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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Here's some pictures I took
Used Photomode!

Starting Area, just feels haunting:


The Hunt, my Strider in tow:

Geography Porn!:

Looking at Prey:

Strolling down the mountain:



How is remote play on the Vita for this?

I am thinking of getting a PS4 slim just for this game and some of the exclusives I never get to play on my PC..


good fuckin god just came across 2 sawtooths at once on the way to
Red Echoes to meet up with Varl and Sona
. That shit was intense. Was able to separate them from each other for the most part but GODDAMN

My first double sawtooth experience felt like that scene out of the revenant. It was both awesomely terrifying and terrifyingly awesome. I was just getting smacked around left and right and getting pounced on. It genuinely felt suffocating without feeling cheap which is impressive for a video game to be able to get that right.
Is it me or is the day night cycle super quick? Like in 2 mins it went from morning to night to morning again.
Yes. I think that, weather, and the water are my only gripe thus far. I really wish the day/night cycle was much longer. Like way longer. And storms don't seem to last long, except rain. And the water texture is a bit flat.
You guys should try fast travel to have your minds blown at the loading speed. It is the fastest loading I have seen for an open world game ever. Going from Bloodborne/FF XV to this is nuts.


About 8 hours in.


- Using the focus and going to a fix camera perspective without the ability to run is annoying. Would be far more efficient to just use the regular camera/movement with the focus activated.

- The game itself looks good. The CGI/Story Scenes just feel choppy when the camera cuts to the next character. There is a huge lack of shadows during these scenes as well.

- Would be far better if we just had one weapon instead of many types, more options are cool but I feel like the differences between bows for example are very small and negligible. Should focus more on the skill tree and being able to upgrade the weapons that way.

- Gameplay itself is extremely fun.

- Having little to no fetch quests feels good.

- Story/World is amazing, authentic, and truly offers something most games haven't explored yet.

- Voice acting is top notch.

- Alloy is an overall amazing protagonist, very likable, with realistic motivations and emotions.

- Wish there are more bigger monsters early on.


This game is amazing. I think I just hit level 12 while doing the first time trials. I usually say fffuuuu and avoid time trials but they're actually fun in this game so far. So many tedious open world things are in this game but done better to make them fun. That collectible grind will be tedious though. Devs need to stop that.


Played this all day. Game is great fun. I don't really think it's the second coming of video games largely because it's not hard to tell that if the game didn't have the dinos as the main attraction and scaled it back where there were only a few handfuls of them that this game would be nothing special.

If the game didnt put a focus robots, the story wouldnt habe made sense, and so would nothing else. So yeah, it wouldve been a weird ass game.


Well, put in 9 hours today. Absolutely loving it.

I've gotten to the point where I'm skilled enough that the combat and controls just click. Scanning for weak points and enemy patrols. Setting up booby traps. Stealth killing smaller enemies. Overriding dinos for a bit of help. Then following it all up with head and canister shots for satisfying explosions and/or particle effects.

The story and side quests are right up my alley too.


So this game has always given me Enslaved vibes (in a good way!) since announcement and it has easy achieved those expectations and then some.

I just did the SIGMA/Cauldren thing and geeze what even is this game? Incredible.


I feel they need to implement a way not to fall edges so easily... I try many times to walk slowly to a ledge but Aloy just falls to her death.

Something like what uncharted does.

Talking about uncharted, I like Aloud climbing animation.
Can you have more then one save file?

Some games recently (Alien Isolation on PC, TLG to name two) have been overly precious about only giving you one save file to work on at a time, which I find rather overbearing.

Getting the game today and want to have a look, but am intending to do the meat of my play with a friend this weekend. I'd like to keep both pathways.


Didn't get to get too far into this tonight, sadly. Only played through that very first sidequest and the very first main quest after the young Aloy tutorial stuff. Still though -- god damn. This game makes quite the first impression. It's ridiculously gorgeous, obviously, the sound's great, and the combat so far is simple but slick and satisfying. That first *real* bit of combat, getting into it with the targets of that first side quest, totally sold it. The way the things moved, how legitimately aggressive and dangerous they felt to be in close quarters with, the no-bullshit deletion of health from one fuckup (just playing on hard). The two introductory bot types were neat, but these things immediately one-upped those guys in startling fashion.

