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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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"Top 10 HD-DVD Bestsellers (c/o DVD Empire.com)

Eagles: Farewell 1 Tour
Half Baked
Chicago/ Earth, Wind and Fire: Live
Toto: Live in Amsterdam
HDScape Exotic Saltwater Aquarium
James Taylor: Musicares Person of the Year Tribute
Pat Methany Group: The Way Up
Heart: Alive in Seattle

:lol what a list!


Post Count: 9999
Top 10 HD-DVD Bestsellers (c/o DVD Empire.com)

Eagles: Farewell 1 Tour
Half Baked
Chicago/ Earth, Wind and Fire: Live
Toto: Live in Amsterdam
HDScape Exotic Saltwater Aquarium
James Taylor: Musicares Person of the Year Tribute
Pat Methany Group: The Way Up
Heart: Alive in Seattle

Top 10 Blu-Ray Bestsellers (c/o DVD Empire.com)

The Guardian
Open Season
Alien vs. Predator
Superman Returns
Legends of Jazz with Ramsey Lewis
Pearl Harbor
The Last Samurai


Based on those lists ... yeah, HD-DVD looks pretty fuxxored
That list is unbelievably bad. It's from dvdempire.com though, a site I know nothing about really. I'm sure the Amazon list isn't anywhere near as sad as that list. We have no idea what the sales are for actual brick and mortar stores.
Wow, we are still debating about this. Anyway, stop saying DB will smoke HD-DVD, its still too early to tell. You don't want egg on your face later on. We will get a better picture when prices reach mass consumer levels.



Oh no TJF, let them have their fun. After all, this a troll free zone if your a PS3 or BD fan. If you say anything about Sony's current pricing or you think cheap HD-DVD players could play a big role in changing things your labeled a terrorist and a nut head for thinking about such things (this was on topic too no derailing like some others tried to do.). Just look a few pages back for proof. I just expect the trolling now it seems the GAF way lately.

(That didn't take long, shields up) *looking below!*


At this point, I really don't see the war going in HD-DVD direction. The format is as well as dead, just need formality. With Universal in turmoil, Warner and Paramount releasing a couple of titles a week, the format is being starved to death.

Warner may have its own agenda, keep HD-DVD on life support so that it can launch its TrueHD disc in the second half of the year ......Either way HD-DVD is DEAD


Gold Member
Petrarca said:
At this point, I really don't see the war going in HD-DVD direction. The format is as well as dead, just need formality. With Universal in turmoil, Warner and Paramount releasing a couple of titles a week, the format is being starved to death.

Warner may have its own agenda, keep HD-DVD on life support so that it can launch its TrueHD disc in the second half of the year ......Either way HD-DVD is DEAD

And with that, this thread has officially joined the worst of the worst from AVS.


ManaByte said:
Well it was well on its way, but he pushed it right over the line and off the cliff with that most recent troll.

I personally think the "you don't deserve Blu ray" was the tipping point for me
maharg said:
I think you really missed the point. They are saying that the 'winner' won't really be decided by the early adopters, but by the people who aren't willing to pay more than $200 for a player. Whether you agree with that or not, you're off on some weird tangent that doesn't make any sense.

No, I think you missed my point.

The people who are waiting for $200 players don't need Blu-ray or HD DVD anytime soon, because, if they aren't willing to pay a premium for a player, they probably weren't willing to pay a premium for an expensive HDTV either. And without that HDTV, a HD DVD player has no appeal, especially to the bargain shopper who isn't willing to pay more for movies either.

You see, by the time those bargain-hunting late adopters actually do finally get into the game, the game will be decided. The Blu-ray studios aren't going to slow down releasing movies at this pace. That pace will only increase.

And besides, the same tech that goes into a bargain HD DVD player is the same tech that goes into a bargain Blu-ray player. So if the mythical $200 HD DVD player is coming to save HD DVD, it's also likely coming to bolster Blu-ray sales as well.

Other than the aspect of the lens, the hardware tech is practically the same between the two formats. The hardware uses the same wavelength laser diode, the same codecs need to be decoded, (so the decryption and IO chips are quite similar,) they both require relatively the same connectivity hardware to use their different advanced online features, and the physical disc transport is identical.

So if the Chinese start making cheap HD DVD components all the sudden, guess what? They are also making cheap Blu-ray components too.

The layer layout of the discs are the most dramatic difference between the two formats, but we can see that hasn't resulted in a huge gulf between disc prices of the two formats.

So no, I don't see how the legendary $200 HD DVD player is going to rescue HD DVD from Blu-ray.

Actually, in your rush to say that I "missed the point," you seemed to ignore one of mine.

