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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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I forgot to really look into it, but are side quests considered different than errands? Or the same thing?

quoting myself as I posted about this:

Horizon breaks down quest into


Side quests tend to have more story/cutscenes than errands. And yes, the sidequests can be layered and interesting. I wandered into a town and there's a sidequest to fight my first
- quite a difficult one and very satisfying to finish.

Errands also include the "mini errands" you as a player can create for resource hunting. Say you want to get a "Grazer heart" for an item you want to buy from the merchant. You can add it as a quest and it goes into errand and it shows you where to go on a map to hunt for grazers or any other beasts that will have your item. This alone is one of the best features Horizon has added to any game.

The dynamic HUD is a godsend, now I can really enjoy these locations and vistas.

Maybe it isn't there if you go right after the proving then, because Aloy talks about how it's not home anymore and everything but there is no grave, and the only thing on my map is the campfire for it.

I went exactly right after that point, look on the world map near the house, it was hard for me to see it at first.


This is the best looking game I've ever played. 4K HDR is the future.

I'm also really enjoying the story so far. I'm only about 2 hours in, but it's really entertaining. I was on a media blackout for this game, so I really didn't know what the premise was. It's pretty clever so far.
I do hope they patch the 5.1 sound soon. It sucks. Some sounds are crazy loud when they should be low and vice versa.

That and my PS4 Pro screaming like a banshee are my only complaints.
Calling it a night.


This game is amazing. Honestly surprised it didn't review better because holy shit, it's blowing me away in every aspect. The combat is fantastic, the monster designs are great and the story and writing are just way better than I could've hoped for.

Aloy is wonderful. I'm already adding her to the list of great female characters because she's been absolutely fantastic so far.
Jesus Christ, GAF. xDDD

So I found Brom's sister for the mission, right? Nearby, there's a woman screaming for someone to help her get down from a high place in, like, the most sarcastic and impatient tone of voice.

I activated the Brom mission, but the woman is still screaming for help even with the dialogue branch occurring, and it looks like Aloy is trying her best to ignore this bitch. Like, I can't even pay attention to this poor lady worried about her brother because this lady is like, "I'M STUCK UP HERE!"

Has this happened to anyone else? My stomach hurts from laughing. xDDD

Hah, I got that too. I looked around slowly but could not for the life of me spot the woman, even with the focus.
If you had a choice at first upgrading to a Pro or getting a 4k/HDR tv for this game, what would you choose? Currently playing on a tiny 1080P ips PC monitor.


When you slow-mo land the killer shot on a charging robot, then dive out of the way of the blast from another. Feel like a proper warrior.


I know we have been joking about it a week ago...but there is actually a lot of fog going on in and around the city of Meridian. :/ At first I thought I was just unlucky with the weather, when I first approached the city and suddenly mist rolled in, but then it never went away, unless I quit the city and surroundings entirely. Or do I have a persistent weather bug?
I know we have been joking about it a week ago...but there is actually a lot of fog going on in and around the city of Meridian. :/ At first I thought I was just unlucky with the weather, when I first approached the city and suddenly the mist rolled in, but then it never went away, unless I quit the city and surroundings entirely. Or do I have a persistant weather bug?

Sometimes its there, sometimes its not, at least for me, haven't been to the city yet, but that area of the world for me is usually like I stated. There's definitely more fog rolling around in that area then the previous ones though.
This is dumb. This game is getting great reviews here and I have to wait until next Friday to get this game. This wait is going to kill me.


Is it me or the Freeze Bomb kinda sucks? I don't really see the point of using it so far, the enemies take too long to be affected be it. Burning seems much more useful.

Unless you are playing on easy, not exploring, not doing sidequests and not engaging in conversations that seems rather... weird. Isn't the average time of completion 30 hours?
I can see it lasting 30 hours if you do everything but that's not what I was talking about. Yea I am only doing main missions and some side quests. But contrast this to TW3 where even if you just do main quest it takes an awful lot of time..which is what I was talking about. I've found little difference between easy and hard as you pretty much do the same damage and take the same damage regardless of difficulty, I am playing on hard btw.

I do engage in conversation but if it's an errand then I don't do it, but if it's a side quest I might do it but there aren't that many of these as there are errands. The world is beautiful but I don't feel the incentive to explore it since unlike a Bethesda RPG or Deus Ex or TW3 I'm not going to stumble onto a random non story house/village/town and talk to some person that leads to an interesting side quest with its own interesting side story, instead what we have here is a an odd couple of towns and the rest are just bandit camps and such. Basically I don't explore in games unless it leads to some interesting stuff as I personally find it to be a waste of time with the limited hours I have to play a single player game. ESPECIALLY if the main story is engaging and side story isn't, because I in that case I am always thinking about the main story and what's next. However in games like TW3, Deus Ex and Bethesda games the side stuff is so engaging that I can enjoy them just as much with the same level of curiosity to see what's up next and his is why those games last around 100 hours for me since in those games I am always interested in travelling to every nook and cranny so that I don't miss something nice, here I know I'm not really missing anything of that sort so I am fine not exploring.

