Played this all day. Game is great fun. I don't really think it's the second coming of video games largely because it's not hard to tell that if the game didn't have the dinos as the main attraction and scaled it back where there were only a few handfuls of them that this game would be nothing special. That being said it could really use some small quality of life changes
-Tagging in focus mode is super finicky. Particularly when enemies are close together. You have to get that little square in the middle of the circle dead smack on the enemy to tag them. Either having it be more responsive or having some kind of sweeping tag where you can hold R2 and just have it tag whatever you're looking at would be nice
-Unless i'm missing it, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to know how many shards you have without trying to craft ammo or going into the inventory screen
-The weapon wheel can feel quite cumbersome once you start getting weapons with multiple ammo types. Additionally, it sucks and quite honestly feels like a waste to have bows that specialize in certain ammo types rather than just having one overall bow and being able to craft individual arrow types.
-Tutorials only counting if they're activated is dumb
-I feel like i don't good grasp on how to effectively override enemies so they fight for you. It seems like they'll only fight if they're pretty close to other enemies otherwise they'll just kind of meander off which often times feels like there's no real way to get them to fight for you unless you get spotted and more or less bring the enemies to them. A simple "go there' command feature would be great.
-No ability to sell of junk with a simple button press
-Tagging in focus mode is super finicky. Particularly when enemies are close together. You have to get that little square in the middle of the circle dead smack on the enemy to tag them. Either having it be more responsive or having some kind of sweeping tag where you can hold R2 and just have it tag whatever you're looking at would be nice
-Unless i'm missing it, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to know how many shards you have without trying to craft ammo or going into the inventory screen
-The weapon wheel can feel quite cumbersome once you start getting weapons with multiple ammo types. Additionally, it sucks and quite honestly feels like a waste to have bows that specialize in certain ammo types rather than just having one overall bow and being able to craft individual arrow types.
-Tutorials only counting if they're activated is dumb
-I feel like i don't good grasp on how to effectively override enemies so they fight for you. It seems like they'll only fight if they're pretty close to other enemies otherwise they'll just kind of meander off which often times feels like there's no real way to get them to fight for you unless you get spotted and more or less bring the enemies to them. A simple "go there' command feature would be great.
-No ability to sell of junk with a simple button press