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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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So is this the wildlife sanctuary for Sony fans hunted nearly to extinction in the NPD and MC threads?

You guys are dripping with saliva.


has calmed down a bit.
You can't win em all, right?

I guess Sony wanted their movie format to win a lot more than they wanted their game console to win. :lol
gkrykewy said:
So is this the wildlife sanctuary for Sony fans hunted nearly to extinction in the NPD and MC threads?

You guys are dripping with saliva.

Pretty much. Then again, I bought my PS3 becuase of BluRay, not BluRay discs becuase of Sony. Of course I want BluRay to win.

Other than following the news and rumors, the most fun is seeing people who have it in for Sony squirm.


Chemo said:
That's a lot of spin, man. Software sales should be a motivator for Universal... if there are more people buying Blu-ray discs, then they're more than likely willing to add Universal releases into their purchasing habits if and when they become available. Businesses don't make money by settling on what they have, they make money by expanding and going after larger audiences. To use your own example somewhat, Universal going neutral and making Blu-ray discs would be like Capcom making Devil May Cry 4 multiplatform -- a really damn good move to avoid missing out on a huge piece of the market.
software sales don't necessarily correlate with # of people buying, but in either case, my example was supposing that the audience for HD was mostly people with both formats or eventually, dual format players...

going multiplatform, one could make that case for Fox or Disney, if indeed the case was that there is a substantial marketshare they weren't able to reach by being Blu-ray only, like Warner they'd be able to expand their audience by releasing on both...

there is no spin... if Universal is very successful on HD DVD and garners a strong marketshare, then the software ration BD/HD DVD won't mean as much as if their titles were bombing while Fox and Disney were making a ton of sales... since both formats are bombing right now, I'm not sure it's all that relevant that Blu-ray software sales are higher than HD DVD...


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
VanMardigan said:
You can't win em all, right?

I guess Sony wanted their movie format to win a lot more than they wanted their game console to win. :lol
I already own more BRDs that i did xbox and PS2 games combined. /shrug.
I watch far more movies than i play games.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Alcibiades said:
software sales don't necessarily correlate with # of people buying, but in either case, my example was supposing that the audience for HD was mostly people with both formats or eventually, dual format players...

going multiplatform, one could make that case for Fox or Disney, if indeed the case was that there is a substantial marketshare they weren't able to reach by being Blu-ray only, like Warner they'd be able to expand their audience by releasing on both...

there is no spin... if Universal is very successful on HD DVD and garners a strong marketshare, then the software ration BD/HD DVD won't mean as much as if their titles were bombing while Fox and Disney were making a ton of sales... since both formats are bombing right now, I'm not sure it's all that relevant that Blu-ray software sales are higher than HD DVD...
...how is blu-ray bombing if its moving faster in its current life than dvd was it this point when it launched?
and blu-ray is doing it against an equivalent format, something DVD didnt have to worry about.

As usual your posts live up to your tag.


gkrykewy said:
So is this the wildlife sanctuary for Sony fans hunted nearly to extinction in the NPD and MC threads?

You guys are dripping with saliva.

Couldn't possibly be movie fans that want a unified HD format so we can get around to kicking DVDs ass? Children of Men on bluray! If you will it, it is no dream :)


has calmed down a bit.
Yeah, I don't like the "HD formats bombed" response just because your favorite one is now trailing and may or may not lose the war. If the BD fanboys were doing that last year, then shame on them too.


Post Count: 9999
What's funny about this situation is that I was actually thinking about picking up the high-end Toshiba player (X2 or whatever) ... in part due to its HQV scaling of DVD's.

I want 1080p DVD player, and it seemed like a good choice given that there are a couple of HD-DVD titles I wouldn't mind owning.

With this news though ... I'm holding back until the shit-storm settles. If this ends up being true, I'm going to pass on the player.

My alternate plan is to get the Oppo 970, and pair it with a pre/pro that has HDMI 1.3, Audessy (spl) EQ, and HQV or similarly good scaling. The reason for the 970 choice is that it is not only a great universal player (SACD/DVD-A), but also outputs 480i over HDMI which is perfect for an outboard scaler.

The only problem is that such a pre/pro won't be out until late this year at the earliest ... and more likely next year. I may break and get a receiver with such functionality if it is decently priced later this year. Such a player will likely be out before the pre/pros.

Too bad I have no use for the internal amp ... it's basically a waste of money to me, and just adds noise amongst other compromises. Oh well, I can always upgrade next year.


Alcibiades said:
Think of it this way, suppose RE5 was exclusive to 360 and Capcom expected to sell 1 million copies. Would Capcom care that they could sell 500,000 of RE5 on 360 and 500,000 on PS3 if overall software sales were 10-1 in favor of PS3? That's an extreme madeup example, and obviously their are many HD DVD and Blu-ray owners that only own one format right now, but I just wanted to point out that software sales wouldn't necessarily be a motivator for Universal is their titles still performed strongly on HD DVD.

Hmmm really so companies dont think like that? I guess that means EA and Ubisoft HAVen't shifted their support from PS3-Xbox to the Wii and DS...

I guess Bandai ISn't complaining about Slower growth for the PS3...

I guess Xbox360 hasn't been the lead platform for most multiplat games...

Since you know... Companies Dont look to current trends.. They actually employ Nostrodamus and Miss Cleo to tell them EXACTLY how many games they are going to sell on each platform so they dont need to follow trends right?
teiresias said:
Nearly 5pm EST and still no denial . . . uh oh . . .