The only times I've gone out of my way to take time with the game despite it not having interesting side quests is when I enjoy the gameplay/combat and feel the incentive to level up so that I can be more powerful...recent example of this is FFXV where I spent about 100 until I got the platinum.


A side effect from the motion blur I'm guessing?
I see it, too, but only when I look for it. I assume it's a combination of motion blur and antialiasing and, in my case, downsampling, which makes it seem a little jarring when it goes from motion-blurry to super-sharp when you stop moving the camera. As I said, it's only a problem when I look for it, I've found I can ignore it pretty easily. /shrugs


Aloy is wonderful. I'm already adding her to the list of great female characters because she's been absolutely fantastic so far.

I'm enjoying her character (and wouldn't want her to be different), though logically her personality makes zero sense. :p (but it's a good thing)

an outcast with very little interactions with other people, thus 99% of her interactions are with a very by the law type of guy.

her personality ends up being rather sarcastic and she has great one liners from what I have seen (and it's been good), but where she picked those up.... who knows?

I'm just gonna pretend that her focus ends up broadcasting tv sitcoms into her dreams lol.


I would have been content if the whole game was kid Aloy exploring ruins with puzzle elements. Super charming. Honestly the mystery about what happened to that society/juxtaposition with the current tribe state of mankind is the most interesting thing this game has.

Combat is okay so far, not a big fan of how tanky the actual non-passive machines are though. I'm sure it'll get better with upgrades once I'm out of the intro area but the initial assessment is a bit worrying.

"Some problems"really? Seems like you have a lot of issue with the game. It's hard to understand why you even bought it in the first place when even the most basic but a core part of the game like "walking" bothers you.

And you really put to good use those hyperbolic adjectives too.

Game is rather gorgeous. There are some problems though.

Bot AI is rather dumb. Surprisingly dumb. The fact there's no sort of self-preservation routine going on when they're investigating and see a sparking ruin of a machine next to them kinda takes me out of it. This leads to the stealth attack mechanic's ability to be abused to an absurd degree.

Conversations with quest givers or just general populace is incredibly flat. Voice acting is fine but the general framing and interaction of the conversation is super lifeless and disappointing.

The absurd waddle doesn't bother you? She walks like a pregnant woman that's in need of a bathroom after a Taco Bell visit. Not saying I want her to walk like Bayonetta though, don't get me wrong.

While I download, did they manage to fix the walk animation for retail?
I think this game is the most photographed game ever. People took more screens for it than Uncharted 4 and The Order 1886 combined and just since the unlock of the game few hours ago.
I can see it lasting 30 hours if you do everything but that's not what I was talking about. Yea I am only doing main missions and some side quests. But contrast this to TW3 where even if you just do main quest it takes an awful lot of time..which is what I was talking about. I've found little difference between easy and hard as you pretty much do the same damage and take the same damage regardless of difficulty, I am playing on hard btw.

I do engage in conversation but if it's an errand then I don't do it, but if it's a side quest I might do it but there aren't that many of these as there are errands. The world is beautiful but I don't feel the incentive to explore it since unlike a Bethesda RPG or Deus Ex or TW3 I'm not going to stumble onto a random non story house/village/town and talk to some person that leads to an interesting side quest with its own interesting side story, instead what we have here is a an odd couple of towns and the rest are just bandit camps and such. Basically I don't explore in games unless it leads to some interesting stuff as I personally find it to be a waste of time with the limited hours I have to play a single player game. This is why games like TW3, Deus Ex and Bethesda games last close to 100 hours for me since in those games I am always interested in travelling to every nook and cranny so that I don't miss something nice, here I know I'm not really missing anything of that sort so I am fine not exploring.

The only times I've gone out of my way to take time with the game despite it not having interesting side quests is when I enjoy the gameplay/combat and feel the incentive to level up so that I can be more powerful...recent example of this is FFXV where I spent about 100 until I got the platinum.

I mean if you're not exploring then your point about not wandering into a random place and finding a sidequest is moot. It happens in this game, you're not playing a different game than anyone else on here, if you choose not to explore then that's your prerogative, but don't expect sidequests to slap you in the face if you're just following the critical path. I've done more sidequests then errands btw in 17 hours of game time.


I think this game is the most photographed game ever. People took more screens for it than Uncharted 4 and The Order 1886 combined and just since the unlock of the game few hours ago.

great visuals, great art direction and an interesting world will really help make people want to take screen shots.


Sometimes its there, sometimes its not, at least for me, haven't been to the city yet, but that area of the world for me is usually like I stated. There's definitely more fog rolling around in that area then the previous ones though.

Can you try entering it and spend some time in the city to see how it is for you? By day it is always there for me. It is even inside buildings. The city is such an artistic marvel, I wonder if they really surrounded it by constant fog on purpose or if it is a bug...
I am just starting the game, but damn did they kind of fucked up the character model when you are young. Her head is fucking massive compared to her body. It looks really odd and out of place. Outside of that, damn does this game look so good! My plate if full of other things to do so wont be able to play too much more, but really great looking.

