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Homeland - Season 5 - Sundays on Showtime

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I am aware of some stuff, like Snowden, and the attack on the satire newspaper in the UK -
from what I understand Homeland may include in this season's plot

Breh you got to be trolling at this point. Not knowing who Assad is was taking the troll too far already. Even local news covers the highlights of foreign news.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Allison puts on such an obvious performance for both Saul and Dar Adal that those two characters now come off as particularly moronic and easily manipulated.

Hacker dude is really stupid. What does he think he's going to accomplish? Meanwhile he basically just reminded the people he's accusing that he still needs to be dealt with. Between the video he made, leaking footage from a very specific brothel, and doing so under the name he used for the CIA leak, the Russians know precisely who's causing trouble. Based on how murder-happy the show made the Russians last week, this doofus should already have been taken out. Also, strikes me as ridiculous that the Berlin government would immediately quash the protest with riot police and teargas.

Quinn trying to kill himself and dispose of his own body in order to protect Carrie... fuck off with this. Carrie treats everyone like shit, getting offended when others only give her 120% in exchange for her constant refusal to give help, information, or context for her demands. This episode has no less than four people all going out of their way to help her despite getting nothing in return and generally risking their own self-interest.
I love how tonights episode is called 'Better Call Saul' lol.

Come on Gabe.... Calling on anonymous now?! I thought you were a leet haxorz, why not just hack into some databases and leak all sorts of information, you know like the premiere?


leaking footage from a very specific brothel

This had me laughing. There's two guys who are working in the back at that brothel that are computer savvy, one is now dead via Russian intelligence. Gonna be real difficult figuring out who the other one is.

Quinn trying to kill himself and dispose of his own body in order to protect Carrie... fuck off with this.

Yuuuuup. This episode did my boy Quinn wrong.
Dammit Quinn, it's not looking too good for you. When are you going to turn into Agent 47 and recover from that bullet bruh?!

But seriously, Allison is way too obvious. From her body language to her facial expressions before we knew who she was, I think we can tell she was working Saul and Dar. Katja was too hot for the show anyways (need to find her real name.... For research purposes).

Dar and Saul are forever enemies too since the start of Homeland anyways.
Carrie knows how to manipulate these men.
Quinn couldn't cauterize or staple that wound. I hope his story doesn't lead to a filler side story


Allison puts on such an obvious performance for both Saul and Dar Adal that those two characters now come off as particularly moronic and easily manipulated.

yep I have a problem with this as well. Both of them are looking like fucking idiots

also if quinn dies fuck this show


Quinn trying to kill himself and dispose of his own body in order to protect Carrie... fuck off with this. Carrie treats everyone like, getting offended when others only give her 120% in exchange for her constant refusal to give help, information, or context for her demands. This episode has no less than four people all going out of their way to help her despite getting nothing in return and generally risking their own self-interest.

I'm enjoying this season, but this is becoming difficult to ignore, especially as the show rarely calls Carrie out on it - and when it does, she just becomes more indignant. I think the ex-24 producers sometimes forget Carrie isn't Jack Bauer. She's not saving the world, she hasn't saved the world, and she has no legendary history among worldwide agencies as an incredible agent the same way Jack did. This should be a differentiation the show plays into allowing fantastic, smart, espionage tales, but instead it's a glaring disconnect every time a character goes to hell and back for Carrie.

Setting this season up with Carrie now working for a firm so controversial and watched that everyone assumed she's a mole for the CIA (aside from the CIA who knew she wasn't, which scared the hell out of them) was an interesting turn and (I thought) a clear middle-finger by Carrie, but the fact they're writing her as naive enough to be surprised by the ostracisation and targeting, while still expecting help from everyone, is disappointing.


Quinn trying to kill himself makes no sense. Carrie already gave up the ghost when she used the killers phone. They know Quinn isn't dead. Just go to the hospital dude

Allison puts on such an obvious performance for both Saul and Dar Adal that those two characters now come off as particularly moronic and easily manipulated.

I'm assuming/hoping that it is just the writers trying to manipulate us and we will find our that Dar and Saul suspected her from the start -- like the Carrie and Iranian dude twist


Allison puts on such an obvious performance for both Saul and Dar Adal that those two characters now come off as particularly moronic and easily manipulated.

Hacker dude is really stupid. What does he think he's going to accomplish? Meanwhile he basically just reminded the people he's accusing that he still needs to be dealt with. Between the video he made, leaking footage from a very specific brothel, and doing so under the name he used for the CIA leak, the Russians know precisely who's causing trouble. Based on how murder-happy the show made the Russians last week, this doofus should already have been taken out. Also, strikes me as ridiculous that the Berlin government would immediately quash the protest with riot police and teargas.

Quinn trying to kill himself and dispose of his own body in order to protect Carrie... fuck off with this. Carrie treats everyone like shit, getting offended when others only give her 120% in exchange for her constant refusal to give help, information, or context for her demands. This episode has no less than four people all going out of their way to help her despite getting nothing in return and generally risking their own self-interest.


I'm not sure where killing Carrie fits in in Allison\Russian's plan. OK, they are pitting Saul and Adal against each other on the bombed plane thing so why do you need that? Is she going to go to Adal and tell him that Saul put a kill order on Carrie to seal this thing? Was it something the Russians asked her to pull off on her side of the deal? Did Allison just wanted Carrie gone because..?

lol at Jonas losing a barely moving, dying man that is also bleeding. How the heck couldn't he track him down. Follow the blood.

The depiction of the demonstrators was cringe-worthy and pathetic.


