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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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LOL Falstad buffs and a nerf to Greymane's only viable build. What?

The magic missile structure damage nerf is such an arbtirary time throttle. Two nerfed magic missiles to do an old one's worth of damage. So now it takes 6 seconds to do to buildings what she could in 3 seconds. She's going to still put in work with Arcane Orb on both creep waves and structures so are they going to add another arbitrary damage modifier for structures on that in the next patch? Then she's the only assassin with special modifiers to structure damage? That doesn't seem well though out.

She needs to be nerfed because she's too strong and too safe too early in the game but coming up with character specific structure damage modifiers seems like it has the potential to get messy fast for what is supposed to be the simplest MOBA on the market. Decreasing her ability range early and then tying range increases into some of her damage boost talents seems like it would be the better route to go. Then she doesn't get saddled with arbitrary structure damage modifiers and is at serious risk early game if she tries to cheese some buildings down fast.


I like the change, mainly cuz her talents are nicely designed (you still do absurd boss dmg tho, feel like a reduction is in order here)
Abathur nerfs, acceptable. Buffs, modest. QM shenanigans, on-going.


Honestly they had to do the structure change, the things she can do at the start of a match shouldn't be viable considering it's very easy and very safe to do, and the alternative would be buffing structures again which no one wants, or drastically changing her abilities which no one wants.

The slow change at 20 has been needed for a while, I wouldn't have been sad to see it removed entirely considering how easy the ult is to rotate. The mana change for missiles I don't see the point of really since it's such an easy thing to dodge, even easier than her W. She really hasn't been that dangerous after her last set of changes, provided you're mobile.

But hey, at least she's not Valla or Greymane where you get to wake up this morning to see this patch and are left wondering why you needed adjustments when they have 6-7 characters that are near garbage tier right now.


k finally looking at the patch notes via laptop screen
so basically some great changes and some ???

my opinionz
falstad - w/e, I don't like stacking q and mage build isnt great unless his q gets faster, it's cool that they want him to have auto/burst options i guess

greymane - weird as fuk, he was too strong and will prob still be really strong but as mentioned he needs more thought out stuff tbh

li ming - structure specific stuff makes sense, dunno how it plays out but i mean you shouldnt be two-shotting towers late game? tempo flux change makes sense i dunno the real difference between 60% and 40% here and whether the nerf was good enough. I like the idea of reduced disintegrate range if they ever want to do that. doesnt really change talent diversity at 20 tbh, if that was what they wanted, I don't think they care about that though

valla - ??? I'm confused. if they want her to to be an auto attacker they should either give her more health or more dmg than this change gives her. cool ult buff tho, I like that. they say they have more in store tho, so I guess this is a data gathering change

abathur - i like e buff, i like w nerf. wonder if there is a shitty feeling rubric w/ a sliding scale of sad face -> happy face where they calculated the numbers for w to not ruin games, let's be real tho it's still gonna be dum

zagara - i never thought hydra was that hard to kill but sometimes the match up really fucks you I guess, so it's nice to have that be less oppressive. maw change is significant but ppl will probably just switch to battle momentum every time?

monk - great change maybe, I dunno how the numbers line up but hopefully this means 7 isnt always autopick? which lets you get cleanse and so on. but I dunno how the numbers work out and theyd have to hit a sweet spot for it not to be autopick. in general a buff to his heal is cool, like I said before he really should be the guy for aoe heal numbers and rehgar should be the shield guy

artanis - oh talent changes. i dunno, not even gonna try, I don't really know much about this guy, I think his q is very wacky, uhhh it'll be cool if his changes make him tanky

sonya - cool, ppl really shouldnt be able to wrath forever, I dunno if this changes that but I mean it makes you work harder for it and that's nice


it would have been cool if he just punched ppl out, and then his ult or his w let him get those laser claws
i have no idea what's going in that lotv cinematic

oh shit if one of his ults was like when there was that dk explosion bug a while back, that'd be cool, that's basically what's happening in that video


I feel like what I want from him is different from what blizz wants for him and that's why I'm not liking it idk, I'd rather he have charge and be a little more squishy than be infinitely kitable and popping those shield builds

oh well


I feel like what I want from him is different from what blizz wants for him and that's why I'm not liking it idk, I'd rather he have charge and be a little more squishy than be infinitely kitable and popping those shield builds

oh well
A worse version of Charge baseline is going to be necessary.