Kid Aloy scares me. The face and head has this weird juxtaposition where it looks like it's stitched to the rest of the body. Thank god that's over with in a jiffy.
So I bought the Sharpshot bow (for precision aiming) and decided I'd do the tutorial and beat a few enemies with it. Had no idea you had to hold R2 to zoom in and aim it properly---was just lighting off arrows left and right that would go straight into the ground or just completely miss the enemies completely. I was convinced it was the worst precision bow ever.
Felt so dumb once I figured it out. Lol

The dynamic HUD is a godsend, now I can really enjoy these locations and vistas.

I thought I remembered seeing a screenshot pre-release showing a huge list of HUD adjustment options in the menu, like if you want certain things to be static, dynamic or off etc. Nowhere to be found in my menu as far as I can tell.
I thought I remembered seeing a screenshot pre-release showing a huge list of HUD adjustment options in the menu, like if you want certain things to be static, dynamic or off etc. Nowhere to be found in my menu as far as I can tell.

It's in the general options. Not sure how you missed it.

Set it to dynamic or custom to change as you please.
Can you try entering it and spend some time in the city to see how it is for you? By day it is always there. It is even inside buildings. The city is such an artistic marvel, I wonder if they really surrounded it by constant fog on purpose or if it is a bug...

Won't be able to tonight, but I'll check it out tomorrow to see what I experience. I don't think it's a bug though, this game is kinda funky when it comes to its weather patterns.
Just picked up my copy.
Will be playing it in about 6 hours time. So glad I went for a run last night so that tonight was free to play this. :p
So I bought the Sharpshot bow (for precision aiming) and decided I'd do the tutorial and beat a few enemies with it. Had no idea you had to hold R2 to zoom in and aim it properly---was just lighting off arrows left and right that would go straight into the ground or just completely miss the enemies completely. I was convinced it was the worst precision bow ever.
Felt so dumb once I figured it out. Lol
I guess you skipped past it in the beginning with Rost.


quoting myself as I posted about this:

Okay, that's what I thought. Thanks.

I can see it lasting 30 hours if you do everything but that's not what I was talking about. Yea I am only doing main missions and some side quests. But contrast this to TW3 where even if you just do main quest it takes an awful lot of time..which is what I was talking about. I've found little difference between easy and hard as you pretty much do the same damage and take the same damage regardless of difficulty, I am playing on hard btw.

I do engage in conversation but if it's an errand then I don't do it, but if it's a side quest I might do it but there aren't that many of these as there are errands. The world is beautiful but I don't feel the incentive to explore it since unlike a Bethesda RPG or Deus Ex or TW3 I'm not going to stumble onto a random non story house/village/town and talk to some person that leads to an interesting side quest with its own interesting side story, instead what we have here is a an odd couple of towns and the rest are just bandit camps and such. Basically I don't explore in games unless it leads to some interesting stuff as I personally find it to be a waste of time with the limited hours I have to play a single player game. This is why games like TW3, Deus Ex and Bethesda games last around 100 hours for me since in those games I am always interested in travelling to every nook and cranny so that I don't miss something nice, here I know I'm not really missing anything of that sort so I am fine not exploring.

The only times I've gone out of my way to take time with the game despite it not having interesting side quests is when I enjoy the gameplay/combat and feel the incentive to level up so that I can be more powerful...recent example of this is FFXV where I spent about 100 until I got the platinum.

It doesn't take 30 hours to do everything. It takes over 50 hours from almost everybody's perspective that has reviewed it so far. Most reviews have also said the main quest (NOT the side quests) is 20-30 hours long. So you must be flying through the dialogue, not listening to any options, always heading towards the next waypoint, etc. Basically treating it like a speed run. I don't see why you're dogging the side quest and world quality if you clearly aren't spending much time to see what it has to offer (I say that because I haven't been OVERLY exploring everything, yet I'm just leaving the first area after 5 and a half hours).


I thought I remembered seeing a screenshot pre-release showing a huge list of HUD adjustment options in the menu, like if you want certain things to be static, dynamic or off etc. Nowhere to be found in my menu as far as I can tell.

Select "custom" under HUD. Another menu option will appear that will show you a list of customization options.


I'm only fought watchers and striders, but why does certain hits can kill them in 1 hit but when i tried aiming for that part again it only deals a portion of damage?

Or just my aiming is bad lol.

Does the hp of enemies scale with difficulty? I'm playing on hard btw.
I'm enjoying her character (and wouldn't want her to be different), though logically her personality makes zero sense. :p (but it's a good thing)

an outcast with very little interactions with other people, thus 99% of her interactions are with a very by the law type of guy.

her personality ends up being rather sarcastic and she has great one liners from what I have seen (and it's been good), but where she picked those up.... who knows?

I'm just gonna pretend that her focus ends up broadcasting tv sitcoms into her dreams lol.

I think the implication was that she has interacted with folks (as was seen early on) but that she and Rost are to be shunned. So her interactions are not limited to just Rost.


Man Alloy is a great character, already one of my favorites in a long time. I feel like she is the kind of person you'd want to be friends with, as ridiculous as that might sound.

Great character design from GG.
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