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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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This game is hard as fuck. I'm shooting the weak points but most every machine feels like it takes a bit too long to kill and I'm just running around trying to avoid stuff and get in my shots. idk should I be getting a better bow or better arrows or something

just did the fight with two corrupters my ass got whooped. took me a whole hour or two on that. I know i suck but some help or some confidence would be nice

I felt like that in the first couple of hours as I just didn't get the combat. Once I realised what tear arrows did, what the weak points are vulnerable to and learned what the icons that appear above the enemies mean't I got much better.

I also cleaned up all activities in an area before moving on so when I met my first Thunderjaw and Stormbird I took them down so easily I barely broke a sweat. Being able to launch 3 arrows at a time was a real game changer for me when I obtained it.


I felt like that in the first couple of hours as I just didn't get the combat. Once I realised what tear arrows did, what the weak points are vulnerable to and learned what the icons that appear above the enemies mean't I got much better.

I also cleaned up all activities in an area before moving on so when I met my first Thunderjaw and Stormbird I took them down so easily I barely broke a sweat. Being able to launch 3 arrows at a time was a real game changer for me when I obtained it.

Tear arrows? Do I need another bow for that?

Also when do I get a 3 arrow bow
This game has some of the worst hitboxes ive seen When fighting the human mobs. Dont know how many arrows that has passed through heads and chests in this game.


Anyone else stacking fire damage on their hunter bow, and tear on their precision bow? Basically all you really need it seems...

Also 3 +damage mods is hilarious on the tripcaster. Line up like 3 of those things and have any big dino run through and instantly die. Good fucking times.
Wait is it just me or is the ravager easier to deal with then the sawtooth, For some reason i can down a ravager easily, While i always struggle against the sawtooth


Anyone else stacking fire damage on their hunter bow, and tear on their precision bow? Basically all you really need it seems...

Also 3 +damage runes is hilarious on the tripcaster. Line up like 3 of those things and have any big dino run through and instantly die. Good fucking times.

I used Fire on the Hunter bow because it was really the only reason I used and I kept swapping between damage and handling on the sharpshooter bow because the Tearblast Arrows seemed fine on their own. I ended up using the Slings more against machines later in the game so I didn't use the Hunter bow unless I was trying to detonate canisters.


Is it possible to get all
5 power cells
before the point of no return? I'd like to have done that before I finish the game.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I'm in a Horizon Hangover...

On one hand you want to complete it but on the other side you want to keep going

Please GG give me DLC!
I swear this is the first time I'm requesting such a thing

I hope E3 they go Horizon either gets a stand alone DLC in the line of inFamous/Uncharted or an Epilogue/Prologue or Challenges/Arena mode

I can still play here or there but I needs a hook, something to chase or story play wise

Give me new areas, there were 4 areas All Mother speaks of
I got a semi when she called them out
I was like yeah, I wanna go to all those places!


when does the story start to go places?

Where are you in the story? Things open up as you head to meridian the the world offers plentiful side missions and objectives for you to fuck around with. Honestly do those as much as you like to increase your level and increase your metal shards.

I'd personally upgrade to the tinker skill ability earlier if I had the chance. Those modifications to weapons really make a difference.

There is only three different classes of each weapon btw. (green, blue and purple) By 40% through the story you'll be able to buy purple class armor and weapons.


Got my Tripcaster putting out over 500 damage with blast wires and 3 big damage mods. It's like detonating a nuclear bomb, it's glorious.

I've also really taken a liking to the Rattler with a combo of damage+handling mods. If you get the handling above 175 it's spitting out bullets at an amazing clip. Tear arrow first then I finish the job with the Rattler.
Nice, came across all three Kojima Easter eggs naturally. Had planned to Google when I was finished the game bu there they are. I like stuff like this, hope there's a Horizon shout out in Death Stranding!

when does the story start to go places?

Once you've been to
Maker's End
, it really starts tearing unto the good stuff.


God damn I'm loving the story. I'm very surprised at how much I'm into it and Horizon's world in general. I've pretty much been listening to and reading every collectible I can that's available in these story locations.

Just finished checking out
the cradle in All Mother
. I've heard that I should apparently be able to get the final power cell in the next mission.

That platinum is going to be mine very soon.


Beat the game earlier tonight.

I'm glad I found out that you can't get the last power cell before you reach the last few missions, otherwise I would have been scouring the map for it!

