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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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I think it's safe to say Cooby and Jake have heard the similarity comparisons, and Cooby had limited availability anyway.

The Dunktrain move feels like it was probably in the making for a while and is intended to counter Dread. Dunk vs Dread forever, apparently.

Bkb is interesting. He's kind of pseudo Zoia with the hottakes, but he does have the very lethargic speech Familie referred to - almost Southern-like. He's fun and people dig him, but he is a bit hard to understand on podcasts.

Seems interesting though. And damn, Jake is ruthless bois.

BKB is hugely popular in the pro scene - he's made a lot of friends and is apparently a fantastic guy to know.

But he's just not very good on a podcast. His English isn't up to it and he speaks far too slowly. I play with people from that part of the world all the time, and they generally have much better English.

Shame about Cooby leaving the game for good (losing people is always bad), but I can't help but feel that THH is done for now. It's needed to make some substantial changes for some time if it wants to compete, and these aren't them.

(The fact it's so appallingly amateur compared to every other podcast is just embaressing).
We'll see, dunk usually was pretty good when he was engaged. BKB hopefully will grow into the role and State of the Nexus will be a valid alternative.

Thrall, so good right now. I know he's been picked a ton in EU but damn is he also fun. Xul might be broken but his kit isn't nearly as fun as Thralls. With Thrall you can go way deeper and when shit looks bad, instead of Xul's Poison Nova "I'll take one of you SOBs with me" it's sundering and "I'm outta here". And he has access to bolt at 20 huge difference.

Also the root just feels better to land and Chain Lightning makes chasing and poking a thing
So the not being able to self cast AH was as bad as it seemed? He is basically back to what he was before all the changes? Back line healbot.

IMO, yes. So they give him cleanse, but then change cleanse so you can't cast it on yourself. They rework him to be an in-and-out frontline support, overdo it enormously, actively remove the synergy they built the entire rework around, then make his best ult no longer work on himself relegating his effective time on the inside part of an in-and-out to maybe 20% of what it was after the rework. I actually think he now has to be more proactive about staying the fuck out on the perimeter of fights than he did before the rework. And they do all of this after introducing a character that has the single most unbalanced risk vs. reward CC in the game with a minimal-effort, medium-risk, impossible to miss 2 second root.

Shield build only makes sense now because the shield is virtually useless without talents whereas everything else of his is fairly decent now. He's basically what he was before the rework now only with a worse ult, better base healing, and innate feral lunge. I think picking nothing but wolf talents and probably earth shield may be his only real survivability build now, which is pretty terrible.

Honestly, he'll still be fine enough, and his base healing is nice enough now that you'll be able to get out of a lot of fights ok if you pick ghost wolf speed at 1, but the 2-3 situations per game where positioning fucks you and AH would have let you escape - or jump in and body block to save, get rooted, save yourself, and then get out - are now guaranteed fatal, so you will be dying to every ambush without taking totem talents and won't be risking going too deep ever again.

Who knows, maybe we'll see an all ghost wolf + lust build now or something.


This mount and skin combo is pretty sick


God Enel

how's greymane atm? is he any good? i have 10k to spend and dont know on which character. I own: Stitches (most fun to play), Monk, valla, sylvanas, illidan, thrall, and maybe someone else i dont know.


how's greymane atm? is he any good? i have 10k to spend and dont know on which character. I own: Stitches (most fun to play), Monk, valla, sylvanas, illidan, thrall, and maybe someone else i dont know.

He's really good. Just gotta poke and then dive in for kills and get out though.

God Enel

worth spending 10k or just wait?

and btw. did they remove the haunted mines from quick match? i played like 200 quick matches and never got into the mines again..


If you think you'd like his playstyle, then I'd say go for it. Never know when he's going to get dropped any lower, and it probably wouldn't be for a few months anyway.

HM has been removed for a few months now. The scaling changes broke the map completely.


what scaling changes? havent played HotS in a while. just curious.

