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Hogwarts Legacy | Review Thread


Gold Member
Everyone was telling it's bad and nobody got it.
Meanwhile it is a fantastic game
Stop It GIF


Gold Member
Lmao wtf is that wired review? Literally:


Why does the author think I wanna read their shitty rip off of a diary. Sue Townsend fucking embarrasses them. The air stealing thunder cunt
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Can’t Git Gud
day 1 patch at 1pm?
They are a bit late aren't they?
I installed ps5 version from the disc few hours earlier and it didn't download a patch if I recall correctly.
I am still rewatching the movies, so I will only play tomorrow probably. Maybe it will be there until then.
Strange, how there is no patch on day1... which was 3 days ago lol


King of Gaslighting
Does anyone have an actual link to the John Linneman tweet? I can't believe that one is real either. Like DF's job is to measure the technical performance of a game. Period. Personal interest in the game itself I think is fair - to SOME extent - to expect from a reviewer, or at least to not prejudge something; if you're primary function is to tell consumers what does and doesn't work in a game then no. . .we don't need you to give a shit about the lore to do your job.

. . .again, just more kindling for the more "Gamergatey" side of the internet to say "See, we told you they were advocates and not journalists!" It's fucking Trump all over again and now we're stuck with hyper-partisanship on both sides. Blargh. I guess better the mask come off now in such spectacular fashion so that there is no ambiguity anymore.


Gold Member
Does anyone have an actual link to the John Linneman tweet? I can't believe that one is real either. Like DF's job is to measure the technical performance of a game. Period. Personal interest in the game itself I think is fair - to SOME extent - to expect from a reviewer, or at least to not prejudge something; if you're primary function is to tell consumers what does and doesn't work in a game then no. . .we don't need you to give a shit about the lore to do your job.

. . .again, just more kindling for the more "Gamergatey" side of the internet to say "See, we told you they were advocates and not journalists!" It's fucking Trump all over again and now we're stuck with hyper-partisanship on both sides. Blargh. I guess better the mask come off now in such spectacular fashion so that there is no ambiguity anymore.
It was real, he deleted it.
Does anyone have an actual link to the John Linneman tweet? I can't believe that one is real either. Like DF's job is to measure the technical performance of a game. Period. Personal interest in the game itself I think is fair - to SOME extent - to expect from a reviewer, or at least to not prejudge something; if you're primary function is to tell consumers what does and doesn't work in a game then no. . .we don't need you to give a shit about the lore to do your job.

. . .again, just more kindling for the more "Gamergatey" side of the internet to say "See, we told you they were advocates and not journalists!" It's fucking Trump all over again and now we're stuck with hyper-partisanship on both sides. Blargh. I guess better the mask come off now in such spectacular fashion so that there is no ambiguity anymore.
Looks like the spineless coward deleted it.

It was real trust me. I couldn't believe it either and had to check myself.
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Politically charged nonsense reviews (1/10, gimme a fucking break) should mean that your integrity as a journalist outlet is completely gone and you are blacklisted from any review aggregators like metacritic.

This is shameful work

Like, I also remember WIRED had a ton of exclusive PS5 reveals leading up to the full blown reveal, that's probably gone now due to this. Enjoy the hill you're dying on, to use your own phrase, folks.
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Gold Member
Whoa, wait, what did John say? I follow him on Twitter and didn't see anything odd? Please don't tell me he came down on the idiotic side of this.....
No he’s not “picking a side” in this shitshow. Someone asked him if he would cover the game and melted down in his response talking about hating Harry Potter and open world games. I think he responded that way because he kept getting asked about it.

There’s a screenshot of the tweet a page or two back.


