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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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I mean I'm rdy to take all of those impressions back in an instant, all the stuff im saying is from reading the notes and playing one game, just theorizing how many shots he can actually get off.

I really like that relentless is at 7 for him, I hope that becomes a thing for other heroes too


Another thing that bothers me about Dehaka is that it feels like you should be able to combo Q + R and more easily combo Q + W but the skills are so fucking slow activating. It might just be me. All of his shit has like a delay before it goes off.

Dread is talking about it on stream too.
When's the next US Congress Heroes stream?


I mean I'm rdy to take all of those impressions back in an instant, all the stuff im saying is from reading the notes and playing one game, just theorizing how many shots he can actually get off.

I really like that relentless is at 7 for him, I hope that becomes a thing for other heroes too

His AA speed is 4. That shit goes off hard


dehaka seems pretty good for lightning shield, he needs someone to help him stick tho

yeah I know how fast tychus shoots, it and his range are why his stutter's bad, I mean more like if I'm autoing etc or something how many shots can I get off before he knees into my crotch, but iunno! we'll see
in my game I talented into the stacking stuff and relentless + ability dmg reduction I'll try his dmg ones next time


lol dread really doesn't like the new quest talents.

also, i think the biggest change with tychus is no windup. you can actually stutter step.


they're pretty slow, but I can totally see teams turtling that shit up and using it as a minor power spike

o dam he's about to go in
oh he's just saying they are bad for the game


Dread's new thing, was a joke cause it's such an upgrade on Town Hall Heroes.

Oh haha, I thought you were talking about a stream but didn't know which one.

lol dread really doesn't like the new quest talents.

He was taking the talents in that game I was to overcome his weird kit. The movement speed at 1 (cause he's slow af) and the essence buff on minions make it easier for you to hang in fights.

I have even took the essence buff on regen globes (more essence) cause it lets you fill the meter up super fast.

Him raging on these quest talents is hilarious doe. The other pro scene dudes on Twitter loved them from what I saw.


yea me too. his argument that it helps you snowball harder when you're already snowballing. But I think he forgets that you can finish your quest while behind a talent tier and maybe it'll help you stop a snowball just as easily.


i like em, a little concerned about how available waveclear is in this game and just seeing like unending turtling in pro games

I'd agree w/ dread that it'd be hard for it to work as a catch-up unless the team your playing against doesnt push their level advantage (which does would happen a lot across mmrs), but man if the teams were even I guess that's kind of annoying for the other team lol
thought dread was listening to mclusky for a second lol
I have to say, I don't get the new KT. He seems like his role is now to punish bad players who stack up, but other than that I can't imagine why you'd ever want him over Li-Ming. Shorter range, no escapes, less combo potential.

He just doesn't seem that great?

To add salt to the wound, the only ability he can safely target Li-Ming with is Pyroblast.



Bout to do the new ARAM map fellas. Will report back with impressionz. ARAM channel alive and well on PTR right now.


you pick KT over li ming anyway because Li ming gonna be BANNED! yo boiz BANS IN THE GAME. get wrecked li ming. bye bitch.gif



I think Dread said it shows the skin but I may be wrong on that.

New ARAM map is alright I guess. The regen globes are badly misused. People just go pick them up without waiting for the team/healer to grab them, but hey. It's ARAM. At least you don't have to worry about the rules and people backing or entering the Hall of Storms now.


This isn't a "learn to play" issue for those of us complaining. This is an across the board consensus on a hero. It just happens to be your favorite. We know how to handle her. Knowing and doing are two different things. That isn't the point. The point is she has the kit of several heroes baked into her one-single-kit. It's not balanced.

What MMR are you playing at that players magically know how to make all Li-Mings but yours look like trash?

Well, I understand the complains and I'm not saying that people need to "learn to play", of course.
What I'm saying is that a better understanding of an hero (most of the case, playing it) helps a lot.

In my opinion Li Ming is not OP, but if the general consensus think she is OP and have trouble to play against her, well, of course she is OP.