I loved the story, though! It really started picking up with the last few story missions. Also,
is an amazing character.

I was a little let down by the final battle, though. Was expecting a bit more. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't up to my expectations. Overall, loved the game, though. I felt myself wishing there were more to play. Part of me hopes for a sequel, part of me loved it for what it was, and hopes it's a stand-alone title.

Gonna try and get that platinum over the next few days!
Just finished checking out
the cradle in All Mother
. I've heard that I should apparently be able to get the final power cell in the next mission.

I just did this location last night, feel like I may be finished today. My stats are at 89.5 completion haha only real thing I have left to do is scour out all of the data logs in the open world. The story and fiction behind the game are a real success. Where it could be really generic, they take certain turns and the way it's presented goes a long way and makes it feel special and exciting to discover. They get the fundamentals so right by going at everything with a character first focus.

58hours and lvl 50 on hard on my end, this will have been 60 hours well spent. Definitely would come back for more if there's more content down the line.

Also, seeing others experiences, I'm glad the rng gods were kind to me. I think in my whole experience, I've always got what I needed off an animal in a few kills.


Wrapped up most quests with just hunting/corrupted zones and a view collectibles to go.

64 hours and level 46. Great game and while a well covered SF story it was handled well and the narrative played out pretty well I thought (within the usual issues of open world allowing you dilute narrative pace and urgency).

Gameplay is surprisingly deep. I've only used probably just over half the options available thus far and have mainly gone for stealth/hunting approach to combat. I reckon I'll easily put in plenty of hours now rounding off the remaining tasks and experimenting with the weapons/techniques I haven't really touched thus far.

Personally I think this is GG's most complete, balanced and well made game to date a a really great SF adventure/open world game.

For the first time their talent with tech, lore and world building has been matched by consistently good story and narrative exposition vs the uneven mess that the killzone's game were in that regard.

They really hit it out the park with this one IMHO.

Even the ending stinger post credits worked pretty well and was in line with established character motivations and actions. I'd have preferred something more subtle but then I always do. But it wasn't a cheat and it paved way for sensible continuation of the plot too - something most franchises stumble at right away.

Would love some DLC in the near future and an expanded sequel revealing more the world established.

Also Aloy's final cut-scene - lovely little sequence well handled and even tied into other elements of the world.

And damn the tech in this game. I'm on a base PS4 and it looks amazing, particularly some of the views from high elevation. An exclusive that actually lives up to the old chestnut of fully exploiting its base hardware. Seriously tempted to make this my trigger for a Pro and a second run through.

My only real gripe is how much the RNG for animal skins hated me in the game. Damn getting those was a slog. In the end I just ignored Aloy's character for a bit and went homicidal on every animal that moved for a few hours to get the resources I needed for upgrades.

Would like to tsee that better balanced but really its just a minor nitpick vs the rest of the great achievement the game delivers.


I'm in a Horizon Hangover...

On one hand you want to complete it but on the other side you want to keep going

Please GG give me DLC!
I swear this is the first time I'm requesting such a thing

I hope E3 they go Horizon either gets a stand alone DLC in the line of inFamous/Uncharted or an Epilogue/Prologue or Challenges/Arena mode

I can still play here or there but I needs a hook, something to chase or story play wise

Give me new areas, there were 4 areas All Mother speaks of
I got a semi when she called them out
I was like yeah, I wanna go to all those places!

Rost DLC incoming. I wish.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
cool just played a 2 hour-ish session, back to being a blast, guess I was just too tired yesterdau. that being said, I am caring less and less about these sidequests tho, im very close to start skipping dialogue. It seems most just go down to "investigate this, now follow these tracks" and the characters involved havent been cool in ages like they were at the start of the game.

Game itself is just a blast to play tho which makes up for it. Got my last Tallneck, see about getting the last bandit camp (h
oping Nill shows up again finally
) and last Cauldron, and then go back to story stuff.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
This is the most satisfying melee I've ever played in a game.
The frustrating thing with the tripcaster is the machines always seem to go around my trips. And many times jump OVER it. Need to step farther back I guess.
The moment I realized how useful the ropecaster is...so great. Love what it adds to your strategy and pivoting around the target.

Consider making crosses out of tripwires, like a +. Expand your zone. Also, remember to pick up any traps after the fight you didn't use :).