Turning the game off for the night was stupid hard. :(


Played this all day. Game is great fun. I don't really think it's the second coming of video games largely because it's not hard to tell that if the game didn't have the dinos as the main attraction and scaled it back where there were only a few handfuls of them that this game would be nothing special. That being said it could really use some small quality of life changes

-Tagging in focus mode is super finicky. Particularly when enemies are close together. You have to get that little square in the middle of the circle dead smack on the enemy to tag them. Either having it be more responsive or having some kind of sweeping tag where you can hold R2 and just have it tag whatever you're looking at would be nice

-Unless i'm missing it, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to know how many shards you have without trying to craft ammo or going into the inventory screen

-The weapon wheel can feel quite cumbersome once you start getting weapons with multiple ammo types. Additionally, it sucks and quite honestly feels like a waste to have bows that specialize in certain ammo types rather than just having one overall bow and being able to craft individual arrow types.

-Tutorials only counting if they're activated is dumb

-I feel like i don't good grasp on how to effectively override enemies so they fight for you. It seems like they'll only fight if they're pretty close to other enemies otherwise they'll just kind of meander off which often times feels like there's no real way to get them to fight for you unless you get spotted and more or less bring the enemies to them. A simple "go there' command feature would be great.

-No ability to sell of junk with a simple button press

I don't disagree with any points you bring up. I'm having a blast with the game, but there are definitely quite a few systems that could use some polish. One bit of advice for getting your overridden enemies and hostile ones to fight: rocks are your friend.
Can you have more then one save file?

Some games recently (Alien Isolation on PC, TLG to name two) have been overly precious about only giving you one save file to work on at a time, which I find rather overbearing.

Getting the game today and want to have a look, but am intending to do the meat of my play with a friend this weekend. I'd like to keep both pathways.

I've currently got five manual saves, which can be done (or a quick save) at bonfires.


The persistence is pretty incredible. Just rode past a point I haven't been to in hours, the trap I laid is still here.


Well, I played the game even though I knew it wouldn't really be for me (it should though, but the gaeplay looked very shallow). I have to admit that the game is better than I expected. Or rather it's more fun than I expected. Outside of the combat and pretty environments (clearly the main focus of the game), everything is extremely basic and simplistic. The world is pretty but is barely interactive (can't even properly climb and I thought we'd be past this dumb painted ledges thing), villages (and indeed the world) are just empty stages with nothing to do.

The first hour of the game has you doing just about everything you'll be doing the next 20 hours, sidequests are just basic "find this person" stuff. You'll be gathering the same plants and seeing the same wildlife in barren wastelands as in frozen landscapes. It's a lack of attention to the little things that irk me. Also a downside to the lush graphics is a complete inability to spot certain pick-ups in the world. They "solved" this problem by indicating these with giant ugly icons hovering over them, but it just looks terrible and clutters up the cress further. I couldnl't turn them off by the look of things, but even if I cold they would become impossible to find.

Another example of lack of attention is the audio-playbacks you find. You'll almost always find a bunch of them together and not spaced out well enough, meaning you'll start listening to one and you'll already be standing next to the next one. I don't want to go into my menu and listen to them there, the fun thing about these things should be the ability to listen to them while I'm playing and if they're bunched up like this, it kinda defeats that purpose. I usually just ignore them, it's not like the game has particularly engaging dialogues anyway.

It sounds like I absolutely hate the game and I certainly don't think it's a must-play or above average in most ways. But here's the thing, for as much of an unoriginal game this is from a gameplay perspective (you can't convince me this isn't bog-standard stuff for the most part) there is 2 things that I already mentioned that do lift it above complete mediocrity, well 3 I guess. Graphics and combat.

It's obvious almost all their attention was put into these two aspects and it shows. The combat is wonderfully dynamic; nailing a well-placed arrow shot, crippling an enemy is very satisfying. There's a surprising amount of enemy variety, both big and small, flying and swimming, walking and running types. Great stuff, and the different equipment you get also works perfectly for taking these guys down, like the different bow-types that use different arrows.