Anyway, tried out 2 games of Artanis.

He's a ton more tankier for sure. I built him with shields too, which I had never done before this patch. I was going with:

Q at low health proc
Follow through
Nexus Blades

It was pretty solid. Never though I'd go without zealot, but it's really needed still, sadly. That or an AA range increase. That with his lumbering walk really makes it seem like there's no way in hell to stick to someone. Rehardless, dude is fun as hell. Hope I can push my WR to over 60% on him soon.
Took 3 seconds of watching THH for one of the hosts to talk over a guest whose attempt to say something never got addressed.
Cooby, Bakery in this case
They really oughta cut a host.
What is up with people and Bakery's voice, sure it's not the cleanest but it's not like it's that difficult to understand.

Making fun of it and/or calling it out is just bad manners and unsightful.


Just part of life breh.

I should know. People have trouble understanding me 24/7, particularly since I moved to the west coast. If your voice is distinctive you just kinda deal with it.
The nerf to Artanis is very small, the buffs to his shield traits lets him be even more of a boss. I mean, I've 3v1ed because of twin strikes+having the shield come up constantly. Those moments have made me say 'holy shit' because it's so bad asssss
Just part of life breh.

I should know. People have trouble understanding me 24/7, particularly since I moved to the west coast. If your voice is distinctive you just kinda deal with it.

At first maybe but say you've met that person already a couple times and they still do it, bad manners.
Maybe it's an NA thing.

Someone posted one of the best moments from EU regionals. That was pretty hype, bummer the casters kinda missed it.


At first maybe but say you've met that person already a couple times and they still do it, bad manners.
Maybe it's an NA thing.

I dunno, man. In general a person's accent is a pretty core part of their image. I can't say I've personally known anyone who has an odd accent like myself or who has a certain set of words they say strangely that doesn't get some shit for it every now and then. That's part of friendship. Maybe it is an NA thing, /shrug, but I've heard English folks do the same on podcasts and the like with American accents as well.

Milly mocks mine/where I'm from at least once every few weeks, for example lol. Then again he mocks everything. My wife and other friends from outside of where I grew up do as well, though. It's pretty regularly a topic when we meet people for better or worse. At least it's a conversation starter I guess.

I didn't catch whatever you're talking about and can't say I've ever heard them comment on Bakery's accent, but I'm sure it was good natured. The only talk I've ever heard of his accent has been positive. I surely would love to swap his for my own.

EDIT: Cooby without glasses all this time is just weird. Like someone else speaking his words.


Li Ming still needs to be nerfed more. The stuff she got hit with wasn't enough. Her damage is just straight up too ridiculous. Arcane Orb hits half the cast for over 60% of their health, it's dumb. Orb should hit for less on structures too, not just Magic Missiles.
I got outhealed by a fricken tassadar as medic,in like a near tailor made AA comp vs our no assassin double support comp though.

It was. Artanis, Morales, Kharazim, Gazlowe, Nazeebo vs. Valla, Nova, Tassadar, Artanis, Valla.

Somehow we dominated them, had all their keeps down when we had just lost a fort. It was shrines so Gaz did some work. Artanis though is annoying as fuck if you lack the damage to kill him when his trait is on CD. And as soon as they hit 10 I was just dead to Nova + Artanis Laser pretty much every teamfight. Our Artanis was on point with his blind ult though, really have to commend the guy on that. Is stim droning Artanis a thing? He was my prefered target and I just popped it whenever possible since I'd be dead right away anyway.

Confirming kills with Morales' grenade feels good.


The ppl attempting to shit on arth for his video on reddit is a prtty good representation of that

Maybe it's because it's smaller than other mobas or an age demographic thing but the heroes reddit is really really awful
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