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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Remember that 'lifeless' often means there's no emergent interactions - different beasts getting in fights, humans getting in fights, humans travelling around, random stuff happening, etc. You're talking about graphics, "lifeless" usually means "static" from a gameplay perspective.

Those things do happen though - there are emergent battles and random events - just not very often. It's a pretty lively world.

According to whose definition though?

I have always seen "lifeless" used to describe something static, as in without signs of life or movement.
What does having to be ermergent or AI produced have to do with it? (And yes I have read that those also happen in HZD).


I recommended this game to one of My colleagues, but after watching some gameplay he turned it off. Saying he dont want to play as a woman and the gameplay looks too complicated. He watched maybe a total 2 mins of gameplay. He liked far cry 4 and primal so thought it mightve been up his alley. But playing as a woman seem to turn some guys off.

He is higher paid than me, by quite alot.

Aloy shits on a lot of the "alpha males" in a lot of games

his loss
Do more expensive bows/weapons do more damage by default?

After looking at the weapons sales menu for a few minutes it looked a lot like there was no difference between "uncommon", "rare" versions except modification slots.

Not really. Like outfits, bows are generally divided into certain types. There are bows that are focused on damage but need longer draw time, the ones that are doing the opposite, and others that are focused on applying various status/elemental attacks like fire, shock, etc.
Oh god damn it

Every time I think "hmm the game mechanics make doing this thing a bit too easy" within a few hours I come upon a new system/feature that usurps my previous perspective.

A few hours back I was thinking "these bonfires are way too easy to 'unlock', it would be great if some of them were guarded by machines" then an hour later I come upon a bonfire guarded by two Bellowbacks

Well played, game

Well played, Guerrilla Games

That's a pretty narrow minded colleague you got there.

Man, it's his fucking loss. What a moron...

I am not even joking, he said he wanna play as a manly Guy and just shoot up the place.



According to whose definition though?

I have always seen "lifeless" used to describe something static, as in without signs of life or movement.
What does having to be ermergent or AI produced have to do with it? (And yes I have read that those also happen in HZD).

This relates to a discussion we had in the 'early impressions' thread about the term 'living, breathing world', which is typically used to describe a world that interacts with itself.

But TBH, my argument applies more to that term than it does just to the adjective 'lifeless' by itself. Lifeless is broader - you're right, it can just be a visual thing.

In which case, I'll have some of whatever that guy was smoking

Not really. Like outfits, bows are generally divided into certain types. There are bows that are focused on damage but need longer draw time, the ones that are doing the opposite, and others that are focused on applying various status/elemental attacks like fire, shock, etc.

Yeah I know the three types of bow. So getting the "rarer" version of different types doesn't up the damage? Even if the cost is 2-5 times more?

I am not even joking, he said he wanna play as a manly Guy and just shoot up the place.

What a twat, hopefully the hype will sway him and he'll learn the error of his ways
I've finished the
mission and
I've become a seeker
and am out into the wild.

Really enjoying the game. I had a question about the difficulty. I'm playing on Normal and haven't died even once. Should I bump it up to Hard? Or is the initial area supposed to be easy?

Bump it, I'm playing on hard and I've died a couple of times with bigger machines but I'd call it normal. Will continue to play on hard though.


So what sort of stuff should I sell and which should I NOT sell? I always get worried about selling something I end up regretting.

For example all these Lens which under "Used For" seems to be only trading and selling anyway. Those safe to sell for Shards?


I can't stop gushing over this game, it may be because it's the prime topic of discussion between my friends today but I just can't get over how good it is.
Yeah I know the three types of bow. So getting the "rarer" version of different types doesn't up the damage? Even if the cost is 2-5 times more?

Yeah, I think I haven't found anything like that so far. Rarer only means more modification slots. I think we're only going to tinker with the mods to optimize them. Or maybe there'll be such weapons which are only available later.


Also, how the hell does one search for
vantages and vessels
? I have
the maps purchased which show the "hints"
but I haven't been able to find a single one yet, I must be missing something.

I went to the area that was shown on the map (it was a circle with the icon in the middle) and navigated around inside that circle slowly while using focus mode. For stuff like the artifacts it seems to highlight them when get get a decent distant (looks like a purple "smear" and says ancient artifacts when hovered over). The vantage points seem to be a high spot somewhere that can look at a ruins of a building based on the two that I've done. Reach that spot and it should show up in focus mode.