Here's a good description, taken from: http://www.heroesnexus.com/news/1505-scaling-changes-explained-heroes-of-the-storm-wtf

Keep in mind, this was written back when the changes were only on the PTR.

Just hopped on the PTR to look at the scaling test. The results are interesting and pretty much what I expected based on Blizzard's statements.

The current Live game uses additive scaling. So if an ETC gains 220 HP going from level 1 to 2, he gains 220 HP going from level 20 to level 21. This makes early levels disproportionately important, because 220 HP is enormous when you are a lowbie. It's contributing a lot to snowballing and I can see why Blizzard wants to make a change.

Also, on the Live server all Heroes start out with relatively similar stats, becoming more and more different as they gain levels. For example, a level 1 ETC only has 27% more HP than a level 1 Zeratul... while a 20-ETC has 65% more HP than a 20-Zeratul.

The PTR has changed things to get rid of both phenomena. HP, Attack Damage, and ability damage/healing all follow exactly the same curve, and that curve is as follows:

At level 20, all stats are exactly identical to their current stats. (plus any intentional patch changes)
All stats are scaled by 4% (multiplicative) for each level above or below 20. For example, a level 10 hero has all stats multiplied by (1.04)-10.

On another note, we're apparently getting a new map with the Gazlowe and Tychus rework, although it will only be available in custom games at first:


Lost Cavern, which will resemble the Spider Queen map, but with a single lane and no objective.


Holy shit its a dedicated ARAM map.

Definitely never going into rotation.

Yeah, I can't see how it could ever make it into Quick Match, at the very least. Supremely unfair to anyone playing Lost Vikings, for example. But for HL/TL? That could be done, especially once bans are in.

Edit - forget I said anything about HL/TL. It's clearly designed as the map you choose when you want to play ARAM, and that is all.


Is ARAM still heavily played? Haven't played it in a few weeks and I heard it had sort of peaked popularity-wise.

It peaked like two months or more ago probably with people checking it out. The population that's left is pretty steady, however, just a lot of the same faces over and over.


So yeahhhh

Bkb to Liquid confirmed

And so, the Euro roster swapping continues. At some point these teams are just going to have to realise there's no magic combination of players, and they need to stick with each other for longer and really gel rather than keep swapping in the hope something works.


Thoughts on the Cooby basically implying the competitive scene of the game will never be as big as he thought it would be when he got into it and that was why he was bailing? He's touched on it before in the past, but it was interesting having him say that as the rest were affirming that they were doubling down.

I think we all know it's not ever going to reach League or Dota or CS:Go or Hearthstone. Somehow, it strangely continues to grow despite Blizzard in some ways putting it in the dark and feeding it shit like they were trying to grow mushrooms. I do think there's still a possibility it becomes much bigger competitively, but that largely depends on Blizz.


Having checked my battlenet account recently and realising that I've spent, far, FAR more on this game than i thought I had, I'm sure it has a future ahead of it.

In terms of e-sports, the fact is it's still beta. It very rapidly became the number 3 MOBA out there, and has regular higher numbers than SMITE which is much more established (and has decently crowd-funded tournies). I think we'll continue to see it grow, slowly, over the next couple of years. I fully expect a big re-launch at somepoint with grandmaster league, bans, swaps, arena mode and everything else.


Having checked my battlenet account recently and realising that I've spent, far, FAR more on this game than i thought I had, I'm sure it has a future ahead of it.

In terms of e-sports, the fact is it's still beta. It very rapidly became the number 3 MOBA out there, and has regular higher numbers than SMITE which is much more established (and has decently crowd-funded tournies). I think we'll continue to see it grow, slowly, over the next couple of years. I fully expect a big re-launch at somepoint with grandmaster league, bans, swaps, arena mode and everything else.
This game and SFV are in very similar situations. (Both need that full on relaunch once everything's where it needs to be.)



I'd say it'll get used about as much as the Overwatch voice chat does. Which is like one person on each team or something. Not really sure it helps anything TBH.

