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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Yeah I've had some success peeling with him in all kinds of scenarios.

He's pretty god damn fun I gotta admit. Also, for anyone who does a lot of AI for holiday "win x amount of games" he's amazing for pushing to end a game very quickly in the same way Azmo, Hammer, and Sylv are.


More of a peeler keeping people off the backline? It would fit with his kit.

Yea he's pretty decent at peeling, but he can go ham in melee buts it's just really situational... Ike when bone armor is up Or if people get in range of your W he can dish it out pretty good.


Well, the Xul train is definitely rolling along right now. Who knows where he'll be after the inevitable nerfs if that matters to you. On the one hand, you get the full effect now. On the other, you have to adjust to whatever changes are made after you get used to it.

I dig em both. I've really had a good amount of fun with all the recent heroes. Lunara, Greymane, Li-Ming, Xul. I don't count Cho'Gall because reasons. Hard to go wrong with any of them if you like doing some damage, just some suit certain playstyles over others.


oh i mean if he is getting nerfed that's probably gonna be around the time I get him, I don't really care about that though
ive only played one actual game w/ him but he didn't really seem nerf worthy, I was playing li ming tho


How do you nerf xul?

Reduce mortal strike % but that's not really his issue. Like the wave clear and push is what's really broken about him.

Nerf skeletons.... Maybe 2 instead of 4? I don't know


When I play him I don't think he's ridiculous strong like we have seen in the recent past with Li-Ming and Rehgar, but he definitely has a bit of that old Leoric "too good at everything" vibe going. Insane wave clear, good sustain, can deal good damage, etc etc.

If they nerf skeletons more than a small amount of damage they may as well remove them IMO. They are basically cannon fodder unless you're doing the skeleton build. They are just really good at snowballing creeps in a lane.


When I play him I don't think he's ridiculous strong like we have seen in the recent past with Li-Ming and Rehgar, but he definitely has a bit of that old Leoric "too good at everything" vibe going. Insane wave clear, good sustain, can deal good damage, etc etc.

If they nerf skeletons more than a small amount of damage they may as well remove them IMO. They are basically cannon fodder unless you're doing the skeleton build. They are just really good at snowballing creeps in a lane.

Do you agree that the wave clear + push is the problem though? How do you fix it without changing the passive.... It's so strong

Maybe reduce his right click dame just a little so the w doesn't clear as fast?


Specialists having wave clear is fine - they should be the ones who have it.

Specialists having one of the highest AE damage spells in the game from level 1, without talents, seems wrong to me. If he didn't have the ludicrously high damage scythe, he would be much more of an anti melee pusher and would bring a lot less to a team fight it seems.

Seriously, that spell does dumb damage for a specialist - it's basically the same as Nova's snipe.


I honestly don't know. If anything is the issue it's the wave clear/siege potential, I guess, but that's kind of what he's supposed to do as a specialist at the end of the day, right?

Don't really have any ideas, just don't think it would take much nerfing to put him in the dumpster either. Will be a weird one for them to sort IMO.


Yea I agree about the scythe, it's really good. Maybe they thought it would be harder to hit, but I think it's actually easier to hit as it can just appear underneath you.

And without the scythe build, he'd be a lot less useful in team fights


Yea I agree about the scythe, it's really good. Maybe they thought it would be harder to hit, but I think it's actually easier to hit as it can just appear underneath you.

And without the scythe build, he'd be a lot less useful in team fights
Does it not start out appearing translucent?

That's a fuckup if so.


Yea kind of, but still a lot harder to dodge then a regular projectile.

They could reduce the damage a little and reduce the bonus range talent at 4 too.

Also, they need to reduce the range on li mings abilities. I was just thing about Jaina and KT and how close you need to get to hit your spells... Li Ming is total bullshit by comparison
I need the tool to get an understanding of the stupid I occasionally play with. Like when you get a team that still doesn't get that you don't fight a talent down, that's almost an absolute. That you don't stick around at low HP against a Nova or a Li Ming with no healer. That you don't try to take boss with only 3 squishies just because 3 of them are down, after the first time was stopped by me turning in instead (58 gems on Greymane...) we tried again when 4 of them were down and we still wiped :|. That you stay behind walls or near structures to defend if you can't take a fight head on.

etc., etc.