That said, I was able to cheese a lot of combat encounters by just hiding in the grass and whistling. I guess the robots (and humans alike) aren't smart enough to maybe not come close to an ever-growing pile of corpses near the grass.

Of course the graphics are the main selling point here: the world really is incredibly beautfully presented with fog clinging to valleys, heavy rainfall obscuring your view, tall mountains, lush forests, vast deserts, the gamne has them all and they're all gorgeous. Of course you can't actually do anything in them outside of walking and awkwardly jumping over rocks. Why does this game not have a simple climbing mechanic? Something like Dragon's Dogma has it and it makes world traversal so much more fun and engaging.

I forgot to mention the story btw. It's actually pretty interesting and one of the main reasons I'm still playing the game. I'm definitely intersted to see what's coming up. I think I'm a little past the half-way point right now and shit is ramping up more and more so I'm curious to see what they come up with. Aloy herself is...whatever, she doesn't have much of a personality to me, it's a very modern character in that she just makes some smug remarks to everything that's said. Maybe she'll show some depth as the game goes on, but so far I'm not impressed.

Anyway, the third thing is probably the most important and it's: fun. I can't deny that for all its many problems and downsides, the game is definitely fun to play. I was able to get the game cheap so I think it's worth about what I paid for it, but personally I'm still baffled at all the unanimous praise the game is getting. The game is pretty much what I expected from the very first reveal. It's a cross between modern Tomb Raider and Far Cry. There really isn't two ways about it: the game does almost everything those games do and it barely differentiates itself in meaningful ways. I will say it's better than those two (thanks largely to the combat), but that's not exactly high praise.
Approx 5 hours in. Just killed the
corruptor at the gate after the proving mission
and I have to say normal difficulty feels just fine for me. That thing took an absurd amount of fire and standard arrows before going down while draining most my health items. NiOh will be my ball busting difficult game for now lol.

Game is awesome so far. I really didn't want to turn it off tonight.


Can you have more then one save file?

Some games recently (Alien Isolation on PC, TLG to name two) have been overly precious about only giving you one save file to work on at a time, which I find rather overbearing.

Getting the game today and want to have a look, but am intending to do the meat of my play with a friend this weekend. I'd like to keep both pathways.

Yeah you can. When you approach a bonfire you are given the option of a quick save or a manual save. When you select manual save the game opens up the usual system-level save thing, which allows for multiple saves


The general vibe and impressions are so much more positive than in the Uncharted 4 OT (which were also decently positive but had some mixed feelings here and there too due to lack of action). I say that as someone who agrees that this game is a contender for GotG with U4 currently holding that spot for me.


It's now 1:40 AM here and I'm leaving work...

Going to eat and I'm still going to play this for an hour. Y'all got me hyped up lol


If the game didnt put a focus robots, the story wouldnt habe made sense, and so would nothing else. So yeah, it wouldve been a weird ass game.
Well yeah, you'd certainly need a different story if that were the case but my point is that without the robots you'd have Lara Croft presents Far Cry primal. There isn't particularly anything wrong with that but there's not particularly great about it either. So im glad guerilla followed their ambition and made the copious amount of robots the focal point.

I don't disagree with any points you bring up. I'm having a blast with the game, but there are definitely quite a few systems that could use some polish. One bit of advice for getting your overridden enemies and hostile ones to fight: rocks are your friend.

Thank you. I honestly hadn't thought of this. I haven't used rocks past the tutorial. Again, i think it's a byproduct of how cumbersome the menus are. Once you get all various traps and potions, there's like 10 things that you have to scroll through on that d-pad menu. Like, why do we need two different potions for partial healing and full healing?
theres a trophy for "killed 10 machines weak to fire while burning, or weak to Freeze while forzen". Is the wording on this wrong? I just went and killed like 15 machines with fire who were weak to it and it didnt unlock. Do you have to get 10 fire+10 freeze?
Feeling confident and badass and tries to take on a Thunderjaw....