I love playing around with the tripcaster, especially within ruins or elevated areas, funneling robots into your traps can be a nice challenge. I haven't used the ropecaster much yet, but I need to try that weapon out more.
I quite like that you might get a few machines with your trips but they'll try and go around or hang back eventually. I'll try and pin my traps at various levels so that they can't jump over, and create a decent perimeter. Then if they hang back, you can just devastate them with your bow.


The tear arrows have "zero damage" as parameter.
However, I can kill small machines with a single tear arrow (ex. graver).
And some components are destroyed with huge explosions if hitted by a tear arrow (ex. the processor unit of the Tramplers).

The difference between tear arrows and tear with real damage is not so clear...


The tear arrows have "zero damage" as parameter.
However, I can kill small machines with a single tear arrow (ex. graver).
And some components are destroyed with huge explosions if hitted by a tear arrow (ex. the processor unit of the Tramplers).

The difference between tear arrows and tear with real damage is not so clear...

Super clear actually - you just described it.

Tear Arrow does zero actual damage, however the explosion it might cause does.

Normal arrows with tear do regular damage and can tear parts of.


Tear Arrow does zero actual damage, however the explosion it might cause does.

Normal arrows with tear do regular damage and can tear parts of.

What about the parts without explosions? If I remove all the parts with a tear arrow (zero damage parameter), a small grazer could die.
Is a small damage always associated with the removal?
2 trophies left, blizzard outside.
Great day ahead!

Also..if anyone goes for the Power Cell/Armor trophy just give in and use a guide. The cell in
is almost impossible to find.


This game just surpassed Bloodborne as my favorite new IP this gen and I haven't even finished it yet. Just got to
and the lore and story really opens up and it's really great.


Wait is it just me or is the ravager easier to deal with then the sawtooth, For some reason i can down a ravager easily, While i always struggle against the sawtooth

Yeah ravagers are really easy. Knock off their gun with one tear blast arrow then blow the shit out of em with it. I can kill em in like 15 seconds.
Didn't find the story all that compelling. I called it from a mile away and is essentially magic disguised as science fiction.

Maybe if I didn't predict it I would have liked it more.

Nah the game story is pure sci fi .
There is nothing you can say would be magic like base or tech we won't have in the future .


Yes, you'll need a Carza sharpshooter or Shadow Hunter bow for arrows with tear.

You don't get a 3 arrow bow, that's a skill you can unlock by leveling up.

they might have been talking about a bow having 3 different types of arrows instead of the ability to fire 3 arrows. in which case.

once you get to meridian.

Nah the game story is pure sci fi .
There is noting you can say would be magic like base or tech we won't have in the future .

I would agree that the game is pure sci fi. (vague minor spoilers)
nothing about the story made it feel like magic. Given how our tech has progressed even in the last 50 years, it's not impossible to think that the tech in horizon could happen.
that being said I can get being disappointed by the fact you can predict the story, really if you like stories similar to this at the very core the story is pretty standard. that being said the characters and details built upon that core were very good and for me it overall made for a very very enjoyable story.
they might have been talking about a bow having 3 different types of arrows instead of the ability to fire 3 arrows. in which case.

once you get to meridian.

I would agree that the game is pure sci fi. (vague minor spoilers)
nothing about the story made it feel like magic. Given how our tech has progressed even in the last 50 years, it's not impossible to think that the tech in horizon could happen.
that being said I can get being disappointed by the fact you can predict the story, really if you like stories similar to this at the very core the story is pretty standard. that being said the characters and details built upon that core were very good and for me it overall made for a very very enjoyable story.

I can understand being disappointed by that since it is predictable .
Still it was told very good and the characters \world \lore interesting .
So i did not really mind .


Took down my first Thunderjaw and stormbird. AMAZING. Feels like they are boss battles by themselves.

Yeah - took down my first Thunderjaw last night as well - got to close and was going to run off, but said screw it and took him down.. Not even considering messing with Stormbirds yet....


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Yeah, I spent like 30 hours in Horizon this weekend with a buddy, but this week I've got a lot of work on my place and some social commitments - man, I'm having withdrawal symptoms already :|


Is it possible to get all
5 power cells
before the point of no return? I'd like to have done that before I finish the game.

There is no actual point of no return. Despite what the game tells you, none of the main story quests permanently cut you off from anything in the game (quests, areas, etc), and when you do the final quest
the credits roll then you're put back to a world state right before it, where you have all the stuff you earned but can play the mission again.
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