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Hogwarts Legacy | Review Thread


Can’t Git Gud
Interestingly enough, Jeff Gerstmann is also not playing it but he might just not be interested since he usually stream retro games.
lobosjr also not playing it.... I swear if you go on twitch and look at my followed streamers, it's very weird. I know who always plays newest releases and I am really to believe that they choose to play some crap indie or other games this whole week? nah. nope.


Gold Member
Interestingly enough, Jeff Gerstmann is also not playing it but he might just not be interested since he usually stream retro games.
lobosjr also not playing it.... I swear if you go on twitch and look at my followed streamers, it's very weird. I know who always plays newest releases and I am really to believe that they choose to play some crap indie or other games this whole week? nah. nope.
Cowards. Why would you not cash in on a cultural phenomenon setting the world on fire right now? We know why.
Interestingly enough, Jeff Gerstmann is also not playing it but he might just not be interested since he usually stream retro games.
lobosjr also not playing it.... I swear if you go on twitch and look at my followed streamers, it's very weird. I know who always plays newest releases and I am really to believe that they choose to play some crap indie or other games this whole week? nah. nope.
To be fair, this is exactly the type of game that Jeff Gerstmann generally doesn't get into at all. He tends to drop action RPGs very quickly even when he does give them a shot.


Can’t Git Gud
To be fair, this is exactly the type of game that Jeff Gerstmann generally doesn't get into at all. He tends to drop action RPGs very quickly even when he does give them a shot.
Probably. But lobos and few others usually play all new hot releases.
When Elden ring of ragnarok was out, everyone on my left follows sidebar had these games playing.
Harry Potter might be specific but still. Suspicious
Interestingly enough, Jeff Gerstmann is also not playing it but he might just not be interested since he usually stream retro games.
lobosjr also not playing it.... I swear if you go on twitch and look at my followed streamers, it's very weird. I know who always plays newest releases and I am really to believe that they choose to play some crap indie or other games this whole week? nah. nope.
But those people are at least putting their money where their mouth is, they are voluntarily giving up the chance to draw a big audience. I say more power to them. That's the kind of boycott I can respect. What I can't respect are the people who only virtual signal when it benefits them.

y'know, up till now, i'd sorta resigned myself to thinking that the day of reckoning of the hyper-woke/trans-extremist movement might never arrive. but, now? now, i'm beginning to think that choosing this video game as their hill to die on was massive miscalculation that's ended up both demonstrating what an irrelevant real-world minority they obviously are, & how frantically, ludicrously over-exaggerated their deranged, reactionary rhetoric (& now 'anti-semitism', as well? really?) can be. this post, i think, says it best:
Couple of what I consider facts:
Its a consistently and egregiously marginalized community, I can't stress that fact enough.
The Potterverse is arguably the most beloved property created in the last 30 years by millions world wide.

So with that in mind, it is obvious that this was not a hill that an already marginalized community should die on. It was a HORRIBLE mistake to try and link the purchase of this game to supporting JKR or Anti-Trans movements. Too many degrees of separation for the general population to give a shit.

It pisses me off to no end, because it is already a marginalized community that is just marginalizing itself further in the eyes of the overall gaming community and society as a whole.
in brief: this 'boycott', or whatever it is, is serving the interests solely of those self-promoters promoting it. no one else, including the actual trans community itself, or the stooges simply playing along (hello, wired!), benefits in any tangible way from it. if anything, it's backfired, & choosing to die on this particular hill is looking to being equivalent to basically signing your own death warrant...
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Hogwarts Legacy is such a labor of love, a game crafted with an incredible amount of respect for the source material. Hogwarts itself is a joy to explore, there's always something going on, people chattering, ghosts flitting in and out of various rooms, a million locked doors begging you to break into them. The rest of the game world is like this too, just absolutely littered with things to do and places to explore. Imagine my surprise when I randomly stumbled upon a whole ass dungeon to delve into out in the wilderness.