Everyone being absurdly stupid (journalist doesn't even know how to have a secret conversation? Saul and Dar Adal's... well, everything, Quinn not catching on to the compromised dead drop, etc.) wouldn't be so bad if the Allison plot wasn't so basic and obvious. If there was some actual intrigue and ambiguity, it would be more believable, but when you're twirling your mustache in a parking garage, it's just hard to take seriously.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I've just watch series 1 and nothing happens, does it get better in series 2?
In short, no. If you didn't like the first season, there is no reason whatsoever for you to continue. That was the peak of the show.
I wouldn't doubt that they writers would turn Quinn into a motherfucking Daesh agent in the future, just because.

Fuck, that preview. I cannot believe this.
Another top episode this week, everything is starting to come together nicely, albeit via character's stupid more than anything else. If anything happens to Quinn.... I swear.

On another note, what is it with Showtime and horribly patronizing bleeps and bloops whenever anyone is using a computer? Dexter was even worse back in the day, mind. Do they think we won't understand what's going on if there isn't a sound to go along with every mouse click or keyboard press? Shit drives me nuts. It's almost as bad as what goes on in NCIS or CSI Cyber.

I'm ranting, but it really pisses me off.

Deku Tree

Loved the latest episode.

Hate the previews for Brody's new show.

"What's the point of having FU money if you never say FU."
Has to be the worst preview line I've ever heard... Why do they always go cheap on the writers?


I shot people I like more for less.
Just caught up on the last two. Way too obvious that Allison was going to be on the other side of that phone call in the one two weeks ago, but that one was still pretty good. This week's wasn't as good, but I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes from here now that Carrie and Saul have met up. Hope they don't do anything stupid with Quinn :/


Filler episode it felt like, it was alright.

I didn't quite understand why the men inside the doctor's building wanted to protect Quinn. Did they not like their leader or something? One of the said that they believed that Quinn wasn't a spy, but isn't it obvious that he is?


Quinn storyline is feeling a LOT like Brody's S3 storyline when he was in an apartment building and wasn't allowed to leave....


This season started strong, but between veteran spies getting played like amateurs (Saul not at all suspicious of the shootout at the drop point until Carrie points it out?) and Quinn stumbling into an apparent terrorist nest and overhearing their plans through a vent like a Splinter Cell game, it's dropping off fast. Hope the back half improves.


The whole Quinn arc is just absurdly bizarre. Thanks to his deus ex machina plot armor he is saved by the nice doctor in the very last moment who coincidentally happens to live in a household full of terrorists plotting an imminent attack, and immediately after he wakes up he is suspected of being a spy while he accidentally listens in on their conversations through a ventilation shaft that just happens to pick up every word being said during their top secret meeting.

WTF are you smoking writers?


The whole Quinn arc is just absurdly bizarre. Thanks to his deus ex machina plot armor he is saved by the nice doctor in the very last moment who coincidentally happens to live in a household full of terrorists plotting an imminent attack, and immediately after he wakes up he is suspected of being a spy while he accidentally listens in on their conversations through a ventilation shaft that just happens to pick up every word being said during their top secret meeting.

WTF are you smoking writers?
I don't think it was that far fetched really, and I didn't think of it as a terrorist cell per se. The prisoners had just been released that day, and it wasn't like they were doing deep planning. It was just a rah rah speech of what he wanted to do. But the others pointed out they weren't really into it. The one dude had talked to Quinn just before leaving, and the crowd that was watching as Quinn kills him didn't jump on Quinn.

I think of it like the walking dead, you have to create the drama somehow, so sometimes you have to turn your brain off a little bit and give in to the coincidences that happen.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
It's been what, maybe two weeks since the leak about the surveillance program? And Germany is already releasing suspected (or convicted? I didn't follow) terrorists? Journalist lady asking the hard, stupid questions.

Someone tell me why either Saul or Dar Adal think Allison is even remotely competent at her job? In terms of her job performance, it's been an endless string of fuckups and gross negligence. Apparently the only saving grace is Saul and Dar being written as blind morons making wild assumptions on the flimsy, superficial observations.

I see the 8th time's the charm for Jonas threatening to walk out on Carrie's bullshit.

Also, can we get back to Carrie's theory behind the whole season? She believes a leak about a cooperative US/German intelligence program prompted Russia to order her assassination for fear of her being able to read the fucking leak? Like, what? Apparently the entire world revolves directly around her.


What makes it worse is that we know it's untrue. The hacker's friend contacted the Russians to sell the documents after the events in Lebanon. The only thing the Russians are responsible for is killing the guy and his girlfriend to make sure there aren't more copies. The Russians are also apparently responsible for the plane bombing and planning to kill Carrie but currently we're none the wiser about the reasons.

Is it accepted policy to allow inner-CIA romantic relationships? 'Cause Dar knows about Allison and Saul but didn't do a thing.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
The Quinn stuff isn't working for me at all. It would have made more sense to just have him sidelined for a few episodes. Him stumbling onto some terrorist plot verges on the absurd, even for this show. Maybe they're done with it, maybe it will lead somewhere. But at the moment it's pretty contrived.

Saul was the real star of this episode. I was enjoying the scenes with him deciding to just figure this out on his own. I can't wait to see what happens when he finally puts the whole thing together.


This make no sense, can't Carrie get that Allison is the russian mole? didn't she recognize her voice on the phone? why not telling Saul?

What the hell is going on the writers room, the story makes no sense at this point

Are the docs revealing of the mole?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Is it accepted policy to allow inner-CIA romantic relationships? 'Cause Dar knows about Allison and Saul but didn't do a thing.
I doubt it, especially when one is a direct supervisor of the other. That seems like a recipe for trouble.

We're somehow in a realm where Saul and Allison are closely linked personally and professionally, yet Dar's suspicion of Saul doesn't spill over to Allison in any form whatsoever. That's... really fucking dumb of Dar.
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