Im currently without internet at home. Does the day one patch do anything outside of Pro Enhancements? I don't have a pro so don't mind missing it. If theres any bugs or performance fixes for regular I might tether my iPhone and destroy my data.
Also the transition between night and day and rain and sun happens to quickly. Suddenly it can be sunny and then in just a matter of seconds the screen becomes gray and it starts raining.
Update history for the 1.01 and 1.02 patches mentions crash, progression and player getting stuck fixes among other things.
So GAF res or perf? What are these enhanced effects?
I'm impressed there's so many minority characters in this game who aren't fucking cartoons like in GTA.
Only played an hour last night (after the game crashing on me), I can't wait to get back into it. As well as looking staggering I'm already rooting for Aloy as a character.
I liked the combat a lot at first, but I feel like I nearly die everytime because more and more enemies just keep coming when all I'm trying to do is pass through. What can I upgrade to make myself a bit more OP?
How is the side quest in this game as well as the little details that make it seem alive? don't want to start a witcher 3 debate but what I loved exploring about witcher 3 was that I know good stories are waiting for me in the side quests. Is this game any similar?
Ugh. Stuck at the part where you invadethe killers complex and have to ignite the blaze hut to blow open the wall etc.
Any tips? I keep getting noticed and immediately rekt
Thank you.res. Performance is already really good.
That brings me to another question, is there nothing really to explore for? Like are there no hidden treasures/unique loot or anything?
I really like the look of the map.
Performance is insane, honestly. Really smooth 30FPS 99% of the time.
Just to step back for a minute: This was on a Pro I take it Sunhi?
While the game looks good on my PS4 Vanilla, it doesn't look anywhere near this good.
Quite a big step if this is the Pro difference.
Not digging the combat at all. I can't aim worth a shit in this.
About 8 hours in.
- Using the focus and going to a fix camera perspective without the ability to run is annoying. Would be far more efficient to just use the regular camera/movement with the focus activated.
- The game itself looks good. The CGI/Story Scenes just feel choppy when the camera cuts to the next character. There is a huge lack of shadows during these scenes as well.
- Would be far better if we just had one weapon instead of many types, more options are cool but I feel like the differences between bows for example are very small and negligible. Should focus more on the skill tree and being able to upgrade the weapons that way.
- Gameplay itself is extremely fun.
- Having little to no fetch quests feels good.
- Story/World is amazing, authentic, and truly offers something most games haven't explored yet.
- Voice acting is top notch.
- Alloy is an overall amazing protagonist, very likable, with realistic motivations and emotions.
- Wish there are more bigger monsters early on.
Is it just me or does Uncharted 4 still has this beat in term of facial animation and body fluidity. Everything else is drop dead gorgeous though.
Is it just me or does Uncharted 4 still has this beat in term of facial animation and body fluidity. Everything else is drop dead gorgeous though.
Ah okay, glad I'm not just seeing things. I'm having a lot of fun with it so far. After the disappointment that is No Man Sky, I'm glad that one of the games I've been so excited for since E3 didnt disappoint. GG has come a long way, this is definitely their best game yet.Yeah, this is pretty clear. But U4, in my opinion, has the best facial animation and body fluidity in any realistic-type game at the moment.
Vanilla vs Pro is fairly negligible from what I've seen in comparisons.
Are you using the R3 or jump/slide focus perk?