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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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I would have been content if the whole game was kid Aloy exploring ruins with puzzle elements. Super charming. Honestly the mystery about what happened to that society/juxtaposition with the current tribe state of mankind is the most interesting thing this game has.

Combat is okay so far, not a big fan of how tanky the actual non-passive machines are though. I'm sure it'll get better with upgrades once I'm out of the intro area but the initial assessment is a bit worrying.


Still very early in the game, but I'm having a lot of trouble reading text on the HUD-it blends in too much with the foliage.

Yeah, me and my friend are having this issue. We're in the very beginning before you trade for the Tripcaster and my friend decided to hunt a boar before then. After killing it we ran into a pack of Watchers and got disoriented. Couldn't find the boar again because the dense foliage was hiding the marker and body. For all we know, it probably despawned.


Sorry if this is the wrong area but did anyone here want to buy the CE at cost+shipping? I forgot I pre-ordered this through amazon since it didnt show on my most recent orders and it showed up today. Thing is I already bought the digital version so no sense in two copies.
I played this game at a friend's house for like 4 hours straight.

I am actually surprised that this game wasn't reviewed higher by the review journalists. This game would've been showered by 10s like a few years ago. It's exactly the type of game that wins GOTY by the media at large.

It's a complete package for a single player AAA game in terms of quality and really does puts every open world by Ubisoft to shame. I also think it beats games like Tomb Raider by a mile too and that game got a ton of great reviews as well.

Story actually doesn't suck donkey balls.
Graphics are like... witchcraft. I don't know how all of that is possible on the PS4.
Sound design is phenomenal.
Game play doesn't suck for open world, there are actually some tactics/strategy to hunting down the bots.
Actually some RPG stats to take care of.
Side quests don't suck ass.
Game is actually hard on the higher difficulty levels (was playing on Very Hard, definitely not a joke).
There is enough to do in the open world and doesn't feel super empty/barren.
No framerate drops, performance has been solid.
Voice work, animations and general mocap has been top notch.

I have been playing games for quite a while and I can say that from my time playing this game, I haven't found an egregious fault with the game. The faults are pretty minor and honestly bordering on nitpicking if I bring them up... like the water effects aren't up to snuff with the rest of the visuals and some random collision glitches/bugs that you run into in these open world games.

I have played quite a bit since yesterday, but not finished obviously

It is a 10/10 in my scale. But I can understand why some reviewers would drop a point or two.

* The graphics are so damn good most of the time, that when you get the occasional warping, or pop-in it stands out a lot more than your average game.

* Many people have said it, but facial animations are mixed. They vary from VERY GOOD to mediocre. The mediocre ones are not even that bad. The mediocre ones are still about the same tier as other AAA games like Fallout3. But compared to the very high quality ones, they stand out. Obviously the reason for this is time and budget. It's going to bother some people enough to drop points for sure.

* There is significant inventory management. Some people just don't like this. I remember people complaining about this in the Witcher 3 at launch too. But W3 got some ease of use patches over time.

* The story is very high concept. It is simply going to go above some peoples heads. Personally I freaking love it.

* Most of the dialog writing is wonderful in my opinion. But it is not particularly witty or punchy in a Hollywood kind of way. It's subtle and there is a lot of sub text in the conversations. Which is very refreshing for video game writing. But that being said, majority of the conversations are just two people facing each other talking in a Mass Effect kind of way. Not moving around a space and conversing in an Uncharted kind of way.

* Combat is deep and there is a significant learning curve and lessons to learn about each enemy type. The game supports multiple styles of play. And I am sure some styles of play are just more fun to some people than others. And the game is deep enough that even after beating the game, I can see some reviewers still not having a full grasp of all the combat systems.

* One reviewer complained in a podcast (IGN I think it was) that they did not like that the player character can move around during story exposition parts. And they said they were have prefer it to just be a cut scene because it broke the immersion for them if they could move/jump around/do stupid things while a serious conversation was going on. I personally have the opposite position of this, I feel video games should NEVER take away control from the player. I am fully on the side of HalfLife game design, where all "cut scenes" should be interactive and from the players perspective. Horizon does have some static cut scenes, but appreciate the moments where they do not take away player control and tell story within the game itself not a movie clip.
Nope, not my experience at all, I've been playing like ten hours and I'm still in the early game, really early game. You probably missed every side quests and errand.

probably didnt do the
hunting lodge missions or cauldron

reads like a bullshit post anyhow. There's plenty of sidequests. So many that I didnt' end up doing a few when I was done.
I would have been content if the whole game was kid Aloy exploring ruins with puzzle elements. Super charming. Honestly the mystery about what happened to that society/juxtaposition with the current tribe state of mankind is the most interesting thing this game has.

Combat is okay so far, not a big fan of how tanky the actual non-passive machines are though. I'm sure it'll get better with upgrades once I'm out of the intro area but the initial assessment is a bit worrying.

The game focus a lot into accuracy, enemies die pretty quick if you hit the critical points or if you knock them down.
Ugh.. I spent too much time looking around for the collectibles. I've bought the maps and I can't seem to hide the locations from my map. Can I just sell the maps and rebuy them later when I need them?


love on your sleeve
Nope, not my experience at all, I've been playing like ten hours and I'm still in the early game, really early game. You probably missed every side quests and errand.