On that topic are you able to find these things without the maps? I'm guessing we could just wander up on them but now that I've seen the maps it feels like it could take forever. I did wander on a log file while working on one vantage point so I'm guessing it might be worth combing the ruins with focus on?

The music is top notch. The music in this game deserves alot of praise.

I agree on the praise for the music. Was enjoying it while wrapping up a quest and just exploring the mountains. It will be criminal if the game doesn't get an OST relese. Sony hasn't released many game OSTs have they? I'm thinking besides little sampler and bonus discs that they haven't. :(

Something the game doesn't tell you (or I missed), is that when on dynamic UI, if you want to view the UI, you can just touch the touchpad and it will pop up for a short time.

Thanks for the info! I had put the HUD on mostly dynamic mode initially and felt like I was missing out so I switched it back to the default. It seems like the game doesn't share much about the controls. Guess I need to investigate the menus or manual on disc (if that's a thing) to see what is there.

So I finally got out of the starting area and have gotten around level 12. I've noticed that I'm having a hard time attacking some of the enemies but it dawned on me reading the thread last night that I might be missing weapon upgrades. I guess I'm so used to getting them as drops that I haven't been checking merchants for them. Hopefully I can get a newer bow that will do more damage but if that doesn't work out I might be back with some questions. Dang strategy guide not releasing for 2 weeks.....

Loving the world and story so far. As I mentioned above I noticed that there seems to be bits of lore hidden in the ruins just out on the side of the street. I happened to walk up on one with the focus active and I'm not sure if it would've shown up from a distance or just showed up due to me being right on top of it. Might have to wander the ruins a bit to see what else might be there.

Some of the entries like the vantage points and metal flowers have more details in the menu too. I accidentally selected them and found even more details beyond the stuff you get initially. Neat to see so much world building and just makes me fall in love with the setting even more.
Everything dynamic. Compass visible at all times.

That works great for me, everything else besides the compass at the top disappears after a few seconds. You can swipe on the touch pad in any direction and everything comes back up momentarily.

I also disabled the "path finding for quests" because the path icons take away from the image IMO.

I do dynamic and I feel like it is perfect.

Thank you, then I'll switch to dynamic
I recommended this game to one of My colleagues, but after watching some gameplay he turned it off. Saying he dont want to play as a woman and the gameplay looks too complicated. He watched maybe a total 2 mins of gameplay. He liked far cry 4 and primal so thought it mightve been up his alley. But playing as a woman seem to turn some guys off.

He is higher paid than me, by quite alot.
Jesus, I'd think it was dumb enough for a kid to say this but a grown ass man? Fucking Hell.

He really needs to broaden his horizons. I can sorta get not wanting to play an anime/cartoon styled game but a regular looking female?


He really needs to broaden his horizons. I can sorta get not wanting to play an anime/cartoon styled game but a regular looking female?

Poor guy doesn't want to leave his comfort zone. His loss.
If I cared about playing as a man, I wouldn't have much to choose from.


Anyone else hope they update the game with the ability to center the camera? For whatever reason the game will have the camera suddenly be leaning to the left or right of Aloy.

No idea why it occurs but it can be quite jarring.
Aloy shits on a lot of the "alpha males" in a lot of games

his loss

I've only played a couple hours so far, but I'm already more interested in her as a character than I have been in any game character in a good while. Male or female doesn't even matter in this case, it's just a compelling character all around.
I have to admit that I got kinda skeptical at the part ::FIRST 2 HOURS STORY SPOILER::
where the bandits attack and Rost gets merked
. That whole encounter is badly designed and felt wonky as eff. I can see why so may reviews say the human enemies arent very good. But once you get past that and the world opens up....much much much better.

The combat is pretty great and posses just enough of a challenge that you have to think about how you approach situations but its not Dark Souls levels of punishment. Situations seems to be able to easily devolve from a close fight into being ganged up on and needing to retreat and reevaluate the situation.
Although this could change with the upgrades that you get, I think I reached level 10 right before turning it off.

Im still not really sold on the story yet. They have some potentially interesting pieces set up but its just too early to tell if they pan out. I really feel like Im just scratching the surface of this game but Im really digging it so far.


When you reach the proper overworld.


Then you spend an hour in intense battles, check the map again, and you've travelled about three inches (of 25).