Comp was, Gmane, Lunara, Xul, Sylvanas, Valla. opponents were, Xul, Nova, Ming Lee, Hammer and Jaina. Was fairly certain we lost that game on the loading screen already considering we had no way to dive no front line and significantly less range.

Fake Edit: nvm I was actually 2nd lowest mmr on my team. Tool's useless. The 4 of them died 40 times combined, I died 3 times on Greymane. And I was lagging. That doesn't paint the whole picture though since I also have the least takedowns. While they were fighting and dying levels down I was clearing waves and B-ing after a fight brought me near death. Also having a 200+ ping

Quote of the day: "You don't need a tank for boss, it's not an MMO." I actually chuckled. When I actually said, we had nobody to tank boss, it was just me on Gmane, Lunara and Sylvanas.

Sometimes I wonder what I am missing on myself, cause just objectively I realize I have to be making some if not many similar mistakes, or that many preconceptions I have should be wrong.


I had a Lunara complain I wasn't healing. She kept dying to illifan. Apparently I sucked. I had the 7 kills 15 assists and 3 deaths. She had 7 kills 10,assists, and 15 deaths. To top it off I was Rehgar. We were all shitty in her eyes by the end of it


You don't need the tool, Famalie. When you see people 300-500 mmr less than you and then trying to call shots when they're absolutely wrong in every way, just no.


Sometimes I wonder what I am missing on myself, cause just objectively I realize I have to be making some if not many similar mistakes, or that many preconceptions I have should be wrong.

I'm sure you are. We all are. I also think you may be someone who suffers from my "sentient being" theory that Ketch disagrees with so fiercely.

Outside of that, perhaps you should rely on the old faithful advice we used to give to all new people back in the day. If you know the right play is "x" but everyone else does "y", you may as well do "y" with them in most scenarios and hope for the best because they are certainly failing without you. Odds are they aren't gonna convert to your way of thinking and trying to get them to will likely just result in BM or a throw. They may even fail with you, but at least the chance of success is greater as 5 instead of split.

If your MMR is as low as you have implied, I wouldn't even worry that much about soak beyond level 10 if it involves you having to get far enough away from your team to not be available for an engagement should it happen. No one else at that level worries about soak in my own experience smurfing. All anyone wants to do is fight and they will go fight and die without you anyway, so you may as well join em. You kind of have to babysit them the whole game and massage the engages as best you can with the little bit of input you have. It's also worth noting that due to the skill level of the others (assuming you are better than your MMR and they are at their correct MMR in this scenario) that fighting a talent level down is indeed dumb, but you can't stop them from doing it. Odds are the enemy is just as discombobulated as your own team, so the talent level isn't as huge a gap as it normally should be.

I definitely understand your frustration, though. It's a miserable fucking experience at that point and even more so once you realize what is the right and wrong play and still can't do shit about it most of the time.


What is the sentient being theory?

I will throw out that hots logs MMR is not the same as the in game MMR, and a couple hundred MMR points isnt really that much of a difference anyway
That's a more healthy attitude but then again I hope my absence would maybe hold them back.

My MMR is currently ~2100, I'd be curious where I'd be placed on a smurf but not enough to try it out. I don't think I'd end up significantly different.

It's just me ranting. I'm not that frustrated even losing I'm having fun with the right heroes, if there's a couple games like that in a row it gets frustrating. But I queued Ming Lee bae and stomped the next game with a very good Gazlowe, or very bad opponents whichever side you prefer.

What bothers me with Murky and Abathur no matter how much I love playing them is that you gotta work your ass off with them. Playing Murky is like playing a hero on the edge of his HP bar 24/7 a breeze can kill you and playing Abathur is so damn hectic, you have to be placing mines, babysitting your teammates, pushing lanes, soaking XP, staying safe,... and you never get the reprieve of being dead for a minute with either hero unless you fuck up colossally.




The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Everytime I think about getting back into this, thread makes me think thats a bad idea ;_;


Everytime I think about getting back into this, thread makes me think thats a bad idea ;_;
I just run dailies right now, the games awesome but missing so many core features that make it not worth going ham on right now.

SFV is in better shape than this (for my tastes/needs) which is crazy.
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