It does feel like w/ every potential step forward they end up taking a step backwards

Yessir. Like the three seasons/championships was a step forward IMO, but the last minute implementation and scheduling and sudden move to patching weekly/bi-weekly created a huge need for a tournament server.

Having checked my battlenet account recently and realising that I've spent, far, FAR more on this game than i thought I had, I'm sure it has a future ahead of it.

In terms of e-sports, the fact is it's still beta. It very rapidly became the number 3 MOBA out there, and has regular higher numbers than SMITE which is much more established (and has decently crowd-funded tournies). I think we'll continue to see it grow, slowly, over the next couple of years. I fully expect a big re-launch at somepoint with grandmaster league, bans, swaps, arena mode and everything else.

Sounds like we view it about the same. I'm a little more optimistic that it could grow quickly at some point (provided they do the re-launch you described, and fix their scheduling/patching problems affecting the tournaments), but in general I too feel like it'll see a slow steady growth for the most part.

Monetarily I would imagine the game is doing gangbusters compared to what people probably expect. I don't know what that means for the actual number of players, but skins, mounts, and new heroes are hyped so much on virtually any forum/outlet that talks about the game that it's hard to imagine they aren't printing money when they want.


Confession time.

I've spent £181 on the game since I got into the alpha according to battlenet.

Now, viewed in terms of £ per hours entertainment, or even just as a subscription like I used to pay for wow, it's not that bad - but even so, christ that's a lot more than I expected.


I prefer not to even look at mine. I have every mount (including the two blizzcon digital ticket ones), a decent amount of skins, and through gold and money combined have all heroes on two accounts. Granted I've been earning gold on both accounts since basically the last reset (October 2014, I believe?) so that helps knock it down a bit...but I'm quite certain I'm well beyond that total.

Blizz basically has me prisoner in the same way longtime League players and Dota 2 players are prisoners to those games. If you quit for another game you basically write off the expenditures as non-refundable. =/

I've enjoyed it, though. It's been the PVP experience I wanted out of SWTOR for the most part.


This game and SFV are in very similar situations. (Both need that full on relaunch once everything's where it needs to be.)

my 2 favorite games right now daed as fuck.

Once they release an actual season for this game I think it will grow. The characters are too iconic and the gameplay gets better all the time. Especially once they start putting those OW heroes in, things will start to move along nicely.

Speaking of which, any release date for Dehaka confirmed? He looks so cool.


In D video should be tomorrow, so presumption would be PTR Tuesday, Dehaka next after that. I believe we know Tracer is in late April.


my 2 favorite games right now daed as fuck.

Once they release an actual season for this game I think it will grow. The characters are too iconic and the gameplay gets better all the time. Especially once they start putting those OW heroes in, things will start to move along nicely.

Speaking of which, any release date for Dehaka confirmed? He looks so cool.

Dehaka most likely comes out on the 22nd, if they keep up the 3 week / 4 week / 3 week etc schedule. If not, then the 29th.


Confession time.

I've spent £181 on the game since I got into the alpha according to battlenet.

Now, viewed in terms of £ per hours entertainment, or even just as a subscription like I used to pay for wow, it's not that bad - but even so, christ that's a lot more than I expected.

Okay, well um.

I've spent...

more than $500


Bros. Real Talk. I bet we dont see the new HL season / legend rank or arena mode until at least blizzcon maybe later.


Browder just mentioned on twitter they plan to use the map in Arena when it launches.

Real > Optimistic or Pessimistic.

From what I understand, you hardly even play the game. So... I'm having a real hard time understanding why you care what happens.


Bros. Real Talk. I bet we dont see the new HL season / legend rank or arena mode until at least blizzcon maybe later.

If that's the case, lots of redditors and GAFers will be armed with pitchforks. It'd be a bad look for sure. I'll be happy with bans for HL myself, so if that comes sooner than the season like people have hypothesized I could deal.
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