That's clearly a troll post. I'm 8 hours in and have only done one sidequest and I'm just hitting Level 12.


This game is like Uncharted 4, TW3, and Tomb Raider combined...haha.

Almost on Par with my modded TW3 in beauty too.

Wish I had more time to play tonight.


I am just starting the game, but damn did they kind of fucked up the character model when you are young. Her head is fucking massive compared to her body. It looks really odd and out of place. Outside of that, damn does this game look so good! My plate if full of other things to do so wont be able to play too much more, but really great looking.

Her child head is enormous.

This game is like so many games combined and perfected.

I find it silly when some people here don't want to accept when people said that Horizon feels like certain games.

It's Far Cry as fuck.

And I love Far Cry, so it's all good.
Just finished the opening section of the game. Very impressive visuals. Love the UI and all the neat HUD effects going on. Slick.

The child faces look creepy as fuck though. Like weird and unsettling.

That's called the uncanny valley, breh. So life-like its disturbing and unsettling.
There is something wrong with the resolution mode on PS4 Pro.


The performance mode actually looks better on my TV, just due to the clarity. Might stick with it. The differences are so minimal otherwise.


Only about 3h in and gotta hit the sack because work, but man... So, so enjoyable. A few uncanny moments in facial animations, but aside from that, pretty much everything has been downright amazing.

Sorry Kat, I have to shelve you for a while as I spend some quality time with Aloy. Your inane side quests, whacky controls and camera problems were starting to get on my nerves anyway, so... it's probably better if we take a break from each other for a while.


The game focus a lot into accuracy, enemies die pretty quick if you hit the critical points or if you knock them down.
Yeah I'm hitting the weak points accurately. Just not a fan of firing multiple arrows in each. LIke I said, probably gets better with upgrades.


Played the first hour and half to two and holy shit this game is beautiful and awesome. Really love the dialogue options and the gameplay mechanics! Guerilla really did an amazing job here.

This game makes me want to get a pro and a 4k TV ...


Should definitely be there, there's a rather lengthy dialog tree you can go through as well. It's shown on the map as well, it's to the right when you walk out of the ground of the home and start on the path.


Maybe it isn't there if you go right after the proving then, because Aloy talks about how it's not home anymore and everything but there is no grave, and the only thing on my map is the campfire for it.
Am i missing something or is the first ruin you can visit locked off? Can't seem to find the way through the locked door.

The only hint i have found is something about numbers
Just finished my session for the night, got about 4 hours in in total.

I really like the game. The combat is consistently fun and amusing to mess around with. Each encounter I felt like I was doing something different, and I can only assume that once your arsenal gets larger the combat becomes even more engaging.

The story so far is super intriguing. Aloy is a good character and the world feels deeply fleshed out, especially once talking to NPCs about lore or their characters. However, some of the writing is just plain weird and the lip-syncing is pretty bad in spots.

The graphics are... well, what can I say? It's probably the best looking game I've ever played, even though I'm at 1080p on an OG PS4.

I am enjoying the game quite a bit and look forward to spending some more time with it this week and weekend.


My three favourite combat moments so far:

Getting a blaze canister AOE explosion & taking down a whole herd of striders in one go. Felt good.

Tripcasting the Sawtooth while running toward the screen and looking back.

Laying multiple tripwires for the fight at the gate and managing to disable/wreck most of the herd robots so I was fighting the Scorpion with all the braves. Beating that thing was immensely satisfying too.

I'm still learning patience with encounters, and I'm considering switching aim-assist back on until I've levelled up a bit as my ranged performance against the Grazers in the Prooving wasn't too good...meleed the fuck out of three of them tho :)


Played for 4 hours today and first impressions are great. Really gripped by the story and world already, I have to admit I'm honestly shocked that the writing has been so good coming out of Guerilla.

Combat is a little bit clunky for me so far but I'm sure once I have a bit more options it'll be better.


Damn 35 hours in, 14 side quests done, and still finding more. Just ran across 3. Man oh man.
Same. Finished my play for the night. 33 hours in. Progressed a lot of the main story tonight though. Level 29 now I think. Lots of side quests done. Gonna hit up some cauldrons tomorrow. I've only completed one and noped out of another.


Jesus Christ, GAF. xDDD

So I found Brom's sister for the mission, right? Nearby, there's a woman screaming for someone to help her get down from a high place in, like, the most sarcastic and impatient tone of voice.

I activated the Brom mission, but the woman is still screaming for help even with the dialogue branch occurring, and it looks like Aloy is trying her best to ignore this bitch. Like, I can't even pay attention to this poor lady worried about her brother because this lady is like, "I'M STUCK UP HERE!"

Has this happened to anyone else? My stomach hurts from laughing. xDDD
Bellowbacks fucking toasted me on my first encounter, this can be quite the challenging game, you don't properly scope out an area you will be surprised at the mount of machines that get alerted and start pouring in to overwhelm you.


Playing on my KS800 Samsung 4K TV and on the PS4 Pro, my god this game just is visual porn for the eyes.. Looks soo freaking good. I've played two hours and I haven't even finished the first mission after being a kid.

I keep on getting distracted with the photo mode.

Originally took this on 4K. Facebook compression sucks.. lol

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