Characters are interesting, voice acting is good. There are some genuinely beautiful moments in the game. I definitely don't feel like it's "several generations behind" in the graphics department. I would kill for an in game photo mode so I could capture all of the moments where I stopped and looked around and just remarked to myself "wow, this is really pretty."

My biggest gripes about the game are honestly just nitpicks.

1) Your primary means of income is going to be selling old gear you don't need, and there's no way to mark those items as junk or for sale, so you have to sell each thing individually, and hold the button for several seconds to confirm the sale. It's cumbersome.
2) There is no way to queue up potions for crafting. Making healing potions? Cool. Takes 15 seconds. Then come back and collect your single potion and make another for 15 seconds. Fortunately, human enemies drop health potions pretty generously so this shouldn't be an issue, but that brings me to nitpick number....
3) Crafting seems mostly superfluous. The potions you can make, and the plants you can grow are mostly pointless. You can make a handful of interesting potions, but the effects are either too conservative or they don't last long enough to be worth the effort. The plants you can grow act sort of like grenades with various effects. Think borderlands with grenade mods. The only really good potion is the healing potion, and the only really good plant is the cabbage, of which three can be thrown at a time and will autonomously seek out targets to attack- and they're fuckin strong.
4) The magic loom isn't that useful until you're maximum level. The gear you find is leveled to either -1/=/+1 of your level. Because you find gear- good gear- so rapidly, it doesn't make any sense to make the effort to upgrade your equipment until you're going to have it for a very long time, as it stands, the upgrade costs are quite steep for something you're just going to dump the next time you find a treasure chest with a legendary in it.

Here's my wishlist for any WB developers or producers reading this.

1) Photo mode. The game is pretty, why not?
2) Allow me to sell things quicker, and give me a sell all option.
3) Extend the damage/duration/radius of plants and potions. They're just not very useful.
4) Radically expand the gear crafting. You gave me a whole ass magic loom, let me use it to make clothes. I want to be able to break down gear that I find into a base material, and then use that to craft something better. Even if the new item is of a random stat/quality/appearance, it's still useful because any new gear appearance you discover is permanently available as transmog. So even if I craft something with shit stats but it looks cool, that was still a worthwhile craft.
5) Make distant towns interesting by giving their merchants unique or cultural crafting recipes. As it stands, basically everything you ever need can be purchased in Hogsmeade. Any other town has at least one merchant for you to offload goods to, but they sell super generic stuff for the most part.
6) Let me queue up crafting and plant growing. If I don't make the effort to come back every <duration>, no crafting is being done. Once that one item is made all progress stops, and that's dumb. There's a house elf whose job is literally to tend the room, and he's just hanging out picking his nose. scrubbing the floor. Why if I have the materials to make 50 health potions can't I just dump all that shit in there? The pot is stirring itself with magic! But I can't put the ingredients on the table and they magically work themselves into the the pot? Or just make like a huge batch and bottle it all up? That's a bridge too far.
7) Sweet christ let me skip the lockpicking minigame. There are 3 levels of Alohomora. Level 1 unlocks level 1 locks, and so forth. Well, level 2 should skip level 1 lockpick mini game. Level 3 should skip level 2 and 1. It's not especially taxing or time consuming, its just annoying to have to do it so often.

TL;DR: The game is super fun, there's a lot of love that went into it. There's always things to explore and do and lots of side content, the experience only being hampered by minor annoyances. Even if you stripped away Harry Potter/Wizarding World anything, the game still stands on its own as a fun, captivating fantasy rpg. It is my most genuine hope the game goes on to do tremendously well, and we see this grow into a greater series of titles. 9/10
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Hogwarts Legacy is such a labor of love, a game crafted with an incredible amount of respect for the source material. Hogwarts itself is a joy to explore, there's always something going on, people chattering, ghosts flitting in and out of various rooms, a million locked doors begging you to break into them. The rest of the game world is like this too, just absolutely littered with things to do and places to explore. Imagine my surprise when I randomly stumbled upon a whole ass dungeon to delve into out in the wilderness.