I may agree with the fact she has a very nice kit, one of the best among all the heroes.


it's not so much that she's a trouble to play against. many heroes can be a trouble to play against.

it's that she does significantly more damage then any other ranged assassin while being significantly harder to kill.

consider her range compared to KT or Jaina. It's ludicrous. Compared to other heroes, she outranges everyone except for maybe hammer, raynor, or lunara... And then her abilities that outrange other heroes also do more damage and have a much shorter cooldowns. And then to top of all that she has a mobility tool with a 5 second cooldown.... this is the shortest cooldown on a mobility tool in the game... tied with Chen's flying kick which has to target a hero. To put it into perspective, they just removed blink from the other mages because it was deemed to powerful as a lvl 20 talent with a 60s cooldown... Li ming, the highest damage assassin in the game with the longest range and shortest cooldowns gets a better version of an OP lvl 20 talent in her base kit at lvl 1.

It's not a matter of learning how to play against her (we all have plenty of experiencing playing against her, she's in every game). Or even about picking counters to her. The game is about strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, and she is simply better then the other heroes. she's unbalanced.


Well, I understand the complains and I'm not saying that people need to "learn to play", of course.
What I'm saying is that a better understanding of an hero (most of the case, playing it) helps a lot.

In my opinion Li Ming is not OP, but if the general consensus think she is OP and have trouble to play against her, well, of course she is OP.

I may agree with the fact she has a very nice kit, one of the best among all the heroes.
She might be "balanced", but characters like her who are feast/famine are miserable to play against- it's just not fun for most players.


Holy shit some of those Rehgar wolf tints are ugly af. This might be the rare thing people clamored for as a necessary change that I actually do not like.
I think Kael needs to lose the free Living Bomb off of Verdant Sphere and make the Empowered Living Bomb gain the old Chain Bomb. So there's only one Living Bomb castable, but it can jump to non-hero units. Most players are going to simply delta split and neuter Living Bombs damage/usefulness.

Well, I understand the complains and I'm not saying that people need to "learn to play", of course.
What I'm saying is that a better understanding of an hero (most of the case, playing it) helps a lot.

In my opinion Li Ming is not OP, but if the general consensus think she is OP and have trouble to play against her, well, of course she is OP.

I may agree with the fact she has a very nice kit, one of the best among all the heroes.

Li-Ming is too safe with the damage she can do, at the range she has with unequaled mobility that the other mages couldn't opt for until 20. Her kit is "very nice" because there's almost no downside to playing as her beyond her mediocre right click. She does monstyerous amounts of siege damage, tops hero damage and is incredibly mobile. Arcane Orb has little to no telegraph if used from the fog.

You need multiple disables and coordinated burst damage to kill her. Even then if that's happening in a teamfight things like her trait and Dominance can proc just by proximity. Two heroes simply dying near Li-Ming--she doesn't not even have to be damaging them--refills 2/3rds of her health if she's taken Dominance or resets all of her abilities and her ults already have ridiculously low CD's.

Li-Ming is Kael'Thas and Jaina minus a lot of the risk and with all of the siege damage potential from level 1.

Had Kael retained Flamethrower, that might's been a counter when combined with the new Convection and improved Fury of the Sunwell.


they gave him so much this patch lol
wish I could play this kael with flamethrower

hitting the second fury of the sunwell hit is like stacking azmodan q for me, just get like this mini endorphin rush


I thought he was back (before I found out he lost Bolt)...and then he was in all of my PTR games. I thought he had no real impact. Granted I'm basing that on the burst capability and overall damage numbers. His overall damage sucked. Maybe I'm jaded by Li-Ming/Greymane burst comparison, but with the reduced mobility I dunno. Also we're talking playing with jumbled ass MMR no matchmaking teams, too, so it's hard to really tell how good or bad anything is unless it's really good or really bad.

Never did like the Flamestrike builds myself. The second one is pretty easy to avoid if you aren't playing ARAM.


i think they reduced the time in between, it feels faster
yeah they shaved half a second, it's still not a sure thing but I'd probably take it over all the other stuff at 16, unless im missing something op about having two d charges (i guess triple living bomb w/ the 20 talent?)

