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Homeland - Season 5 - Sundays on Showtime

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I was hoping for the Alison lead-up in her bedroom to be a girl (DUN DUN DUN) instead of Saul.

A heavy-handed "look, she's gay!" would've at least saved us from this mess.
Quinn continues to deliver shutting that boy up
Saul you sly dog. Lol
augh. Awful side story
Really like that scene with Carrie and rifle

I do like Carrie's new boyfriend is red head. She still have that Brody cling


Subete no aware
The Saul thing was a terrible twist since nothing about that relationship is ever evident in the previous episodes. It's literally the writers wanking themselves off for the sake of shocker that no one really gives a shit about.


special needs, sexual needs
Crazy Carrie is best Carrie. This season is miles better than the last two. Yeah the plot is crazy, but that's Homeland.

Brody 2.0 is fine as hell. Carrie you lying saying he wasn't a good lay. I'll take him off your hands.

I was so expecting the gay twist with the Intel lady. Saul though?? Ugh.


I liked that Carrie went off the meds to figure things out, but ultimately she went off the deep end into crazy town and it didn't do shit.
You think you are better without medicine, but that's just not true.

Vert boil

From bad to worse. Since we've skipped straight to the Doomsday season, any hope of a Trinity is fading fast.



Avatar up for grabs,



So it looks like Quinn wasn't assigned to kill Carrie after all, or else he would have done it right then and there in the forest (although he did have a gun pulled when he was stalking the place, so I'm guessing he was prepared to kill her boyfriend). I'm guessing they just wanted him to find her and then bring her in.

Also, I'm fine with Crazy Carrie popping up every now and then (preferably only once per season) - just so long as they keep her reigned in like in this episode. Let her come out to play, but only in a controlled setting.
I think Quinn wants to know what Carrie did before killing her. They do have a history, and he was in love with her briefly. Obv they wont kill Carrie since shes the main character, but I have a feeling the regime Saul is planning to replace has everything to do with Carrie being on a hit list.

Saul and Carrie have a hidden agenda somewhere, otherwise they wouldnt keep shoving the fact she doesnt work for him down our throats. Quinn is involved too, but i think hes in the dark on Carrie's job in it all.

Really loving this season.


They still want us to believe the kill order by the CIA is legit. Dunno what's up with that.

'I ran the background check before you were hired but missed how you were publicly labeled as 'Queen of Drones' and all those news reports about civilian deaths under your watch'.

Is it a testament how dumb Carrie is when she needs to go off-meds just to run down her history as a CIA agent and find suspects? Everything is documented. She 'unlocked' jack shit. And i'm over the 'walls and floor plastered with photos' trite crap.

Not sure what's this Saul-Allison thing is. I didn't a detect a reason why they would want to go in a roundabout way to keep Allison. It's not like Saul keeps his image intact because only few people know that the original 'decision' was to axe Allison. So why not offer to axe the Ambassador in the first place? Looks like a lame plotline that makes the private conversations between the two silly. 'You won't sacrifice for me' or whatever Allison accused him of - makes it look they were only acting for the cameras and the viewers at home. I guess it also shows (or baits the viewers into thinking) Saul's slide in principles.


words can't describe how disappointed I am that they decided to go back to crazy carrie

on the flip side, I am continuously entertained by watching the writers try to write out the mistakes of past seasons (Brody Jr)


Carrie's latest Brody replacement has a weirdly inconsistent accent. When he's just speaking English to her, he could sometimes be mistaken as American. Whenever he's speaking English around Germans, his accent is way stronger.
Carrie's latest Brody replacement has a weirdly inconsistent accent. When he's just speaking English to her, he could sometimes be mistaken as American. Whenever he's speaking English around Germans, his accent is way stronger.
A lot of people I know are like that.

Some Hindu people I know talk perfect American English to me, but then take on an accent when talking to their relatives who might be part of the same conversation.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The Saul thing was a terrible twist since nothing about that relationship is ever evident in the previous episodes. It's literally the writers wanking themselves off for the sake of shocker that no one really gives a shit about.

