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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Should I be playing this as an action game... or a stealth game? I was pretty wrecked when I started it (I did the proving). I got constantly killed on Normal so bumped it down to easy.


I...am absolutely amazed by this game. Wow. What an amazing couple of opening hours.

The music is so good, the voice acting is fantastic, the characters are so distinct and believable. It has an incredible charm going for itself. The visuals are by far the best ever. Just breath taking wherever you look.

I was honestly getting bored of seeing this game the more I saw it and it's on course to become my GotY. Crazy.


Should I be playing this as an action game... or a stealth game? I was pretty wrecked when I started it (I did the proving). I got constantly killed on Normal so bumped it down to easy.

Little of column A, little of column B. You have a lot of options, experiment with different approaches to enemy encounters.

For example, I like to stealth my way to a heavy bandit, stab him in the face, pick up his big-ass gun and shoot everyone else in the face with it.


I can complete this:

...The Witcher 3.

I'm already depressed now that I have finished the game and fully explored Horizon's world and I will have to wait for God knows how long to experience a great sci-fi/fantasy open world like this again... :(

Yup, W3 was the last time I was so enthralled by a game. The wait for Persona 5 feels like a million years now. If it can conjure a fraction of this game, I'll be happy.


Every once in awhile you come across some really bad voice acting. This happened to me with a female voice in the last few hours of the game (over audio logs). It was frustrating to listen to because of how bad the acting was. Hopefully it's a little more consistent in the next one. Some of it's great but there is quite a bit that is meh on down to really bad.
Should I be playing this as an action game... or a stealth game? I was pretty wrecked when I started it (I did the proving). I got constantly killed on Normal so bumped it down to easy.

The game kinda takes you to start stealthy but over time it gets more and more on the action side. I guess they try to teach you to go guns blazing in small dosis.


I'm at 66hours and I think I'm at the final mission. This game has been so good, so engrossing and looks like the ending will be epic.

I'm gonna go to sleep and finish off tomorrow. Wow.


I played this game on easy and honestly I have no regrets. Well, the human enemies provided no challenge, I'll say that. But fighting against machines was still really challenging. It's just wasn't frustrating from constantly dying and trying again. I still had to consider what weapons I should go in with, lay traps, etc. Like, even on easy, I would have been killed easily if I just ran in shooting everywhere.
I played this game on easy and honestly I have no regrets. Well, the human enemies provided no challenge, I'll say that. But fighting against machines was still really challenging. It's just wasn't frustrating from constantly dying and trying again. I still had to consider what weapons I should go in with, lay traps, etc. Like, even on easy, I would have been killed easily if I just ran in shooting everywhere.

I'm playing on normal and the first real fight (still tutorial I think) was quite a challenge, lol. I did it on my first try but I got lucky ^^


I'm playing on normal and the first real fight (still tutorial I think) was quite a challenge, lol. I did it on my first try but I got lucky ^^

I just don't like being challenged to the point of frustration in games anymore. If it had been too easy I would have bumped it up to normal, but I felt sufficiently challenged to a point that I didn't feel like I was coasting along.


It's so nice to leave a huge settlement like Meridian with a ton of quests and just bounce around completing them in the wilderness before deciding to head back and turn everything in after a few hours of hunting and stalking around the wilds.


Aliens ate my babysitter


The little things in this is amazing! During
The mountain that fell, I think,
I was climbing over a big drop and Aloy goes "don't look down!" I looked down and she responded with something like "damn!" :D :D

67 hours in, just got the super armour (holy shit that thing kicks ass), and running around cleaning up collectibles and side quests.

That armor is something else. During the "last" corrupted zone
with the two rockbreakers
, I was getting hit with stuff constantly that would've killed me 100 times over. They did eventually get me tho, at it again tomorrow.

Joey Ravn

Finally finished the game after around ~40 hours. Platinum Trophy and everything done.

What an amazing experience! I have never played a Killzone game, so I have no framework of reference for Guerrilla's previous works, but this game will probably rank very high on my GOTY list this year.
Speaking of the super armour, I'm still missing
two power cells
and I think I'm winding up on the main story (two locations more to go to, I believe).

I found these:
one early on (which unlocked the quest), one at the top of the Faro tower and one in the Grave-Hoard
. Will I have an opportunity to grab more during the story or should I check in with another place?
I just don't like being challenged to the point of frustration in games anymore. If it had been too easy I would have bumped it up to normal, but I felt sufficiently challenged to a point that I didn't feel like I was coasting along.

I can totally understand this. I love Bloodborne and all the Souls games though so I don't mind the difficulty in Horizon so far.
But it all depends on the gameplay and the game itself.


Speaking of the super armour, I'm still missing
two power cells
and I think I'm winding up on the main story (two locations more to go to, I believe).

I found these:
one early on (which unlocked the quest), one at the top of the Faro tower and one in the Grave-Hoard
. Will I have an opportunity to grab more during the story or should I check in with another place?

you will run into one or two more during your missions, but there is one you will have to go back and get.


The challenge to
override 2 ravagners and take down a thunderjaw
is just really lame. There is like no time for it.

Lol, I failed miserably on that the first two times and then suddenly fluked a blazing sun.

One Ravager came up and stood right over me, I didn't even notice at first. So once I'd over ridden him he started attacking both the Thunderjaw and the other Ravager, which was enough of a distraction for me to stroll over and pick up the disc launchers to finish off the Thunderjaw. Sometimes you just get lucky I guess.


I'm sure there's not a single open world game that has as many animations as this game, not even close. I wonder how many linear games even match it (outside of Naughty Dog games and The Last Guardian).

Edit: I expect a lot of technical awards at the end of the year.

