing streaks and lose hope? In just the last couple days, of the 13 games I played, I've won 2 of them. I enjoy the game a lot, but getting these matches we never win is really discouraging and ruining the game for me. Mostly QM. I tried HL, won the first game, lost the next 3. :(

As sad as it is to say it's just part of it. Even more so in QM where it's all random in regards to the team you'll get. The only real way to improve your odds is play only heroes that you know you are gangbusters at or are very strong. Preferably both. HL is a little different. Generally your comps will be better, but you're still relying on 4 other people picking heroes they are actually good at and that are actually relevant.

I wouldn't get too discouraged. Happens to all of us and it does suck, but typically I find I hit a big winning streak not long after a big losing streak.

Did Zuna play much melee at Tempo? They were known for their triple range comps.

Zeratul any time they could get him, for sure. Can't remember if they got in on the Sonya train or not before they imploded. They did do triple ranged a lot, but melee is his general thing when he can get it.

EDITx2: Looks like they were trying Butcher and Sonya by the time the Americas Championship rolled around at the least, cause it's the spot of that big Caffeine "Butcher Block" play with Entomb. Also a lot of attempts by Zuna to do double warrior. Arthelon played Sonya in the next to last game against C9 in Americas. Zuna was on Jaina that game.
Zeratul any time they could get him, for sure. Can't remember if they got in on the Sonya train or not before they imploded. They did do triple ranged a lot, but melee is his general thing when he can get it.

EDITx2: Looks like they were trying Butcher and Sonya by the time the Americas Championship rolled around at the least, cause it's the spot of that big Caffeine "Butcher Block" play with Entomb. Also a lot of attempts by Zuna to do double warrior. Arthelon played Sonya in the next to last game against C9 in Americas. Zuna was on Jaina that game.

IIRC Mageatul had just gotten nerfed when Zuna joined tempo and it took a couple months for Follow Through Zeratul to pop up and him being heavily contested. At the time everyone was successful with Zeratul hence the contestation, he was absolutely busted,
I miss it. Haven't played him much since.
Not saying melee isn't his thing but it wasn't his thing really at tempo's height from what I remember.

They did triple range so much and where so dependent on Zuna on Sylvanas, they blamed their performance at MSI mostly on her ban.


Yeah they were def triple range oriented, but he and Dread are also on record saying they had very different ways of viewing how the team should shotcall and draft toward the end even though they got along. I guess that was the biggest part of their downfall in the Americas and then Worlds (beyond drama) when the meta shifted off their 3 range niche. They also milked the global comps during the promote meta and he played Zera for that when he could IIRC.

A lot of the "ZUNA FEED" rhetoric comes from him being on Sylv, Zera, and Leoric respectively. It's really hard for me to remember him playing anything but those 3 heroes to be honest due to the memes and the times he played them. He was always making huge plays or throwing games, never in between.

EDIT: Da fuq, Team Blaze got rid of Roflcopter and Batterry? I missed that. Felt like they were pushing forward, too. Guess that makes sense re: Udall's comments on bigempct.


for some reason his c9m days stand out more to me than tempo (i started around then maybe that's related)
I guess the narrative of oh if smg were at blizzcon that year they wouldve had won no problem since the winners were basically ragtag league players that had started like a month before, but then c9 just comes and runs them to the ground repeatedly appealed to me and made me think that the hots scene was gonna rev up and be interesting

sad that blaze is changing up

kinda glad that I never played li ming when she had ess of johan, her missle talent at 4 is really fun, also as an aside big dislike for reducing auto attack damage on mages


but then c9 just comes and runs them to the ground repeatedly appealed to me and made me think that the hots scene was gonna rev up and be interesting

Wait, what? I don't remember C9M ramming SMG into the ground ever. They did beat up on Tempo after they got sponsored, though. I may be wrong on that, but I'm pretty sure SMG were the unquestioned top dogs in NA for some time. Picked up Glaurung and dropped Madtimmy and got sponsored by Reynad, and then shortly afterward is when C9M started dominating them for a couple months. Then they dropped Glau for Zuna and took the throne again until the Americas championship.