Then you reach the main (pretty big location spoiler)


Then you start seeing loads of different machine types.



Game is in my system, installing, 9 minutes left.

Always feels so weird when a hyped game is finally in my hands. Has this kind of anti-climactic feel to it. Not saying I'm not still excited, it's just strange.

I have two days off to dive in, I also have Yakuza 0 at the halfway point. Gaming heaven. Comfy pants on, coffee pot boiled, snacks at the ready.

Let's do this.
Tested out unpatched Horizon (v. 1.00) on PS4 Pro on a 1080p TV.

The unpatched game doesn't have supersampling enabled and it looks like a patch adds that. It also seems to have less AA coverage at 1080p than the patched version.
Welp, I was pretty hype for this game but I guess my expectations weren't high enough. Girlfriend and I sat in front of this thing for 5 hours last night, we're totally in love with this game. Didn't get much sleep but FUCK IT. This is probably going to end up being my favourite PS4 game for a while.


Can I just say that the Cauldrons are fantastic and infinitely more exciting than what I expected.

The reward for doing them is brilliant, too.

I thought they would just be like "arena rooms" or some shit. So surprised and pleased.

is there a lot of forced stealth in this game?

I think the tutorial "stealth" section is the only forced stealth part.

I'm about 10-12 hours in and I think every single time I've used stealth has been my choice. You can just fight your way through every time.

Although combat is hard to manage with too many targets so stealth is useful to thin the crowd, until you learn advanced abilities.


Everything dynamic. Compass visible at all times.

That works great for me, everything else besides the compass at the top disappears after a few seconds. You can swipe on the touch pad in any direction and everything comes back up momentarily.

I also disabled the "path finding for quests" because the path icons take away from the image IMO.
WTF you can turn those off? I switched every HUD setting to Always Off and Dynamic and I still had quest markers popping up. That was my only gripe. I must have missed the menu setting for this. Can't wait to get rid of the HUD completely!


Neo Member
Played at least 3 hours of the game last night, and ughhhh, I wish I could take the rest of the week off from work just to sink more hours into it. Fuck Tuesday releases! :( Cannot wait to play just a bit more tonight.

I'm loving this game so far though. The narrative has been set up pretty well; in fact, this may actually be the first for an RPG where I actually try to get into the lore - especially after all the glowing praise the story got from various reviews. I'm also really digging the way Aloy moves about. Like, guys, if only we got such top notch animation work in all the games (but especially RPGs!) - that would be incredible. Gameplay has been incredibly fun so far as well; but I seriously need to work on my stealth skills and try to use the Focus a bit more, because I'm getting decimated left and right by Striders and Scrappers lol.

All in all - I just want to play moreeeeeee. Can't wait until Friday so I can sink more hours into this game!

Also just want to say that baby Aloy is friggin adorable omg. Probably the first decent looking baby I've seen animated in games lol.


Can somebody tell me how i select something in the overlayed interface mode? There's a sound message on a table but i have no idea how to start playback...


Can somebody tell me how i select something in the overlayed interface mode? There's a sound message on a table but i have no idea how play it...

It should either play automatically or when you're looking at it there's a Triangle prompt (I think)

WTF you can turn those off? I switched every HUD setting to Always Off and Dynamic and I still had quest markers popping up. That was my only gripe. I must have missed the menu setting for this. Can't wait to get rid of the HUD completely!

The on-screen waypoint markers are always there, which is annoying. You can remove the actual in-world quest markers though, yeah. They're just above the "How much HUD do you want" setting, oddly.


Anyone's PS4 Pro sound like a hurricane when playing this game? The fan is very noisy, although sometimes the PS4 is nearly silent.

How useful is the long/short Dodge? Either going to work towards that or unlimited robot control.

Should I buy normal versions of weapons or just save up for the blue carja versions? Seems like blue versions might be necessary for hunting challenges (well it is for at least one).


Tested out unpatched Horizon (v. 1.00) on PS4 Pro on a 1080p TV.

The unpatched game doesn't have supersampling enabled and it looks like a patch adds that. It also seems to have less AA coverage at 1080p than the patched version.

I don't think this is right. All the patch did day 1 is offer 1080p a 'favor framerate' mode. Which is 1080p without supersampling. Which as many have said is kind of a silly option considering the game is locked 99% of the time when supersampled anyway.
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