The only thing that bothers me is that Aloy has no facial expressions outside of cutscenes. Her face is an unmoving mask, and it kind of breaks the illusion.
Just met my first rock digger Dino 20 hrs in. Love Meeting new creatures and studying them . This one was a real challenge .

So my my fav one is those crab ones , but I've yet to fully tackle a thunderjaw (saw it and promptly turned around lol )
Lol, I failed miserably on that the first two times and then suddenly fluked a blazing sun.

One Ravager came up and stood right over me, I didn't even notice at first. So once I'd over ridden him he started attacking both the Thunderjaw and the other Ravager, which was enough of a distraction for me to stroll over and pick up the disc launchers to finish off the Thunderjaw. Sometimes you just get lucky I guess.

Yupp got it on about my 5th try and I got very lucky. Had the disc launchers in about the same spot and was able to tie him down completely and just went in. Even with all of that my time was like 2:35.


It took me 3 tries to get the ravager vs Thunderjaw blazing sun. I had just about every skill point which really helped. I stealthed up to a ravager on the right overrode him then went down and engaged the Thunderjaw.

Once the other ravager came down I knocked him down and overrode him. Then knocked off disc launchers and used those. Then I froze the Thunderjaw and kept hitting his weak spots til he died. I ended up having like 40 seconds to spare. I think I got really lucky that I didn't get interrupted overriding that ravager with all the chaos going on around me. But I wasn't getting anywhere close trying to override both ravagers out of combat.

I think the hardest challenge for me was the fucking glinthawk one. I still haven't figured out the secret to doing it. Just got lucky.


Yupp got it on about my 5th try and I got very lucky. Had the disc launchers in about the same spot and was able to tie him down completely and just went in. Even with all of that my time was like 2:35.

2 minutes and 39 frieken seconds! I was so nervous it was my 5th time or so


"playing" dumb? unpossible
The only thing that bothers me is that Aloy has no facial expressions outside of cutscenes. Her face is an unmoving mask, and it kind of breaks the illusion.

Yes she does. Have her run or draw the bow, and go into photo mode. Or have her walk on a tightrope or log, and you can see her face animate. When she runs for awhile, if you stop and turn the camera to face directly at the front of her body, you can see her catching her breath and wheezing.

The challenge to
override 2 ravagners and take down a thunderjaw
is just really lame. There is like no time for it.
I couldn't get past it for awhile. But then I wore the heavy stealth armour, took control of the beasts, and then used the purple arrows to knock off the heavy weapon.


What if one is not really into those open world type games? Will this still be fun?

I mean it's a really good open world game but if you don't like the basic structure of open worlds, you probably won't like Horizon. It's got all the normal stuff, lots of quests (main, side, other), combat challenges, upgrades and crafting, exploration, etc. It just does all of this exceptionally well.


What if one is not really into those open world type games? Will this still be fun?
The campaign is very much a red-thread going through the open world so I would say yes.
The story and character(s) are fantastic, it's really well paced. Similarly the combat is sublime. You will be trekking across landscapes and you will fight in open situations but you can skip most open world elements if you so wish.


The only thing that bothers me is that Aloy has no facial expressions outside of cutscenes. Her face is an unmoving mask, and it kind of breaks the illusion.

Yeah, that's not really true though... ;)
She might not do facial acrobatics on an Olympic Level, but her expression definitely changes during gameplay. When she is surprised, out of breath from running, in pain or when a sand storm stings in her eyes etc. Here's two quick examples:

Surpised of a side attack:

Biting her teeth:
What if one is not really into those open world type games? Will this still be fun?
Your name is Shadowhelper, yes - you will like this game. Its a little slow at the beginning but once you get into it and the story - you won't want to stop playing. Haven't had this feel in a long time that I did with Horizon, it was a joy to play


Finished this earlier today. Took me 29 hours with some side quests but mostly just main story missions. Gets a bit too overwhelming and annoying near the end missions with all the audio clips and video clips and memo notes to read I just skipped everything lol
What if one is not really into those open world type games? Will this still be fun?

I have problems with open world games specially on the narrative style, they often bore me a lot because you lose your way on the story with so many things going on. My favourites are Red Dead Redemption, The Witcher III, and now Horizon Zero Dawn. RDR is the one that bore me the most of the three but I still love it.
I'd say Horizon is the most focused and tightly designed of the three and the narrative is almost always in front of everything. That been said there are moments where you feel this confusion, mainly on the first half of the second act.

So, consider a story of three acts, the first half of the second act is where you'll be free from the story and is up to you to speed things up or lose yourself in the world.

First act is pure narrative, second half of second act and third act has a lot of narrative going on but you could mix them with other actitivities. Either way It's never overwhelming.


What if one is not really into those open world type games? Will this still be fun?

I've never been into open world games. I finished this one. That means something. Keep in mind near the end it gets a bit too heavy with audio logs and notes and holograms etc. had to skip it all because I was losing my patience. But gameplay is great.
After finishing Nier Automata, I am back into Horizon.
Level 42, 45 hours playtime,and i just arrived at Meridian in the story, lol. That's not that far into the story, right?
Just finished the last hunting trial and got every blazing sun.

Anyone else playing like this? Finishing all the side missions and mostly ignoring the story for now?


After finishing Nier Automata, I am back into Horizon.
Level 42, 45 hours playtime,and i just arrived at Meridian in the story, lol. That's not that far into the story, right?
Just finished the last hunting trial and got every blazing sun.

Anyone else playing like this? Finishing all the side missions and mostly ignoring the story for now?

Yeah, you're not very far in the story but I'd say most people are playing like that. Seems to be more uncommon that people are rushing through the story quests and ignoring the side stuff.
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