At the final showdown mission now
- best open world I have experienced
- amazing graphics under different lighting conditions
- interesting sci-fi story, engaged in half of it, fast forwarded most tribal dialog though
- definitely worth playing through and even doing all optional stuff
However, niggles
- annoying when dialog talks over collectible audio
- side missions a bit meh
- I got over-leveled very easily just by having some fun doing random stuff and as a result the story missions all became easy: each story mission added so much xp that I stayed over leveled
- complex mods but once in purple, didn't need to play with them
- huge inventory variety but only really short of a few things (meat, blaze etc)
- reward boxes are all boring even the ones from colllecting things
- all vendors sort of almost sell same weapons and armor
- did not feel much use for overrides
- big creatures - which are hard - can all be cheesed
- "now they're hunting me" and "would be fascinating.." usually said at weird times
- climbing all the tall necks too easy
- stealth loss from yellow to red is instantly communicated to everyone
Interesting about side quests. I don't think I've ever seen better done side quests besides The Witcher 3. What other games have better ones?