Me after getting rekt by said Thunderjaw...


Hahhahaa. I remember my first thunderjaws fight. He was near 3 medium sized cow robots which are still tough to fight and I had to fight all 4 at once. Took me about 20+ tries but when I did. phwoar. That sense of achievement.
Just fought that very first trex bot you encounter. I really like the sound effects from that guy.

Holy Shit at where we are located!

HOLY FUCK!, we're in COLORADO!, one of the vantage point says "Colorado Springs", near the Tallneck roaming around
LOL @ Apocashitstorm, well played Bashar Mati

I laughed when I saw the stadium.

Feeling confident and badass and tries to take on a Thunderjaw....

I think I would've gotten hit a lot more if there weren't any rocks blocking his projectiles. That didn't stop him from flinging the tail at me though.


I liked the combat a lot at first, but I feel like I nearly die everytime because more and more enemies just keep coming when all I'm trying to do is pass through. What can I upgrade to make myself a bit more OP?


After 2 hours in i can say that i will be the person who finishes the game for the longest time.I'm getting in every little corner for inspecting things.Hecking game is a masterpiece.


God damn this game is beautiful. GG has used some black magic to get this game looking as phenomenal as it does on the regular PS4.

I've barely progressed through the game but even now I can tell this is gonna be a hell of a ride. I'm going to try and see if I can 100% it before Mass Effect comes out.


I cannot wait for tonight... After seeing all these impressions I.got.to.have.this.

I'll be home at 18:00 and have to get up again at 6:30 for work... That leaves me about half a days worth plus a powernap right?


Fucking PSN man. Why do I insist on buying games digital when their network crashes every time they release a big game.
Well, I played the game even though I knew it wouldn't really be for me (it should though, but the gaeplay looked very shallow). I have to admit that the game is better than I expected. Or rather it's more fun than I expected. Outside of the combat and pretty environments (clearly the main focus of the game), everything is extremely basic and simplistic. The world is pretty but is barely interactive (can't even properly climb and I thought we'd be past this dumb painted ledges thing), villages (and indeed the world) are just empty stages with nothing to do.

The first hour of the game has you doing just about everything you'll be doing the next 20 hours, sidequests are just basic "find this person" stuff. You'll be gathering the same plants and seeing the same wildlife in barren wastelands as in frozen landscapes. It's a lack of attention to the little things that irk me. Also a downside to the lush graphics is a complete inability to spot certain pick-ups in the world. They "solved" this problem by indicating these with giant ugly icons hovering over them, but it just looks terrible and clutters up the cress further. I couldnl't turn them off by the look of things, but even if I cold they would become impossible to find.

Another example of lack of attention is the audio-playbacks you find. You'll almost always find a bunch of them together and not spaced out well enough, meaning you'll start listening to one and you'll already be standing next to the next one. I don't want to go into my menu and listen to them there, the fun thing about these things should be the ability to listen to them while I'm playing and if they're bunched up like this, it kinda defeats that purpose. I usually just ignore them, it's not like the game has particularly engaging dialogues anyway.

It sounds like I absolutely hate the game and I certainly don't think it's a must-play or above average in most ways. But here's the thing, for as much of an unoriginal game this is from a gameplay perspective (you can't convince me this isn't bog-standard stuff for the most part) there is 2 things that I already mentioned that do lift it above complete mediocrity, well 3 I guess. Graphics and combat.

It's obvious almost all their attention was put into these two aspects and it shows. The combat is wonderfully dynamic; nailing a well-placed arrow shot, crippling an enemy is very satisfying. There's a surprising amount of enemy variety, both big and small, flying and swimming, walking and running types. Great stuff, and the different equipment you get also works perfectly for taking these guys down, like the different bow-types that use different arrows.

That said, I was able to cheese a lot of combat encounters by just hiding in the grass and whistling. I guess the robots (and humans alike) aren't smart enough to maybe not come close to an ever-growing pile of corpses near the grass.

