Anyone know the answer to this? Thanks.
Go to a bonfire and do a manual save, your save game will tell you how many hours you've played
Anyone know the answer to this? Thanks.
Is it just me or is gathering and harvesting resources addictive? Lol.
So I've been playing the intro area all day yesterday (ok, so since I got teh game from amazon and UPS took their time so less than half a day left to play). And I have it on hard (First game I went straight to hard. I suck at games so normal is usually hard enough. But a big appeal of this game was the monster hunterish like feel which I felt would be better/closer if it was less forgiving). And so far I'm like, "This isn't hard at all." I am loving the game and it is fun but the combat isn't exactly what I was hoping for (I was hoping for monster hunterish make you plan things and execute them well or else you put yourself in for a hard time). I only have been fighting the horse like creatures, the scrappers, and the watchers.
I finally get to the Sawtooth part and well... that's what I'm looking for. Unforgiving, you really do want to set up your traps, get that perfect shot, make use of its weaknesses. Unfortunately it was time to go to bed and I have to wait til after work to play today but I'm so impatient to try this fight again.
Please tell me most fights are like this(from what I've been reading it seems it might be so).
The same problem I had in Witcher 3.I wish they let us gather things mounted.
Is it just me or is gathering and harvesting resources addictive? I need ALL the plants and metals!
Is it just me or is gathering and harvesting resources addictive? I need ALL the plants and metals!
So during the 'training' I am taught pressing R1 highlights tracks, yet starting the game for real I'm pressing R1 and no tracks are being highlighted yet it's then giving me the option to 'deselect highlight'!?
Is it because some watchers don't have set tracks?
Interesting, thanks for trying that out. Something does look off for me on supersampled, the difference in clarity is incredibly subtle to me compared to its 1080p mode, only thing I saw was no/less shimmering. Absolutely nothing like the dramatic difference I expected.
Oh man The Proving....
R.I.P Valaeven Bast.
Is it just me or is gathering and harvesting resources addictive? I need ALL the plants and metals!
Set it to dynamic.What do you recommend for HUD ? Should I turn it off ?
yep, that escalated quickly.
I seriously did not expect them to die this fast.Bastard even got decent character building moments
Believe there's a range you must be in before the track appears.
i bought it at some random vendor
So glad there isn't a long animation when collecting resources and it takes only a second.
R* please take note of this for RDR2.
No difficulty trophies.Are there trophies based on difficulty level or can I just play through on normal and get everything?
Is it just me or is gathering and harvesting resources addictive? I need ALL the plants and metals!
That whole portion of the storyyep, that escalated quickly.
I seriously did not expect them to die this fast.Bastard even got decent character building moments
I booted up the vita remote play and was disappointed in the control scheme.This game reminds me how terrible the rear touchpad of the Vita is. I can't shoot at all.
How the Hell is this game so dense with such great graphics? Not to mention being open world.
That and how it doesn't distort your vision. The tunnel vision in Witcher was pretty eh.Gurerilla learned the most important lesson from Witcher 3. If you have to use a special vision to track stuff, dont force us to walk slowly to be able to track said trail.
Being able to tag a track and then move around normally is smart.
track highlight not working again...anyone else have issues!?
How the Hell is this game so dense with such great graphics? Not to mention being open world.
If I saw these Gifs, images and videos even last year I'd think it was never going to actually look like this. I mean, Killzone: Shadow Fall was a gorgeous game but my God.