I just finished the game. Here's a brief review.
Gameplay / Combat
Really good. You can tell the devs have an action pedigree, and that they had some real focus here creating the machine vs aloy encounters. The human encounters are much less enjoyable, though, and there are too many in the main story. Vs humans just strips combat of everything that makes it interesting.
Vs Machines: 9/10
Vs Humans: 6/10
Easily the best looking open-world game and a contender for best looking game of all time. A few visual hiccups here and there in the form of glitches/bugs, and some noticeable pop-in, but generally this game looks stunning.
Overall: 9/10
Likeable, a bit of a jerk but in a good way, some very natural and funny exchanges. Good performance, well-written overall.
The plot is pretty standard sci-fi, but on the above average side imo. I'd imagine anyone who doesn't read a lot of stories in the genre would think it's quite original.
The writing is very average, though. Edgy naming conventions (Horizon: Zero Dawn, Shadow Caja) sound right out of a poor YA novel, and most of the side characters range from forgettable to not even there. I do like how the game holds women in high regard, and how it feels inclusive without pandering. The introduction to the matriarchal society at the start felt very refreshing, and Elizabet/Aloy are handled really well for the most part.
The story is told very poorly in places. Some of contradictory stuff or things not explained well. Aloy is allowed to keep the strange device by her devout protector despite the fact it goes against tribal law, everyone in the tribe just accepts she's using this forbidden technology, etc... at times it just feels like the strength of the writing is put on hold to quickly advance the story.
The actual story in the present day is really average stuff.
Plot: 7/10
Writing: 6/10
Story telling: 6/10
Open World
Looks amazing, feels like combat arenas glued together with little to do. I gave up exploring around the half-way mark when I realised how I felt about this, so I could have missed some good stuff. I'm going to play some more and explore remaining cauldrons and a few other specific spots before I make a final call.
Open world: 7/10
Misc systems
Getting a bit lazy here, but my feelings for all these things are the same: good foundation, needs a lot of refinement for the next game.
Crafting, weapon/armour selection, better loot, better rewards for exploring, etc... I do like how well refined each weapon is, and the armour has an okay variety in terms of aesthetics, but it is all very limited.
Overall, I'd say this stuff is just above average for a well polished AAA game, but nothing remarkable and certainly nothing to praise: 6/10
Overall, I'd score the game 8/10. It's a visually stunning, highly polished action game with a slightly under-cooked open-world and RPG systems. Average story with some messy story telling, but with a strong new protagonist.
I think opinion of this might shift lower slightly over time once the glamours warn off a little, but I also think GG have the start of something potentially very special here. Horizon 2 could be a real landmark game.
I'll spend a little more time with the open-world, then I think I'll trade this in and keep an eye on future content to potentially re-buy later. I'm fairly certain I'll hold off until part two, though.