my dmg was ok, I think I topped out on my team but a lot of my effort was going into getting that sweet sweet pre-16 arcane shield, felt like aladdin took me out of the castle and showed me a whole new world when illidan jumped me at ~lvl 13 and I was like bro...you cant do this you didnt read the patch notes bro

in general it feels like a successful rework so far, dunno know if he'll be the shit but choosing between his talents def feels more "do i need this or that right now" vs. "ok im going to pick the one talent that doesnt suck here"

just read that ice block got moved to 20 for jaina and ice barrier at 13, that is hilarious and I am ready for jaina/kael to be bruiser mages w/ li ming being the squishy

also #1gameimpressions
New Gaz is fun but he's still gonna be dumpster tier. His mana problems are slightly worse but the turrets boosted range is pretty good and the Robo-Goblin ability to focus turrets is cheeky. Firin' Mah Lazers isn't practical but when combined with the DL talent that disables minions and buildings, funny stuff starts to happen. The turret beams focus towards the apex of Gaz's laser, so you can have turrets in fog behind people and your laser and the turret will both hit the same target.


had a pretty good gaz on my team but the map was infernal shrines which is really nice for him

also have to mention the first time I saw that whiteout before the game started I burst out laughing
oh cool they made the alt tab popback happen when the game actually starts now


5/5 patch tbh and I havent even tried the drafting
quest talents are still worrisome but I mean ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, not even gonna think about it right now

dang just realized pro impressions of the patch is gonna be limited since everyone needs to focus on their patch, I'm pretty hungry for that
I'm probably crap at farming orbs but it basically took me until 16 to get a shield charge.

the talent at 16 where you do bonus right click to people with chain bomb on them is ridiculous.

Combine that with Gravity Crush or Sunfire Enchantment and you can see why they nerfed Sunfire Enchantment despite it being barely picked as a talent. I think 1% in the last week.

Also you can favourite heroes now, does this bias the random toward heroes in needed roles?


it's not so much that she's a trouble to play against. many heroes can be a trouble to play against.

it's that she does significantly more damage then any other ranged assassin while being significantly harder to kill.

consider her range compared to KT or Jaina. It's ludicrous. Compared to other heroes, she outranges everyone except for maybe hammer, raynor, or lunara... And then her abilities that outrange other heroes also do more damage and have a much shorter cooldowns. And then to top of all that she has a mobility tool with a 5 second cooldown.... this is the shortest cooldown on a mobility tool in the game... tied with Chen's flying kick which has to target a hero. To put it into perspective, they just removed blink from the other mages because it was deemed to powerful as a lvl 20 talent with a 60s cooldown... Li ming, the highest damage assassin in the game with the longest range and shortest cooldowns gets a better version of an OP lvl 20 talent in her base kit at lvl 1.

It's not a matter of learning how to play against her (we all have plenty of experiencing playing against her, she's in every game). Or even about picking counters to her. The game is about strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, and she is simply better then the other heroes. she's unbalanced.

Agree with the bold part. Yes, we almost play against her in any match. Still I think a direct experience (aka playing her) is pretty important. Maybe it's me, well, I'm sure it's me, but every time the opposite team picks her it doesn't occur to me to think "oh no!", instead I feel pretty comfortable. For example, I can't really stand Morales in the other team. It's a real pita play against her.

She might be "balanced", but characters like her who are feast/famine are miserable to play against- it's just not fun for most players.

That is a good point.

Li-Ming is too safe with the damage she can do, at the range she has with unequaled mobility that the other mages couldn't opt for until 20. Her kit is "very nice" because there's almost no downside to playing as her beyond her mediocre right click. She does monstyerous amounts of siege damage, tops hero damage and is incredibly mobile. Arcane Orb has little to no telegraph if used from the fog.

You need multiple disables and coordinated burst damage to kill her. Even then if that's happening in a teamfight things like her trait and Dominance can proc just by proximity. Two heroes simply dying near Li-Ming--she doesn't not even have to be damaging them--refills 2/3rds of her health if she's taken Dominance or resets all of her abilities and her ults already have ridiculously low CD's.

Li-Ming is Kael'Thas and Jaina minus a lot of the risk and with all of the siege damage potential from level 1.

Had Kael retained Flamethrower, that might's been a counter when combined with the new Convection and improved Fury of the Sunwell.

I can't really disagree with you. My opinion she is not OP just because (as I said) I don't find really difficult to counter her, but your point are valid, of course.

Ok, played my last match for tonight (we played with 2 nice guys, pretty funny to be honest (near their last tower we were wiped and our Xul : "Well, at least we kill Olaf")) so, good night everybody.
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