Good job, hot German dude.

Way to leave your bipolar, unmedicated girlfriend an emotional wreck in her crazy Post-It room.

This was so dumb. He did a background check on her, and now he's shocked and appalled at what she did? And he agreed to monitor her and look after her while she goes off her meds, and he was warned that she could become abusive and unhinged and said he was cool with it, but decide to leave in a huff for no reason while she's slowly going crazy? He's a dumbass and an asshole.

Not that there was any reason for Carrie to go off her meds anyway. Yeah, kind of a bad episode IMO. Even the ending was kind of weird, that gun looked powerful, I'm really not sure body armour could have protected Quinn.


well Saul found his "operational balls" a bit too literally. iss Saul honey dicking the chief of station? I can see a big conspiracy on this, bur i'm not sure where is leading, Quinn was clearly send by Saul to protect Carrie


Didn't take long for her to go full-retard again. Can't stand Carrie one bit. Easily the most annoying character on TV right now.


Carrie's latest Brody replacement has a weirdly inconsistent accent. When he's just speaking English to her, he could sometimes be mistaken as American. Whenever he's speaking English around Germans, his accent is way stronger.

A lot of people I know are like that.

Some Hindu people I know talk perfect American English to me, but then take on an accent when talking to their relatives who might be part of the same conversation.

This is how I am too. The reason is you try to sound "legit" to foreigners but among your peers you just go with your "native accent" since that's what everyone sounds like and you sound tryhard if you try to sound legit.


I really liked this episode, minus the ridiculous choice of weapon for Carrier (since it should have killed Peter.) She tries to replicate S1 out of sheer desperation and fails miserably.
I think some of you missed a scene or something, the red headed german boyfriend didn't "leave in a huff", he just found out his son has been kidnapped. Because of Carrie. So yeah, it makes sense he's going to go deal with that and think hard about what the hell he has gotten himself into.

Saul sleeping with the operational chief was terrible though, especially given the scene in the last episode where they yell at each other a bit and never bring it up. I mean, doesn't the CIA have rules against subordinates sleeping with their boss.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Only thing I didn't like about this episode was the Saul reveal. It was so cheesy and soap opera like. Keeping him out of frame until the last moment...like someone else said, I never got the impression that their relationship was anything beyond professional up until that point, even with him saving her.

Claire Danes always kills it as Carrie, especially Carrie off her meds. So even though there was very little forward momentum in this episode, I definitely appreciated seeing more of Carrie's relationship, and finally having her and Quinn collide. Obviously there is more to things, otherwise he would have just killed her. Maybe Saul is bringing her in off book?
I think some of you missed a scene or something, the red headed german boyfriend didn't "leave in a huff", he just found out his son has been kidnapped. Because of Carrie. So yeah, it makes sense he's going to go deal with that and think hard about what the hell he has gotten himself into.
We're talking about the scene where he leaves her alone because he's disgusted by the list of drone strike kills on civilians she ordered.

Even though he just said he had done a thorough background check on her.

And he obviously knew what her job as a CIA station head entailed.

It was terrible not just because it was an asshole move to leave her there, but more so because it was so transparently a plot contrivance to enable Carrie to have her "crazy" (read, Emmy grab) episode.


I don't think he was pissed or surprised that she authorized drone strikes, that he should have known. I think he was appalled that Carrie listed way more lives then it was known publicly.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

What's wrong with you people? Why are most of you buying-in and completely fine with the CIA putting Carrie on their kill list? Are you serious? You should be laughing this ridiculous development till you're out of breath.

Preposterous. Are we to believe that even in the case of Carrie leaking the documents that that's what the CIA will decide: to assassinate Carrie? LOL, credibility out of the window and into the manhole. And i though the CIA wants the rest of the files. Killing Carrie won't help them recover the rest of the files. So no matter how you spin, this is up there with the most asinine thing i've seen in this show. Maybe whoever prepared the newspaper code messed up and meant to spell ALLISON!

