Does anyone know how long the game is? I'm just about to pull the trigger but I just want to make sure the game isn't extremely short (in the range of 2 hours I mean).
Does anyone know how long the game is? I'm just about to pull the trigger but I just want to make sure the game isn't extremely short (in the range of 2 hours I mean).
Same. Apparently we're not alone:i can't even open the game. all i get is an error.. tried deleting it and downloading it again but it still doesn't work. guess i'll have to contact Soony.
Same. Apparently we're not alone:
I am overwhelmed.
I am have no clue what is the objective of the game or what's going on. I keep warping between different zones without any explanation of game mechanics or my goal.
cool, thanks. i may try these:
Have you played Proteus? I would definitely recommend that to anyone that clicks with Hohokum; it's a different type of experience entirely but still retains some of those elements that you seem to enjoy about Hohokum.
Didn't help here sadly (his error code is also different, mine is ce-34632-8). The only positive is that Santa Monica got word of it and said they're working on a fix. If it will ever come is anyone's guess. Really bummed by the ostensible lack of QA, also in the Playstation Store. If you can't even get the game to start up, a refunding option should be automatic, not after whining to a phone based helpdesk.
It only affects people who didn't preorder, so it seems obvious that a version was uploaded shortly after that didn't work. I guess that should make us hopeful that a fix shouldn't be that hard. Monica Studio‏ @SonySantaMonica
#Hohokum fans we are close to a fix for impacted users, those purchasing now or pre-ordered should be good to jump in, our highest priority
I did, it didn't. I think you got it to work because you bought the newer version.
I think calling something pretentious because it gives you agency is discovering what the goals are instead of beating you over the head with a quest marker is a tad harsh, but I can sympathize with those who are finding Hohokum too obtuse to really get into even though I personally am having a blast with it.
There are some solid posts in this thread already re: good "first steps", or 'what you ought to be looking for', in the game. I would just reiterate that each major level has a particular objective that you need to discover in order to "free" one of your snake-y looking friends; other than that you ought to be on the lookout for those eyes (closed initially until you move over them). Pressing Options will let you know how many you still have left in that particular area. Knowing these two things alone ought to give you enough purposeful direction that you are able to stumble across the solutions to the game. If you need more direction, or perhaps are looking for very narrowly defined challenges, then I highly recommend looking at the trophy list for the game [LINK] which will give you some idea of what activities you could be doing. Hope that helps!
I think calling something pretentious because it gives you agency is discovering what the goals are instead of beating you over the head with a quest marker is a tad harsh, but I can sympathize with those who are finding Hohokum too obtuse to really get into even though I personally am having a blast with it.
There are some solid posts in this thread already re: good "first steps", or 'what you ought to be looking for', in the game. I would just reiterate that each major level has a particular objective that you need to discover in order to "free" one of your snake-y looking friends; other than that you ought to be on the lookout for those eyes (closed initially until you move over them). Pressing Options will let you know how many you still have left in that particular area. Knowing these two things alone ought to give you enough purposeful direction that you are able to stumble across the solutions to the game. If you need more direction, or perhaps are looking for very narrowly defined challenges, then I highly recommend looking at the trophy list for the game [LINK] which will give you some idea of what activities you could be doing. Hope that helps!
Is there a known problem with trophies? I played 20mn yesterday to the PS4 EU version but the game doesn't appear in my trophy section. I'll try to download PS3 or Vita version tonight to see if it's the same.
Is there a known problem with trophies? I played 20mn yesterday to the PS4 EU version but the game doesn't appear in my trophy section. I'll try to download PS3 or Vita version tonight to see if it's the same.
Oh...well, fuck you too, game.
Holy cow that sucks. I want to go for this trophy but don't know how to start a new game without deleting my save data and overwriting the cloud save? Do I need to put a backup save on USB or something?
Also, does anyone know how to get the Ice Cream Seller trophy? It's the only other one I don't have...
Also, FYI: It took me 8.5 hours to finish the game with all 146 eyes and 16 snake things, as well as all but those 2 trophies. Only used a guide for (most) of the trophies.
Can anyone help me out here?
So it seems I got all 14 snakes (15 incl myself), I got the stones monster thingy out from the ruins by choosing the squared ruins. I also did the icecream part. No credits yet though. Cannot figure out what the exploding dizzy bubble does in the ruins...
So whats next, I've been stuck here for hours...
got it, never knew there was a snake also in the farmers part... There are a total of 16 snakes incl yourself... I swear i counted 15 in the beginning of the game.
Just reset the game, unless you don't want to lose your eyes (which don't do anything really).
Once you know what you're doing, 60 minutes shouldn't be too bad. I messed up on the Farm level and so...there you go. I'll try again later, had fun doing it.
As for the Ice Cream Seller...HINT:You'll find what you need amongst broken pots. Then look around below eye guy
Less of a spoiler (but maybe a spoiler to extreme-blind-playthroughs):each ring of dots has a snake
Small Spoilers (Types of Areas)
Let me know if I made any mistakes, this is kind of from memory.
Can someone please tell me, when you look at the list of friends on the main menu, what is the name between Maude and Mavis and where is this friend?
So, I...uh...can't finish the game. I'm pretty sure I'm looked everywhere for the final level (in the far top 12 o'clock position in the hub world, right above the Elephant level. But I can't find the portal to it anywhere. It's the last one I need...
As for the Ice Cream Seller...HINT:You'll find what you need amongst broken pots. Then look around below eye guy
I also cant figure out how to get to this portal. Anyone know?
Now to beat it in <1 hour...
To access the final level and get to the credits:. Enjoy!go to the "polka dot" level where flying over the dots changed them different colors and you had to carry the guy who would take 4 different colored dots back to his little island and make hats for 4 different weirdos. There is one specific portal that will have a brownish background with more dots when you open it up. Go in that portal, then go into the bottom left dot (it's kinda weird to get into it). This will bring you to the final section, which is pretty darn fun
That's not the level I was talking about that he was referring to. The one I was looking for between the two Tribal Dancer Huts in the Bamboo Forest, near the bottom