So I'll ask you directly: What if the first $200 HD DVD players from China are total crap? How is that going to save HD DVD?


ManaByte said:
Well it was well on its way, but he pushed it right over the line and off the cliff with that most recent troll.

I'd say it went down around the time you made your spin post, bolding select parts of a slanted article.

Seriously though. I just don't understand it; what's there worth while backing about HD-DVD? Yes, Bluray has been a slow starter... but it's already fixed alot of those problems, and it'll fix the rest of the problems most likely within the financial year... if not, then most definetly by calendar year.

It'll have superior sound, image quality, BDJava 1.2 will have equivalent interactivity to iHD, it'll have a larger catalogue, it'll have a larger installed base. The only thing it doesn't have on paper yet is Universal.

I'm all for competition... when the competition is logical to have... but when competition creates barriers to utility... that's when competition shouldn't occur.

So why support HD-DVD? why prolong a HD format war?


Gold Member
Zaptruder said:
So why support HD-DVD? why prolong a HD format war?

Because there are movies I want that are on HD-DVD and not Blu-Ray? Just like there are movies I want on Blu-Ray and not HD-DVD?

Why direct personal attacks at people who have both formats?

And BTW, that "slanted article" was a story Next-Gen did after speaking with SCEA. As in Sony. As in the primary Blu-Ray backer. I guess anything that goes against the current BRD fanboy FUD is "slanted" now.


ManaByte said:
Because there are movies I want that are on HD-DVD and not Blu-Ray? Just like there are movies I want on Blu-Ray and not HD-DVD?

I dont't get it. Just wait a little longer and you'll get everything on Blu-Ray.


Gold Member
Blablurn said:
I dont't get it. Just wait a little longer and you'll get everything on Blu-Ray.

Yea because whenever the titles do come out on Blu-Ray (and only viral marketeer fanboys are spreading FUD about Universal jumping ship despite the company denying it) there will be a massive EMP blast that disables all HD-DVD players.

Just like the one that disabled all laser disc players...oh wait.

Also there is yet to be any proof (aside from viral marketeer FUD) that the BD-J features will compare to the HDi stuff Warner and Universal are including on their discs. Right now many BRD discs are basically higher resolution versions of existing DVDs with less special features and seamless menus, while the HDi features are actually something you'd expect from a new format.

And before another asshat comes and lays down another personal attack at me for not "deserving blu-ray" because I own HD-DVD, my current title count is 15 BRD discs and 9 HD-DVDs.


ManaByte said:
Yea because whenever the titles do come out on Blu-Ray (and only viral marketeer fanboys are spreading FUD about Universal jumping ship despite the company denying it) there will be a massive EMP blast that disables all HD-DVD players.

Just like the one that disabled all laser disc players...oh wait.

What the hell is this even supposed to mean?

And before another asshat comes and lays down another personal attack at me for not "deserving blu-ray" because I own HD-DVD, my current title count is 15 BRD discs and 9 HD-DVDs.

I don't give a damn what you own; And it's not an issue of you owning HD-DVD; it's an issue of you spreading FUD about BD and spinning for HD-DVD, while attempting to maintain this pall of neutrality.
My guess is, you're probably just playing devil's advocate, but all the same, it's annoying as hell.

If you buy HD-DVD now, you should buy it with the expectation that it's primarily to access the exclusives to date and for the coming 6 months... otherwise, you're acting against your own interests; if you're interests is in having a convenient and transperant (in compatibility terms) HD format in the future.

To elaborate on what I said earlier; if you act against the interest of a beneficial unified format, for ? benefits, then yeah, you don't deserve a unified format.

You use words like fanboy to attack me; it's not an issue of company loyalty for me; it's an issue of having a single logically unified format for my own convenience.


Gold Member
Zaptruder said:
My guess is, you're probably just playing devil's advocate, but all the same, it's annoying as hell.

It's annoying that someone isn't a Blu-Ray fanboy who trolls every thread demanding that HD-DVD dies? Ok.

Zaptruder said:
To elaborate on what I said earlier; if you act against the interest of a beneficial unified format, for ? benefits, then yeah, you don't deserve a unified format.

Again, you're saying since I own both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray I don't deserve something? What the hell is your problem? Who are you to tell me what format I do or do not deserve?


Gold Member
jjasper said:
Can we lock this now?