Kidding? Look how long the Wal*Mart thing flapped in the breeze before anything official came out-- and that was after spreading to many, many sites.


ManaByte said:
Has any other major site reported it? . . . uh oh . . .

Yeah, lets not quash a story that's running on several blogs/forums. Let it foster and spread, it's good business for Universal and HD-DVD.

Edit: Ignatz, I see what you're saying, but that story actually helped them in that situation. This is hurting them, and they don't benefit at all from having it spread. The faster they put this to death, the better. Unless there's nothing to put to bed...
In an attempt to talk about actual Blu Ray titles, why didn't anyone tell me that Magnolia confirmed The Host for release on July 24th? I figured it was on it's way, but didn't know when.
distantmantra said:
In an attempt to talk about actual Blu Ray titles, why didn't anyone tell me that Magnolia confirmed The Host for release on July 24th? I figured it was on it's way, but didn't know when.

Because the official statement from Magnolia only mentioned the HD DVD version. But based on High-Def Digest release dates and Amazon, it looks like the BD is also coming out on that date too.


lacks enthusiasm.
distantmantra said:
In an attempt to talk about actual Blu Ray titles, why didn't anyone tell me that Magnolia confirmed The Host for release on July 24th? I figured it was on it's way, but didn't know when.

Excellent :D
The Main Event said:
Because the official statement from Magnolia only mentioned the HD DVD version. But based on High-Def Digest release dates and Amazon, it looks like the BD is also coming out on that date too.

DVDAficionado also lists the BD version, which is how I found out about it.
While we're talking about Universal...

From http://www.thelookandsoundofperfect.com/




Gold Member
The Main Event said:
While we're talking about Universal...

From http://www.thelookandsoundofperfect.com/



Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine
Onix said:
What's funny about this situation is that I was actually thinking about picking up the high-end Toshiba player (X2 or whatever) ... in part due to its HQV scaling of DVD's.

I want 1080p DVD player, and it seemed like a good choice given that there are a couple of HD-DVD titles I wouldn't mind owning.

With this news though ... I'm holding back until the shit-storm settles. If this ends up being true, I'm going to pass on the player.

I've been thinking about selling my 360 add on and getting a standalone player, mostly for the DVD upconverting. However, I'm going to wait it out a little bit and make sure that HD DVD is going to be around for the long haul (mainly if the Wal-Mart thing is true :lol ).

I don't think this Universal rumor is anywhere near to being true, and it might even be FUD being spread because a Blu-Ray only studio is about to go neutral. Yeah, I know that's a stretch, but crazier things have happened.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Suikoguy said:
No denial by Universal by the weekend.. and...
It's going to have to get reported more widely first to qualify as something they need to even think about denying at this point.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
ManaByte said:
It's a large tower of multiple recorder drives. Very common for CD/DVD replication. Used by small companies who can't afford to use a large facility.

Ah, the story was vague.

I was thinking to myself, 1000 gigs, wtf happened to 100 :lol
kaching said:
It's going to have to get reported more widely first to qualify as something they need to even think about denying at this point.

Yeah. And if you think about it, Universal has nothing to gain with a refutation. Until they announce BluRay titles, this is just a possibility. Even if the gist of the rumor is true (Universal out of some supposed contract) it means squat until titles are announced.

Yes, I hope it's true. I have serious doubts.
I just read a little over at avsforum. Good lord, I hope this news is true just for the enteratainment value of watching that hellhole melt down. I've never seen so many self-deluded people agreeing with each other. Our worst HD-DVD Don Quixotes are tame in comparison.

And no, I'm not saying the war is over, or anything, just there are some people over there convinced that HD-DVD is somehow *winning* right now. ?!? Oh, and any positive BluRay news is "FUD." I guess we get there here, too.



Either way the end is near for HD-DVD. What a tragic waste this format war has brought on. Of course HD Discs will last a long time, as will the HDDVD hardware players in a niche market, but unless HDDVD players are sold immediatley for $99.00, it's time to throw in the towel as a viable HD format. Why could they not come to an agreement on the format years ago. Look how much money they made off DVD. Greedy Bastards.
ChrisJames said:
I've been thinking about selling my 360 add on and getting a standalone player, mostly for the DVD upconverting. However, I'm going to wait it out a little bit and make sure that HD DVD is going to be around for the long haul (mainly if the Wal-Mart thing is true :lol ).

I don't think this Universal rumor is anywhere near to being true, and it might even be FUD being spread because a Blu-Ray only studio is about to go neutral. Yeah, I know that's a stretch, but crazier things have happened.

:lol Oh man seriously do you actually believe that?

Wow, that didn't take very long; Craig Kornblau, the President of Universal Studios Home Entertainment tells us in an email that the rumors that Universal will support Blu-ray "are totally false". As much as we love to get the official word straight from the horses mouth, we can't help but feel like this is like the time the head coach was denying rumors of his star quarterback getting traded, right before the trade goes through.

:lol :lol :lol
fortified_concept said:
:lol Oh man seriously do you actually believe that?

I don't believe it, I was just throwing it out there. Fox has pulled back a lot of its support for Blu-Ray lately, but it's most likely they are just waiting until it has more of a mass market.

I know that post sounded stupid, I'm not really as dumb as that post makes me look :lol

To be truthful I wish I had a Blu-Ray player to go along with my HD DVD player, but I just can't bring myself to purchase one at the moment.
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