Characters are interesting, voice acting is good. There are some genuinely beautiful moments in the game. I definitely don't feel like it's "several generations behind" in the graphics department. I would kill for an in game photo mode so I could capture all of the moments where I stopped and looked around and just remarked to myself "wow, this is really pretty."

My biggest gripes about the game are honestly just nitpicks.

1) Your primary means of income is going to be selling old gear you don't need, and there's no way to mark those items as junk or for sale, so you have to sell each thing individually, and hold the button for several seconds to confirm the sale. It's cumbersome.
2) There is no way to queue up potions for crafting. Making healing potions? Cool. Takes 15 seconds. Then come back and collect your single potion and make another for 15 seconds. Fortunately, human enemies drop health potions pretty generously so this shouldn't be an issue, but that brings me to nitpick number....
3) Crafting seems mostly superfluous. The potions you can make, and the plants you can grow are mostly pointless. You can make a handful of interesting potions, but the effects are either too conservative or they don't last long enough to be worth the effort. The plants you can grow act sort of like grenades with various effects. Think borderlands with grenade mods. The only really good potion is the healing potion, and the only really good plant is the cabbage, of which three can be thrown at a time and will autonomously seek out targets to attack- and they're fuckin strong.
4) The magic loom isn't that useful until you're maximum level. The gear you find is leveled to either -1/=/+1 of your level. Because you find gear- good gear- so rapidly, it doesn't make any sense to make the effort to upgrade your equipment until you're going to have it for a very long time, as it stands, the upgrade costs are quite steep for something you're just going to dump the next time you find a treasure chest with a legendary in it.

Here's my wishlist for any WB developers or producers reading this.

1) Photo mode. The game is pretty, why not?
2) Allow me to sell things quicker, and give me a sell all option.
3) Extend the damage/duration/radius of plants and potions. They're just not very useful.
4) Radically expand the gear crafting. You gave me a whole ass magic loom, let me use it to make clothes. I want to be able to break down gear that I find into a base material, and then use that to craft something better. Even if the new item is of a random stat/quality/appearance, it's still useful because any new gear appearance you discover is permanently available as transmog. So even if I craft something with shit stats but it looks cool, that was still a worthwhile craft.
5) Make distant towns interesting by giving their merchants unique or cultural crafting recipes. As it stands, basically everything you ever need can be purchased in Hogsmeade. Any other town has at least one merchant for you to offload goods to, but they sell super generic stuff for the most part.
6) Let me queue up crafting and plant growing. If I don't make the effort to come back every <duration>, no crafting is being done. Once that one item is made all progress stops, and that's dumb. There's a house elf whose job is literally to tend the room, and he's just hanging out picking his nose. scrubbing the floor. Why if I have the materials to make 50 health potions can't I just dump all that shit in there? The pot is stirring itself with magic! But I can't put the ingredients on the table and they magically work themselves into the the pot? Or just make like a huge batch and bottle it all up? That's a bridge too far.
7) Sweet christ let me skip the lockpicking minigame. There are 3 levels of Alohomora. Level 1 unlocks level 1 locks, and so forth. Well, level 2 should skip level 1 lockpick mini game. Level 3 should skip level 2 and 1. It's not especially taxing or time consuming, its just annoying to have to do it so often.

TL;DR: The game is super fun, there's a lot of love that went into it. There's always things to explore and do and lots of side content, the experience only being hampered by minor annoyances. Even if you stripped away Harry Potter/Wizarding World anything, the game still stands on its own as a fun, captivating fantasy rpg. It is my most genuine hope the game goes on to do tremendously well, and we see this grow into a greater series of titles. 9/10

Honestly when you play in hard, explore the world under leveled without talents and such you actually kinda need the grenades and whatnot because they're actually super useful in combat. Maybe not in normal but yeah


The only reviewers that matter have spoken:

John always covered the best looking games, so I'm surprised he is ignoring Hogwarts Legacy. Even if he dislike the HP franchise he should cover this particular game because of it's graphics alone.