All I did was post a link from Next-Gen where SCEA (Sony for those not from the gaming side of things) detailed the exact standing of both formats from their side of things (more even than most FUD was reporting) and he exploded saying I don't deserve Blu-Ray. This is seriously AVS style bullshit now.


yeah but the whole topic sucks there isn't going to be a clean takeover and it isn't going to happen soon unless something magical happens


ManaByte said:
All I did was post a link from Next-Gen where SCEA (Sony for those not from the gaming side of things) detailed the exact standing of both formats from their side of things (more even than most FUD was reporting) and he exploded saying I don't deserve Blu-Ray. This is seriously AVS style bullshit now.

At the same time, you said HD DVD and Blu Ray discs must be selling about the same amount right now, and conveniently forgot HD DVD has been out for nearly 6 months ahead of Blu Ray. Don't play coy.


:lol That is what actually made me say the comment, this is going to be like this for some time most likely

Edit: and the fact that this graph that we are using is based on sales rankings on 1 website and doesn't even have actual sales numbers with it.
Ckid said:
Screw coexisting, we need one to die so all the studios start supporting that format.

Bingo. I have a slight bias towards BRD simply because I actually own a BRD player (but no movies so far), but if the formats are equal in features and performance, then really... I just want one of them to go away. And with BRD being bundled into the PS3, that format obviously can't go away quite as easily as HD-DVD could, so...

ManaByte said:
Because there are movies I want that are on HD-DVD and not Blu-Ray? Just like there are movies I want on Blu-Ray and not HD-DVD?

Why direct personal attacks at people who have both formats?

And BTW, that "slanted article" was a story Next-Gen did after speaking with SCEA. As in Sony. As in the primary Blu-Ray backer. I guess anything that goes against the current BRD fanboy FUD is "slanted" now.

Er, if HD-DVD died, a good chunk of those movies that were previously HD-DVD exclusive would come to Blu-Ray, so that seems like a non-issue to me. This exclusivity crap would probably be why people are irritated with this format war in the first place, and also the reason that most sensible characters would want one of the two to simply go away as soon as possible.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
jjasper said:
:lol That is what actually made me say the comment, this is going to be like this for some time most likely

Edit: and the fact that this graph that we are using is based on sales rankings on 1 website and doesn't even have actual sales numbers with it.

This may pertain to the fairly useless eproduct wars chart
The non-content discs (HD Sampler and DVE) are muddying the top 10 average sales rank for HD-DVD. If you take those 2 out and average the top 10 discs that actually contain content, it is 1058 at the time I'm typing this. A full 200 points higher than the current rank that includes the non-content discs. I bring this up not to brag about Blu-ray's rank or make fun of HD-DVD as some might think. I bring it up to indicate that the inclusion of these discs paint a picture rosier than the actual picture for HD-DVD sales and their downward trend. I'm not sure if I explained this as well as I intended.

Sampler Disc is around $5
jjasper said:
yeah but the whole topic sucks there isn't going to be a clean takeover and it isn't going to happen soon unless something magical happens

Something magical? It's much much easier actually. The day Universal gives up and decides to support BluRay too, is the day HD-DVD dies.
OLD DATA said:

DarkJediKnight said:
Possibly, but the sales data was updated because they forgot to include HD DVD combo sales during the first 2 weeks of Jan. There hasn't been any info regarding 3rd and 4th weeks sales yet that I know of.

They've got updated numbers for the battle on the latest issue with the combo discs included.


Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD (Week ended Jan 21) -

YTD: Blu-Ray 100 vs HD-DVD 50.51
LTD: Blu-Ray 82.3 vs HD-DVD 100

Essentially, Blu-Ray is outselling HD-DVD 2-1 vs the previous listing of 2.5 to one (which did not consider the HD-DVD combo discs)


fortified_concept said:
Something magical? It's much much easier actually. The day Universal gives up and decides to support BluRay too, is the day HD-DVD dies.

A day that's not coming any time soon! Looks like we just might get to see how those cheaper HD players affect the game after all!

Children of Men coming exclusive to HD-DVD March 27.


Casino Royale out soon also.. and Da Vinci. :)

Interesting times ahead, I hope the change of heads at Uni makes them more friendly towards BD. Its for the best.


Yep, your right a level playing field, you get that I get this.

Edit: Yea, you need it too that's the only way the PS3 will sale. First a HD movie player second a games system for the next 2 years.


WULFER said:
Yep, your right a level playing field, you get that I get this.

Edit: Yea, you need it too that's the only way the PS3 will sale. First a HD movie player second a games system for the next 2 years.

Funny guy.

PS3 is a game system first and foremost, it has a lot of games coming out next month.
Nice to have a HD player as a tag-along though, I don’t mind even if it initially adds a little to the price, since I’m also interested in movies. Nice game system + HD-movie player, win-win for me. :D


WULFER said:
A day that's not coming any time soon! Looks like we just might get to see how those cheaper HD players affect the game after all!

