I'm on doing Murky QMs all night while drunk.
Streaming on Twitch.
Doing the lords work! If I hadn't been out I would've tuned in for the cheers and tears and teammate salt.
Really? I don't think she's that difficult to play around. Teleport build has been the new hotness since the first round of nerfs and I still don't get it. I tried it but to me it really only seems good to redundantly confirm kills or trade with sticky heroes.
Also people are starting to wisen up to Orb either have the tank pop it early or move around it altogether.
You have people smartly popping orb in your games? I rarely see that in mine. I see people walk around it often enough, but rarely does anyone strategically burst it.
As for not being hard to play around...I was fully in that camp too. I believe Milly was too FWIW. At the time, however, we were playing Rehgar, Li-Ming, Xul, Muradin, etc. Aren't you often playing Li-Ming yourself? It definitely colored my perception until I started playing other non-OP heroes against her.
Now that Rehgar got bodied (whose OP dive build was her direct counter whether intentional or not) and neither of us is leveling Xul or Li-Ming it's been much different. The poke and the range of it is brutal for anyone who can't self sustain or isn't high mobility. The resets are beyond stupid at times, with one kill turning into 3-5 before whoever is on the other end of it can even react.
She's both the most mobile and most deadly hero IMO. That doesn't make a lot of sense. The reset or the damage need to be tweaked again, whether that's putting an internal cool down on the number of instant resets or what have you. I don't know. I just know she feels pretty toxic to play against when you aren't playing a very strong or mobile hero. And there just isn't a huge list of very strong heroes for playing in QM/HL.
Well, if a 50% winrate is one of their key metrics for a balanced hero, Li-Ming is hitting that criteria.
Well FWIW Kael'thas hovered at ~50% forever and they still Sweet Chin Music'd his face eventually. I feel they'll do the same with her but it'll probably be a bit before we see that. KT lingered for ages.
I'm not sure where she slots in on the most toxic ever to play against, but she reminds an awful lot of how dumb Murky was on his release in Alpha when you had to spend the whole game watching out for and being afraid of one hero.