I'm usually not interested in HP games but I still want to play Hogwarts Legacy because it looks amazing for sure, and just maybe I will also like it's gameplay and story (you never know, and life is full of surprises).
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Interestingly enough, Jeff Gerstmann is also not playing it but he might just not be interested since he usually stream retro games.
lobosjr also not playing it.... I swear if you go on twitch and look at my followed streamers, it's very weird. I know who always plays newest releases and I am really to believe that they choose to play some crap indie or other games this whole week? nah. nope.
Gerstmann I could 100% see not giving a single poop about the franchise or playing the game regardless of the greater convo.

I’d just assume he doesn’t care before thinking it’s him planting some sort of ideological flag
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Btw, how much time passes in this game? Does it take place over one school year, or does it cover all years till graduation?


John always covered the best looking games, so I'm surprised he is ignoring Hogwarts Legacy. Even if he dislike the HP franchise he should cover this particular game because of it's graphics alone.

I'm usually not interested in HP games but I still want to play Hogwarts Legacy because it looks amazing for sure, and just maybe I will also like it's gameplay and story (you never know, and life is full of surprises).
Art style is nice but graphics looks mid tbh. Can’t blame them. They were developing for 6 platforms.
John always covered the best looking games, so I'm surprised he is ignoring Hogwarts Legacy. Even if he dislike the HP franchise he should cover this particular game because of it's graphics alone.

I'm usually not interested in HP games but I still want to play Hogwarts Legacy because it looks amazing for sure, and just maybe I will also like it's gameplay and story (you never know, and life is full of surprises).

Well if we are going to be honest, Hogwarts Legacy doesn't scream next-gen. It looks good for an open world game but it falls under above average category. They are mostly a tech analysis channel (and retro), they never covered every single new release because not every release needs pocking in pixels just to come to the conclusion that either the PS5 or XsX have 1% faster loading times. Where is One Piece, Midnight Suns, Blacktail Gingrave all new games? They arent a review channel and just because a game is popular, doesn't mean it needs to be covered because they dont talk about the story, they talk about tech. I think people are realllllly pushing it saying Hogwarts Legacy is one of the best looking games.
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It's always remarkable how much seething rancor exists just under the surface of these people. Judgment and malice, distilled and always ready to deploy.

Can't imagine why games journalism is dying.
Yeah. That whole kindness and #love discourse is such bullshit since most of the gaming media made up of resentfull and spitefull nerds ready to pounce when they are put back in their highschoolself.


Well if we are going to be honest, Hogwarts Legacy doesn't scream next-gen. It looks good for an open world game but it falls under above average category. They are mostly a tech analysis channel (and retro), they never covered every single new release because not every release needs pocking in pixels just to come to the conclusion that either the PS5 or XsX have 1% faster loading times. Where is One Piece, Midnight Suns, Blacktail Gingrave all new games? They arent a review channel and just because a game is popular, doesn't mean it needs to be covered because they dont talk about the story, they talk about tech. I think people are realllllly pushing it saying Hogwarts Legacy is one of the best looking games.
I mean it is a really good looking game, art style and graphics both, but I think DF should cover it because of how many different options it gives us graphically, especially on console. This is the first console game where there is more than just fidelity and performance mode. And not only that, you get options to select ray tracing, motion blur, capping or not capping frame rates, etc. There is a ton for a DF video to analyze


Can’t Git Gud
They didn't provide him with a review code, and he's too busy with other stuff to get to it now. He's not boycotting it.
Yeah sure… too busy to review more important game of the year? There is nothing more important for gaming channel and it’s the only thing he does. It’s his work.
Luke stephens also didn’t get the code but he got the game is Wednesday and already put out review.
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Yeah sure… too busy to review more important game of the year? There is nothing more important for gaming channel and it’s the only thing he does. It’s his work.
Like stephens also didn’t get the code but he got the game is Wednesday and already put out review.