Of course the graphics are the main selling point here: the world really is incredibly beautfully presented with fog clinging to valleys, heavy rainfall obscuring your view, tall mountains, lush forests, vast deserts, the gamne has them all and they're all gorgeous. Of course you can't actually do anything in them outside of walking and awkwardly jumping over rocks. Why does this game not have a simple climbing mechanic? Something like Dragon's Dogma has it and it makes world traversal so much more fun and engaging.

I forgot to mention the story btw. It's actually pretty interesting and one of the main reasons I'm still playing the game. I'm definitely intersted to see what's coming up. I think I'm a little past the half-way point right now and shit is ramping up more and more so I'm curious to see what they come up with. Aloy herself is...whatever, she doesn't have much of a personality to me, it's a very modern character in that she just makes some smug remarks to everything that's said. Maybe she'll show some depth as the game goes on, but so far I'm not impressed.

Anyway, the third thing is probably the most important and it's: fun. I can't deny that for all its many problems and downsides, the game is definitely fun to play. I was able to get the game cheap so I think it's worth about what I paid for it, but personally I'm still baffled at all the unanimous praise the game is getting. The game is pretty much what I expected from the very first reveal. It's a cross between modern Tomb Raider and Far Cry. There really isn't two ways about it: the game does almost everything those games do and it barely differentiates itself in meaningful ways. I will say it's better than those two (thanks largely to the combat), but that's not exactly high praise.

From the little i have played, i think this might be what i end up thinking of the game too.
But i don't play these games too often, so i don't have the open world fatigue as much.
And the combat is sooo smooth and satisfying that i can see myself enjoying this all the way through. As long as there are some great moments. I think they do a great job at taking you into the story and the character of Aloy.

Gameplay mechanics are superb and yeah, it's an incredibly gorgeous game. But the story or the way they tell it is done well too.


This game is so good, GG outdid themselves. And the story... holy shit, how can anyone say the story in this game sucks is beyond me.

Planned to play around 2 hours and went to bed at 4 AM, now ready for some more action with my favorite new character Aloy.


Combat is kinda really hit and sometimes miss for me. I feel like I forget the weaknesses a lot despite the Focus. However, there are times when you fight a new robot or a larger robot where it's hectic and a lot of fun. Melee combat is weird. It feels slightly off.

AI is kinda dumb sometimes too.
Im currently without internet at home. Does the day one patch do anything outside of Pro Enhancements? I don't have a pro so don't mind missing it. If theres any bugs or performance fixes for regular I might tether my iPhone and destroy my data.


Im currently without internet at home. Does the day one patch do anything outside of Pro Enhancements? I don't have a pro so don't mind missing it. If theres any bugs or performance fixes for regular I might tether my iPhone and destroy my data.

Currently in the same situation. Performance has been excellent so far.


Good thing the spear is fun because the bow looks, sounds, and feels so wack. Should've been a weighty longbow. The Decima engine on the other hand is a gorgeous piece of kit.
My God I love this game so far. im feeling all the good vibes I got when I played through the witcher so far. I'm loving the world around and I absolutely LOVE the combat. I feel so much satisfaction when I kill these damn robots.

Edit: I want to add, I love Aloy so far as well. Shes awesome!


I played non stop yesterday. Everything feels perfect, from the gameplay, incredible atmosphere, voice acting, setting, characters and the graphics is the best i have seen. I can't understand how Guerilla has made this game run so good, not only does it have the best graphics in the business but it also runs at an almost locked 30 FPS. I fought 4 Snapmaws at the same time yesterday and there was not a single dropped frame (from what i can tell). And the loading time is fast and quick.

The only nitpicks that i have is that that i feel that the game is a little to much streamlined. I have only unlocked half of the map so i can't say for the whole game, but there should be more people to take to more sidequest to do, the map should overwhelm me a little more. Also the transition between night and day and rain and sun happens to quickly. Suddenly it can be sunny and then in just a matter of seconds the screen becomes gray and it starts raining.
The difference armour makes in this game is insane.

+10 physical protection and I go from getting one-shot by sawtooth, to taking 5 or more hits. Seems a bit ridiculous? I'm playing on very hard.
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