Children of Men coming exclusive to HD-DVD March 27.

I bet Children of Men will sell lots of HD-DVD players!


ManaByte said:
All I did was post a link from Next-Gen where SCEA (Sony for those not from the gaming side of things) detailed the exact standing of both formats from their side of things (more even than most FUD was reporting) and he exploded saying I don't deserve Blu-Ray. This is seriously AVS style bullshit now.

Again, my point is, you post fud you spin, in favour of HD-DVD... for what reason I don't know.

You're free to own both formats, that's your right.

But it's hypocrisy to work against the idea of a unified format, by posting fud and spinning, and to still recieve the benefits of a unified format.

Given that BD has the best chance of been unified... and that's why I want it to win... then it follows someone like you, who actively keeps talking shit about it, doesn't deserve it when it is unified. I mean... you act like it doesn't matter to you, because you have both players... but imagine the following scenarios in two years time; one where universal turned neutral a month from now, and one where universal took an extra year to turn neutral.
And imagine then if hybrid players weren't the norm.
Oh look, you're stuck with a bunch of discs that can only be played on a X360 add on (maybe something else if you choose to go buy more players...). And in the latter situation, you're stuck with more discs of that type.

Also, please. It doesn't matter who the reporter *talked* to; it doesn't mean the reporter can't spin it or have their own agenda. In this case, it may have been me just negatively associating *your spin*... the bolding of certain sections to imply something that clearly isn't, with the article (that is, HD-DVD and BD are now on equal footing in sales terms; they aren't, BD is outselling HD-DVD by a large rate, quickly making up for a large deficit from last year).


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Got this today :D

This is very interesting:


It's an analysis by Wesley Novack (formerly of CD Freaks) of the replication costs of HD DVD vs. Blu-ray from three different sources. As expected based on the extremely similar prices at retail for movies of the two formats, Blu-ray isn't much more expensive than HD DVD, and in some cases, like where a studio can fit a movie on a single-layer Blu-ray Disc, but must go to a dual-layer HD DVD to accommodate the same data, the Blu-ray disc can be actually cheaper for the studio to produce.

Be sure to also read the comments too, as he covers the costs of set-up fees in response to a reader's question.


You're free to own both formats, that's your right.

I'm glad you agree we still have the right to choose the success and failure of a product.

But it's hypocrisy to work against the idea of a unified format, by posting fud and spinning, and to still recieve the benefits of a unified format.

And where would the videogame industry be if that were true? O right Microsoft would own the world, but you like that idea right? You want one single controlling player to run everything?

but imagine the following scenarios in two years time; one where universal turned neutral a month from now, and one where universal took an extra year to turn neutral.
And imagine then if hybrid players weren't the norm.
Oh look, you're stuck with a bunch of discs that can only be played on a X360 add on (maybe something else if you choose to go buy more players...). And in the latter situation, you're stuck with more discs of that type.

Lucky for us (the gaint that it is and leading) format DVD is on the other side of the disc do you get that option?

HD-DVD and BD are now on equal footing in sales terms; they aren't, BD is outselling HD-DVD by a large rate, quickly making up for a large deficit from last year).

Let's see January's numbers before you continue to scream down our throats Blu-ray is the leader hmm kay! The real tell, tell numbers will be in March like I said in the Children of Men thread. When that movie goes up against Casino Royal! That's when the true movie buyer will be attacking!

PS3's are everywhere so no more FUD from your side that the PS3 would have sold more if it was in stock. I must say that ended alot quicker than I thought it would! I projected demand for PS3 to carry atleast to the end of March and their sitting on shelves now, so that was surprising and alarming at the same time! (Atleast to me it was...)


lacks enthusiasm.
WULFER said:
And where would the videogame industry be if that were true? O right Microsoft would own the world, but you like that idea right? You want one single controlling player to run everything?

*shakes head*

Please, stop while you're ahead.


Ok Xmonkey, but from a movie provider point of view I think Warner Bros. got it right! The boxes are terrible and that's fixable but, the boxes aren't the issue here it's the content and both parties win with the Total HD idea. Providers make one HD disc, retailers continue to stock one disc (counting DVD seperate), customers get the content on either format and both hardware parties get their share of the money royalties. At first I was against this idea because DVD and HD-DVD can't fit on a single side but, for HD content we only need Blu-ray and HD-DVD. Maybe Warner Bros. did get this right but, didn't know how to make a good package for it? Atleast this way you guys would get the Universal goods like Children of Men...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

Prestige has an awesome transfer
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