Nah. You’re reaching when it comes to Ralph. He’s not part of the maniac brigade. Hell, he’s banned on Reeeeee for some of the stuff he’s said in the past. He also featured Hogwarts on his weekly video games news round up video.
Well if we are going to be honest, Hogwarts Legacy doesn't scream next-gen. It looks good for an open world game but it falls under above average category. They are mostly a tech analysis channel (and retro), they never covered every single new release because not every release needs pocking in pixels just to come to the conclusion that either the PS5 or XsX have 1% faster loading times. Where is One Piece, Midnight Suns, Blacktail Gingrave all new games? They arent a review channel and just because a game is popular, doesn't mean it needs to be covered because they dont talk about the story, they talk about tech. I think people are realllllly pushing it saying Hogwarts Legacy is one of the best looking games.

Hogwarts legacy looks very good:

And graphics analysis

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That's how you be professional. Do your fucking job to review the game itself.

Hogwarts legacy looks very good:

It really is a good looking game but the stuttering and loading times need fixed. A few times now I've tried to walk through a door but need to wait for it to load. If I go through a door for a split second you can see students popping in. Even the lighting sometimes changes. I was running across a bridge and it was a bit dark then suddenly it got brighter.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Interestingly enough, Jeff Gerstmann is also not playing it but he might just not be interested since he usually stream retro games.
lobosjr also not playing it.... I swear if you go on twitch and look at my followed streamers, it's very weird. I know who always plays newest releases and I am really to believe that they choose to play some crap indie or other games this whole week? nah. nope.
Yeah I am bummed Lobos isn't streaming it but glad Asmond and Summit did. I tend to ignore non-souls related content w/ Lobos anyway.

The only reviewers that matter have spoken:
Because it can only be reviewed by those who have play time. Solid gate keeping mechanism to prevent mass hysteria voting, though it still does happen. Valve usually filters those reviews out of the scoring too.
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Do you also get upset when gay people are depicted in games? Do you have a list of which groups of people are okay and which aren't acceptable for you?
That (and this as well) depends on how it is depicted. My post is directed at sheeple who make heroes out of nobodies and even outright villains. And I will play this game, just not now.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
That (and this as well) depends on how it is depicted. My post is directed at sheeple who make heroes out of nobodies and even outright villains. And I will play this game, just not now.

What about this post is indicating anything to these "sheeple"? You linked to a wiki about a trans person in response to me pointing out this is a kids game....

If you're trying to make a point, you should put some more thought into it and try again.
Might be just apocryphal, but A middle aged colleague who has never had a console before asked me how she could play the game
I explained her options and I'm pretty sure she went and bought a series S bundle after work yesterday.

I look forward t hearing how she got on next week, I tried t warn her that there are a lot of systems in play, she didn't even know what RPG stood for...

Sales of this game will be immense.
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John always covered the best looking games, so I'm surprised he is ignoring Hogwarts Legacy. Even if he dislike the HP franchise he should cover this particular game because of it's graphics alone.

I'm usually not interested in HP games but I still want to play Hogwarts Legacy because it looks amazing for sure, and just maybe I will also like it's gameplay and story (you never know, and life is full of surprises).
Woah, more shocked at john’s outburst here than anything, unless people have been heckling him to cover the game and he reacted like this? Normally he’s a cool calm collected guy.


I think there are physical shortages in Japan as well. HP is an absolutely huge IP. This game will likely be #1 selling game of the year.


We can expect to see a PS5 hike then.

I thought Spiderman 2 would probably be the best seller for 2023 (in the absence of COD) but this looks on track to be #1.


They didn't provide him with a review code, and he's too busy with other stuff to get to it now. He's not boycotting it.

Oh come on. It's been in early access all week. They easily could have had something ready by now.

They're cowards, afraid of both mobs.
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