The 3 local gamestops around me all ran out of copies. I don't think they get a huge amount of copies but its the first game in recent memory that they ran out of in just a few hours of being open. I was actually waiting to go in and use my $5 promo on the normal edition but I guess I'll have to buy digitally or find somewhere else (walmart? idk)


Why are people so angry all the time?
Social media really did a number on humanity as a whole
Social media is an amplification device. It amplifies opinions and views that aren't mainstream. It amplifies tribalism. The freaks and degenerates who thought they were isolated, now have a large community echo chamber. It allows all of us to isolate ourselves to one point of view and ban/block opposing viewpoints. This creates a false reality where we believe that our views and opinions represent the majority (right) point of view.

Social media is a cancer.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
According to the trophy data yesterday here's the popularity of each house:


Chose ravenclaw myself. Not surprised to see slytherin at 1. Guess people are over gryfyndor
How does your house impact the game?


These people are in a dammed if they do and damned if they don't situation... but you wanna make your bed with the loons of the world then you gotta lay in it too.

My suggestion to any budding journalists out there. Stop picking sides. A it's just bad journalism and B you get stuck in this shit situation
These people lose their identity the moment they pander to the woke mob with rainbow flags and pronouns in their bio.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Guys why do I work my ass off and get mostly underpayed...

How do these cocks actually get paid money for what could almost be clinically described as a mental disability
I get some consolation knowing that “clickbait journalists” will be first on the list of jobs ChatGPT will render obsolete in the next couple years. Maybe a few of them will move on to a career that actually provides some value to society, like flipping burgers.
I get some consolation knowing that “clickbait journalists” will be first on the list of jobs ChatGPT will render obsolete in the next couple years. Maybe a few of them will move on to a career that actually provides some value to society, like flipping burgers.
In December, BuzzFeed announced plans to trim its workforce by 12% as part of cost-cutting efforts.
BuzzFeed’s stock spiked another 62% on Friday, extending its surge after the digital media firm revealed it would work with ChatGPT creator OpenAI’s artificial intelligence platform to create content for its website.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Makes total sense. It’s sad to see that so much “journalism” has degenerated to the point where it might as well be a bunch of fluff and bullshit generated by an AI

Hopefully some real journalism (as in, actually going to physical places and talking to real human beings) will survive.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Nothing wrong with flipping burgers.
For sure, I have a lot of respect for competence, regardless of what the job is.

Just think it’s funny imagining some fragile, flabby keyboard warrior who made a career out of writing “Reddit comment” articles having to actually get their hands dirty.
This game is going to feature very heavily in the overall gaming conversation this entire year, much like Elden Ring last year. Unfortunately the controversy comes along with that. Will be interesting to see how things develop, for example, which outlets have the courage to include it on GOTY lists. Because unless this is the all-time best year for videogames, this one will definitely end up as one of the top 10 best. Omitting it will be as absurd as leaving Witcher 3 out of a top 10 list the year it was released (oh hey there, Giantbomb!).
I saw this one earlier. This makes WIRED look worse in every possible way and only provides "confirmation" for the conspiracy nutters out there. I can at least respect WAYPOINT and the others who just said "We're not giving any oxygen to this. . ." but this is just journalistic malpractice period. Healthy subjectivity is good but there's no way in any form this is a "1/10 Game. . ." Just embarrassing.

This. . .is not the burn you think it is. Yowza.

1/10, even Jeff Grubb is appalled.


Another amazing thing about this game is that it isnt riddled with MTX, they could have gone OTT with it in this, furniture packs, costumes etc. The fact they havent is just another reason to respect the way this game has been handled.

It's also ironic that games I would lap up a season pass for, this, Elden Ring, RDR2 for example, don't have one lol. I'm sure down the road they will make DLC for this one though, it's gonna sell shitloads.


Probably posted before
they gave it 1/10.

I live in a country ruled by a military regime for more than 60 years. and i swear the media here is less polarized ,less propaganda and more sane compared to what am seeing
on major internet sites and tv media in the usa.

Even on the political side, i think the like of CNN spread propaganda and lies for the benefit of Biden administartion more than the media here does.
WTF With most usa media and journalism, they become like STALINETIMES journal.

Cancel culture make me sad and i hope the west world reorganise it shit for the better of the world.
Sorry for going political.
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