EDIT: On a sidenote, would love to know why Symbiote Gaming was called Symbiote Gaming if they were unsponsored. That sounds like a sponsored name. Was it just because of the cool shortened title? Also, why did Reynad pick Zoia beyond him being on THH? I want the Tempo Storm Oral History article, from cradle (SMG) to grave (now).


Yeah they were winning the Go4's and stuff, but SMG wasn't in those. SMG was doing the Kings of the Storm tournaments and won virtually all of them from what I can see after the Dec. 20th one (apparently all the ones before that too sans one). That was about when I started watching.

All I ever watched back then was KotS, didn't even realize the Go4's had any good teams in them at the time.

I remember hearing people talk on reddit a lot (and in here a little) about how the scene would change so much and these dudes wouldn't be shit once it developed...but it's still basically the same players in NA as it always was. They are just split across three teams now instead of two.


Yeah i definitely thought an influx of players on game release would up the ante in the scene but that hasnt happened at all

My recollection was for when zuna was on the team, i basically stopped following them after he left lol. It seems their bane was murlocs they lost to them a bunch

Haha when idra was part of the scene


zuna was on c9m?

the only thing i'd like to add is that i dont ever remember mac feeding or missing big heroices on melee assassins. ... which happened to zuna quite a bit if I remember correctly.


EDIT: Da fuq, Team Blaze got rid of Roflcopter and Batterry? I missed that. Felt like they were pushing forward, too. Guess that makes sense re: Udall's comments on bigempct.

Seems PG is disbanding. Guess we're gonna get some smash up team soon.


Xul debuting at #1 on the charts.
Blizzard are damned if they do, damned if they don't. Since after Leoric people complained new heroes were way undertuned now Li Ming and Xul are bonkers and people still complain.


To be fair Li-Ming would have done if we hadn't also had the rehgar rework in the patch.

Personally it's a much better approach than the last 6 months of 2015 when every new hero seemed a dissapointed to. I just wish they were banned in hero league for a couple of weeks so games don't boil down to who picks the most OP hero first. Or bans of course!

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
well, my xul regret is kicking in. he's so comp dependent. some games he destroys, some he's trash. and my luck gives me people on hl who first pick rexxar. i may actually have to play qm to practice him..
could be worse they could first and 2nd pick BW and Artanis and pick Nova because she's fun.

Nvm Rexxar?! lol, played like 10 games in total with and against that hero. Least popular hero in the game, why would you ever pick him.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
this is no joke, not making this up. had two games in a row where two different players first picked rexx. one of those games someone picked tychus too. it just really sucks when people dont put more though or feel more responsibility in their picks. i guess they really need drafting in qm because in hl you lose the game in draft.

not saying first pick always has to be meta best, but just need some thought about map and comp. had a game where dude on shire said he was going to go murk (murk is great on that map) first pick and we built the team around him and me on xul. we destroyed that game. was awesome. i play like 3am est so very crazy people. i should also find someone to queue with.


well, my xul regret is kicking in. he's so comp dependent. some games he destroys, some he's trash. and my luck gives me people on hl who first pick rexxar. i may actually have to play qm to practice him..

I have to be honest, I really hate it when people play new heroes in hero league the first few days of release. Unless they are wildly overpowered it's just an unfun experience for the rest of the team because you don't know how to work with the hero and your not sure on how they play or what they can do. In ranked mode that often translates to the team picking the new hero losing.

Again, an unranked draft mode would fix that instantly - I agree that you need drafts to learn a new hero well, but it sucks for your team when people force it.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
i hear what youre saying. i dont pick him just because or spam lock him in. ive only played him about 6 times in hl and there were games where i/no one chose him because he didnt make sense. like you said, he is not liming 100% pick status. but the reason i go more to hl is because i cant trust qm to give me a good comp (i guess i cant trust hl either). qm is so utterly random (and you dont know the map) that qing in there can be just as pointless since youll get stomped or be on a comp where you cant do anything.

this is why i said my xul regret is setting in. he's hard to get good value out of in qm and hl if your luck is bad. ming you can fuckin pick in any game and she contributes. xul isnt quite like that. ill have to run more party games in like fogeyleague or something.


Personally I'd rather people pick okay heroes that they're really good at than op heroes they can't play. Back when i last played ranked, sometime last year, Jaina was that pick. Would constantly see people pick her who would just then proceed to die over and over without helping much.
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