I think the files are a red-herring. They mentioned they want to overthrow the government in Syria. My guess is whomever they want to place in power wants it done as a favor/show of good faith.
The only thing that I was really impressed with in the second episode, is that Carrie is totally boob-less.
I may be wrong but in that sex scene I think you're able to quickly see that carrie was wearing full on pants during it lol.

Anyway I'm enjoying this season. Some stuff is pretty ridiculous and the show isn't that good anymore but it's still solid entertainment.
I didn't realize bullet proof vests make you impervious to pain.
What I didn't realize is that one of those vests has enough protection in the back to stop the extremely fucking huge bullet she loaded into that high caliber sniper rifle from that range. I'm pretty sure he'd be dead, vest or not.

I think Quinn wants to know what Carrie did before killing her.
This. I think they thought they created a killing machine, but Quinn is like "I'm not that stupid, mother fuckers."

Not sure what's this Saul-Allison thing is. I didn't a detect a reason why they would want to go in a roundabout way to keep Allison.

Because Carrie will go all WitchKing of Angmar...
I thought carrie's bf was gonna have fake bullets loaded in there just in case. Didnt think theyd go with a bullet proof vest fakeout since it's overdone.


I shot people I like more for less.
I liked the episode, but yeah, the Saul thing was the worst. Claire Danes was good, I liked how Carrie and Jonas played off of each other in this one.

This was pretty interesting again: ‘Homeland’ Season 5, Episode 3: An Intelligence Expert Weighs In

The fact that Quinn is still walking around at the end of the episode is not realistic. Carrie shoots him with a high-powered rifle, and at the end he takes his jacket off and he’s got a bulletproof vest on. Bulletproof vests and high-powered rifles are like oil and water. There are different levels of body armor, and the stuff you wear under your clothes is a lower level of body armor: Level 1, 2, 3a. The hard body armor, which is level 3 and level 4, the only two types of body armor that can stop a high-powered rifle? That’s not what he was wearing. Usually those aren’t worn covertly, like under a shirt, because they’re armor-plated. They’re something that soldiers and tactical teams and SWAT teams are wearing. Those are the big, heavy, tactical vests that have armor plates inside of them. A high-powered rifle will fire straight through body armor worn by, like, a cop on the street. The bulletproof vest he was wearing? He would be very dead, at this point, if Carrie shot him as she did.

Among other points.


I guess I'm in the minority not liking the episode. The end was good but the rest was rather meh. I've seen many seasons of Carrie going crazy I don't really need another episode so she can show her bf what it's like and not really solve anything.

The Saul/Allison thing is terrible, not sure what that will amount to.

Series should have ended after Season 3.

I'll still watch next week's episode, lol.

re: intelligence agent on bulletproof vest info: It's a TV show!

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I liked the episode, but yeah, the Saul thing was the worst. Claire Danes was good, I liked how Carrie and Jonas played off of each other in this one.

This was pretty interesting again: ‘Homeland’ Season 5, Episode 3: An Intelligence Expert Weighs In

Among other points.

How do they get even this thing wrong? Don't these shows hire consultants exactly for this stuff?
They do. And then promptly ignore them because they need the artificial drama.

re: intelligence agent on bulletproof vest info: It's a TV show!
Sure, but it'd be nice if TV shows stopped insulting our intelligence every now and then. Saying that "the security protocol when entering the CIA compound in Pakistan is not realistic, it wouldn't happen this way" is nitpicking, but something so basic? Come on.


^ good point, I guess since the show is so unrealistic in many ways already it's difficult to take any of it seriously.


Just watched it...that alison and saul thing is so unnecessary considering the story arcs going on so far. Another bullshit side story to over complicate the characters


Hunky Nostradamus
Another solid one. Looks like Miranda Otto found out about Saul's deal with Quinn (because they're fucking ans she snooped through his stuff or something) and it was she who ordered the hit on Carrie?
Another solid one. Looks like Miranda Otto found out about Saul's deal with Quinn (because they're fucking ans she snooped through his stuff or something) and it was she who ordered the hit on Carrie?

That's my guess. She also showed zero reaction to the plane explosion, so it seems like she's orchestrating a larger plan.
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